GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Anti-Toxic Update


In order for GUNROX to be worth advertising and driving new players in we have to do something about toxicity level in the community. Many new players won't stay when they will see insults right from the start. We have tried different solutions - appointing moderators, giving silences, but some trolls and toxic players simply won't stop. Therefore we have to take more radical measures which proved to be very helpful in our other online game.
New Common Chat
In this update common chat from all locations joined into one, but writing to it is limited and requires special Megaphone ability. On this update all players above level 1 receive 5 of these abilities for free. Also each level-up awards 5 of such items as well. Chance to get megaphone has been added to recycling. Finally, megaphones are sold on cash shop for 1000E per 10 items, but we don't expect people to buy it. It was intentionally added to the shop at such a high price so players would value those items and use them wisely (to call for mega, etc.). Hopefully players would flood less and play more now.
All other messages (in-game, private, clan, lobby) do not require megaphone and can be used just like before.
Trade Channel
You can send message into trade channel once per 15 minutes now. Moderation of trade channel would be strict now. All unrelated messages there would be punished with long silence.
Other Changes

  • Confirmation popup when sending message to the common chat (can be switched on/off in options)
  • Level 1 players cannot send messages into common chat at all
  • Small Ammunition Box reward slightly improved
  • Fixed bug when someone buys your art and you are playing the game, location chat tab was open
3 years ago Quote
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Yes it reduces toxicity but ...
Talking in general chat will no longer be so much fun.
The good news is that now new players will have a reason to move up from level and start talking.
I will be aware of the new updates
greetings cracks ☺
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Talking in general chat will no longer be so much fun.
The good news is that now new players will have a reason to move up from level and start talking.
I will be aware of the new updates
greetings cracks ☺

its so sad update that it become hilarious by time,
usually, people play games to have fun, in gunrox people gonna play to achieve a lvl so they can talk,
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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In megas there are very toxic people too who tell you to rush for nothing and die. Please add more 40mms and meds to ammunition boxes because they are mostly needed after a win.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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nice update now people spam for clan invite, somewhere where they can chat, more updates pls pls xD
#Rip_Derrick ☹
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Since its that expensive could we see/type in general chat while we are in games that would be much fun and general doesnt need to pop up like team messages do..
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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" worth advertising and driving new players '' this is too funny to a point where its sad
ps: if u cant deal with criticism call it toxicity))
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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it's okay 😎 the game is implementing new things
It is not expensive to be able to speak, it is only a matter of adapting
maybe vip chat is a better option later
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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#SnoopyForMod and #CherryForMod
Good Update! Keep up the good work!

Derrick.exe has stopped working
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Regarding the new update
I like what you're trying to do here but...
Paying money to talk in general chat, this is seriously the best option you guys came up with? I mean new updates and changes to the game were mostly good lately. But this is ain't it you guys. The more I play this game the more I see it. Gunrox is not player friendly at all, quite the opposite actually. I don't wanna be the guy who complains and gives zero ideas on how to make it better, but you guys prolly forgot what it's like to play gunrox as a regular player. Seriously, it's time to stop with that money making bs and make your game playable for a regular gamer. I mean imagine telling about this game to your friend who likes strategies. You tell him about the core gameplay, mechanics, leveling, perks, skills, etc. It sounds nice and fun, maybe even worth a try! But then we go to the details: arts, pay2win, player count, exp gain and now im gonna tell them about a common chat that they have to pay for. I mean so many things in this game are selfdestructive (I really hope you guys know that). If you TRULY want this game to live and if you REALLY want new players to play your game, maybe it's time for a real change. Cuz this game is truly awesome, the idea, gameplay, perks, stats. All that stuff is pretty amazing, but lemme tell you one thing. No person in their right mind will start playing a game from 2007 that looks like it was made in 2001, that tries to suck as much money out of him and that silences him for the slightest criticism. I truly love this game, I grew up with it. I am honestly surprised you guys came back to it and are even making some pretty solid (with flaws) updates. So you have my respect for that, but there is still much work to be done!
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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The game should be friendlier to new players as many of them will lose their weapons and will not be able to continue playing as they cannot get Enkord due to the high traffic in the random battle.
Several games use daily rewards to keep their players active and to keep playing. They should implement a reward per IP.
Day 1 - 100E
Day 2 - 110E
Day 3 - 120E
Day 4 - 140E
Day 5 - 150E + 1 coins
Day 6 - 160E + 3 coins
Day 7 - 200E + 5 coins

They could also block buying tickets, keys, high level ammo and premium bullets for lvl 1 - 4 so they cannot traffic.
They could also add other types of money for those who recharge to buy arts, double experience, skills, etc. (gems, gold, ingot, tokens, credit).
Well that's a suggestion
They have also done a good job in providing updates that facilitate the way to play both on PC and on Mobile.
Edited 2 minutes later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Seriously, it's time to stop with that money making bs and make your game playable for a regular gamer.

We don't expect to make money off the megaphones, we expect player base to flood less in common chat and become more constructive and this is exactly good for regular gamer. Regular gamer won't have much of an impact, because he plays and not trolls in common chat all the time, no megaphones needed to play games.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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We don't expect to make money off the megaphones, we expect player base to flood less in common chat and become more constructive and this is exactly good for regular gamer. Regular gamer won't have much of an impact, because he plays and not trolls in common chat all the time, no megaphones needed to play games.

When you come to think about it, most of the players are still playing till this very day because of the "community aspect"... the game itself isnt THAT stunning to be entirely honest, its the fact that you open the game everyday to play with your beloved friends that makes things interesting.
Also whats your definition of trolling and flooding? enkord team's moral values are very.. odd? you used to get 2 hours silenced for saying a "slightly bad word" even tho most of the players are like above 15.
ENKORD team should really reconcider their priorities and take a deeper look at how the community functions, thats the only tool using which they would be able to make the game worth advertising, thus adding more players.
I mean if a new player gives this game a try as it is now, they'll wait in random for few hours, then lose a few games then quit.
Edited 7 minutes later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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When you come to think about it, most of the players are still playing till this very day because of the "community aspect"... the game itself isnt THAT stunning to be entirely honest, its the fact that you open the game everyday to play with your beloved friends that makes.

LOL community aspect !! Look how terrible the community is that the Owner had to makr megaphones LOL ,the community is the worst part. You got arabs - indians which almost all are just scammers and fakers..
You got brazilians which are just kids who arent that smart and of course the famous "KKKKKKKKKKKKKK"
You got derrick the moat hated player..
Community was great back in the day where we had the Original Toixicty with Natron( Rest in Peace my brother) Hobos United , Grom , S.W.A.T. Those were the good days. now community is just garbage i play thia game becuase of how good it is. Such balanced game. The worst part is community and of course Enkords decision making on this game making it pay to play.
I agree 100% with what homies said..

Call me a troll but i speak facts.
P.S : Im making a video on this, give me time ☺
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Good Update! Keep up the good work!

Derrick.exe has stopped working

Don’t speak on me noob kid, Bers always give you idiots a pass but as soon as it’s something about me it’s a freaking federal case. Get a life or lose it.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Don’t speak on me noob kid, Bers always give you idiots a pass but as soon as it’s something about me it’s a freaking federal case. Get a life or lose it.

Come and get your love <3<3<3
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Come and get your love <3<3<3

See exactly why I be snapping y’all do shit like that And Bers see no wrongs in it, just go to hell..
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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i know u quited

nice update now people spam for clan invite, somewhere where they can chat, more updates pls pls xD
#Rip_Derrick ☹

more more updates ??
berserker warned all of us dont ask for more free things
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him