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I won my second ban on March 4, okay for 2 ban received only 48 hours, so I waited ...
However I just came from school (hill in Brazil) and when I opened the Gunrox there was the countdown time and it was written that I had received banishment forever.
I ask you to look at the pictures that I will attach in Washington time and another at GMT and will see that they had the countdown time less than 48 hours
I'm not judging, just want back my account in which I spent a lot of money with cash.
Thank you!
I used google translator to translate from Portuguese to English, sorry : (
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Português :)
eu ganhei meu segundo banimento no dia 4 de março, tudo bem pois no 2 banimento recebemos somente 48Horas, então esperei...
Porem acabei de chegar da escola (morro no brasil) e quando abri o gunrox não havia mais a contagem regressiva de tempo e estava escrito que eu havia recebido banimento para sempre.
peço que olhem as fotos que irei anexar, no horario de washington e outro no horario de Brasilia e irão ver que tinha o tempo regressivo de menos de 48Hs
Não estou julgando, so quero de volta minha conta no qual gastei muito dinheiro com cash.
Muito Obrigado!
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Save your images as .jpeg and then upload them to the attachments, or, upload them to a website like Imgur.
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pictures in JPEG
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Listen !
You can be banned for 48 hours by IcDeammons ! 🙄
and Zhannet can ban u for ever after some time ! 🙄
that's wht i think maybe ! 😁 😁 !
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Fui Banido tambem / Im Banned too
Eu já contactei o serviço de apoio ao cliente, e espero que isto se resolva porque isso não se admite, porque existe fakers que fazem 30 fakes e não são banned e eu faço 3 e chega a Zhannet e dá-me ban permanente. Sinceramente estou a espera da Resposta e espero não ficar supreendido. Abraço
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Talk Me
I go wait messenger in this page for other moderator or administratos...
Berserker?? Ice?? Zhannet??
Dont have 1 player for help my account??
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you had 3 bans not 2 so ban is permanent
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Luke I have pictures
Luke I used button print for my dont lier...
I winner second bam and I off pc, returned more hours lather and enter and used my other acc for print... (pictures 2 and 4) and enter my account and used print (pictures 1 and 3)
I used 2 hours (brazilian and U.S.A.)
I no need lier, problem is I dont have 3x bam!
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i can list the bans on your account 3 bans + 1 ban for the permanent i dont lie either there are 4 bans in total on your account, sometimes there are problems on the timer that appears but your account record is always right sorry your account is permanently banned
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Luke so take a my doubts, when we received our 2nd banishment from our profile begins to appear that we already have 2 bans, however in my had not appeared, never appeared, because there was only won 1.
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i was the one that banned you 3 times so i know
thread closed