GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Christmas Update - Mystical Forest and more

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Christmas and Winter Holidays are coming fast and we've prepared a good pack of holiday presents for you!
First and foremost: new location added: Mystical Forest, available for players of level 11+
We continue with our anti-farming measures and after disabling storage accounts we are trying to reduce exp farming, so experience while fighting naked now reduced a bit again, also when you fight other naked player, you receive less experience as well (effective starting from level 20 and on level 30 it reaches maximum penalty).
On the other side to encourage fair play and reduce farming we have significantly DECREASED ITEM PRICES, especially high level gear, in some cases AS LOW AS 50%. And the best part that those prices will stay like that forever even after holidays are over!
In vein with out anti-farming policy we've decreased maximum limit of experience per battle down to 3000 (or 6000 with double experience). However, to prevent discrimination of players who play with artifacts each non-personal artifact increases that limit by 1000 (personal one increases limit by 200) up to 6000 without double exp, or up to 12000 with double experience.
On the other hand to allow more people to take advantage of that update, we have REDUCED COST of artifact gamble BY 50% !
Other news:
- All fir-trees in the game are now decorated
- New music added to Ice Valley
- All Santa's outfit items now cost only 1 Enkord Cash, but will last only 7 days.
- When you mouse over your units in Units Tab, it is shown how long your outfit items will last.
- Other minor changes and tweaks.
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Congrats on a great update!
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Congratz Its a good one 😉
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Update de Natal - Mystical Forest e mais...
Natal e Férias de Inverno estão chegando e rápido nós preparamos um bom pacote de férias para Apresentar para você!
Em primeiro lugar: nova localização Acrescentou: Mystical Forest, disponível para jogadores de nível 11 +
Continuamos com o nosso anti-colheita(coleta de item) como medidas e depois de desactivar contas de armazenagem que estamos tentando Reduzir experiencia anti-collheita, assim experiência lutando nu(naked) se torno um pouco mais reduzido, também quando você luta nu contra outro jogador, você Receberá menos experiência, vigor como (em bem a partir de nível e 20 no nível 30 chega Penalidade Máxima).
Por outro lado, uma Promover Igualdade e uma produção que Reduzir significativamente diminuíram PREÇOS ITEM,armas art nível particularmente elevado, em alguns casos estas baixa podem chegar ate 50% . E a melhor parte, que os preços vão ficar assim para sempre mesmo depois de feriados !
Com um anti-colheita(coleta de itens) que temos diminuído ao limite máximo de experiência por Batalha até 3000 (ou 6000 com Experiência em duplo). No entanto, para Evitar uma discriminação dos jogadores que jogam com os artefatos de cada um não-pessoal, que aumentara um limite em 1000 (pessoal de um limite aumenta em 200) até 6000 sem exp dupla, ou até 12.000 com dupla experiência .
Por outro lado, para que mais pessoas para tirar proveito dessa actualização, temos Redução do custo para modificar artefatos por 50% !
Outras notícias:
OS - Todos os cenários não são decorados jog
- Adicionada musica Nova no Vale do Gelo (ice valley)
OS - Todos os itens roupa de Pai Natal agora custam apenas 1 Enkord dinheiro, mas vai durar apenas 7 dias.
- Quando você comprar uma aparencia sobre as suas unidades mostrara quanto tempo os itens da sua unidade ira durar.
- Outras pequenas mudanças e ajustes.
Edited 4 hours, 18 minutes later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Świąteczna aktualizacja - Mistyczny Las i inne
Święta i Zimowe Dni Wolne nadchodzą szybko a my przeygotowaliśmy paczkę dobrych prezentów na święta!
Pierwsze i najważniejsze: nowa lokalizacja dodana: Mistyczny Las, dostępny już od lvl 11+
Nadal kontynuujemy akcję anty-farmerom i po usunięciu kont klonów zamierzamy zmniejszyc farmienie expa, więc teraz doświadczenie w grach nago jest nieco zredukowane take w grach 1 ubrany i 1 nago (efektywna redukcja nastepuje od leveli 20 i na levelu 30 otrzymuje maksymalny poziom redukcji).
Jednak z drugiej strony by zachęcić do gry fair play i redukcji farmienia zmniejszylismy znacznie CENY PRZEDMIOTÓW, najbardziej przedmiotów wysokich leveli w niektórych przypadkach nawet o 50%. Najlepsze jest to że takie ceny pozostaną niezmienione na zawsze nawet po Świętach!
W myśl anty-farmingu wprowadzilismy ograniczenie maksymalnie uzyskane epxa za bitwe, 3000. (lub 6000 z podwójnym doświadczeniem). Jednakże z artefaktami można podnieść ten limit o dodatkowy 1000. osobiste artefakty podnoszą o 200, nie-osobiste o 1000. W sumie można uzyskać do 6000 bez podwójnego doświadczenia lub nawet 12000 z podwójnym doświadczeniem.
By więcej osób korzystało z artefaktów i mogło uzyskać więcej doświadczenia, ZREDUKOWALIŚMY TAKŻE CENĘ GAMBLE O 50% !
Inne niusy:
- Wszystkie choinki w grze są teraz ubrane świątecznie
- nowa muzyka dodana do Lodowej Doliny
- Wszystkiew kostiumy Mikołajów kosztują tylko 1EC ale są tylko na 7dni.
- Kioedy najedziesz na swoją jednostke w zakładce jednostek, system wskarze na jak dług pozostały jeszcze nasze zakupione ubrania i inne elemnty.
- Pozostałe zmiany
Edited 30 minutes later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
aff i want a paintball not a mystical :P
i keep thinking in paintball idea ^^
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
much time ago for the darknight update
i want more apprence thing
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him