is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
» Important Update for Mobile
Important Update for Mobile
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Today we have greatly improved controls for phone version of GUNROX. Hopefully now players on the phone will be able to compete with PC players.
This update adds big green checkbox button which allows to confirm your action in battle without the need to click second time into the same cell.
Additionally it saves selected cells for different units when you switch between them.
Finally, this update allows to set aim even before your turn so on your turn you can just click check button if your plans haven't changed. Hopefully this will help phone players to play faster and not require 1:40 for turn.
Another convenient addition - double tap on weapon/armor would wear the item on your unit.
Clan Changes:
Since people still do a lot of fake fames, we continue to cut rewards for clans. From now on the following clan perks were removed permanently:
- Retaliation
- Gain Action
- Gain Movement
- Teleport
- Concentration
- Satellite
- Stun Recovery
- Blind Recovery
- Poison Recovery
- Vampirisom
- Marauder
- Nobility
We gave changed requirements for remaining perks:
- Lockout level = aggression top list place
- Naked Truth = aggression top list place
- Reshuffle level = outpost top list place
- Bleeding level = outpost top list place
- Enclave level = charged top list place
- Intolerance = charged top list place
- Armadillo = active if clan's member took 1 or 2 place in last tournament
Outpost bonuses for now remain unchanged.
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Today we have greatly improved controls for phone version of GUNROX. Hopefully now players on the phone will be able to compete with PC players.
This update adds big green checkbox button which allows to confirm your action in battle without the need to click second time into the same cell.
Additionally it saves selected cells for different units when you switch between them.
Finally, this update allows to set aim even before your turn so on your turn you can just click check button if your plans haven't changed. Hopefully this will help phone players to play faster and not require 1:40 for turn.
Another convenient addition - double tap on weapon/armor would wear the item on your unit.
Clan Changes:
Since people still do a lot of fake fames, we continue to cut rewards for clans. From now on the following clan perks were removed permanently:
- Retaliation
- Gain Action
- Gain Movement
- Teleport
- Concentration
- Satellite
- Stun Recovery
- Blind Recovery
- Poison Recovery
- Vampirisom
- Marauder
- Nobility
We gave changed requirements for remaining perks:
- Lockout level = aggression top list place
- Naked Truth = aggression top list place
- Reshuffle level = outpost top list place
- Bleeding level = outpost top list place
- Enclave level = charged top list place
- Intolerance = charged top list place
- Armadillo = active if clan's member took 1 or 2 place in last tournament
Outpost bonuses for now remain unchanged. Berserker you are Amazing man great job
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Clan Changes:
Since people still do a lot of fake fames, we continue to cut rewards for clans. From now on the following clan perks were removed permanently:
Finally it's now removed, it gets better now because none of the Clans will be as greedy for the rewards. Thanks a very nice update!
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Today we have greatly improved controls for phone version of GUNROX. Hopefully now players on the phone will be able to compete with PC players.
This update adds big green checkbox button which allows to confirm your action in battle without the need to click second time into the same cell.
Additionally it saves selected cells for different units when you switch between them.
Finally, this update allows to set aim even before your turn so on your turn you can just click check button if your plans haven't changed. Hopefully this will help phone players to play faster and not require 1:40 for turn.
Another convenient addition - double tap on weapon/armor would wear the item on your unit.
Clan Changes:
Since people still do a lot of fake fames, we continue to cut rewards for clans. From now on the following clan perks were removed permanently:
- Retaliation
- Gain Action
- Gain Movement
- Teleport
- Concentration
- Satellite
- Stun Recovery
- Blind Recovery
- Poison Recovery
- Vampirisom
- Marauder
- Nobility
We gave changed requirements for remaining perks:
- Lockout level = aggression top list place
- Naked Truth = aggression top list place
- Reshuffle level = outpost top list place
- Bleeding level = outpost top list place
- Enclave level = charged top list place
- Intolerance = charged top list place
- Armadillo = active if clan's member took 1 or 2 place in last tournament
Outpost bonuses for now remain unchanged. There is a difference between Killing Clans and Punishing the fakers.
Such this update playing in clans doesnt give anything new. Whats the benefits of faming now? Attacking other players?
instead of banning the fakers " We all know " who faked all the previous weeks.
You had better choice.. Make A new Moderator, Give him the green light To ban ANYONE whatever if he charges or not. THEN YOUR GAME WILL BE GREAT - MORE REAL FAMES - MORE REAL ATTACKS - MORE ARTS DEALER - MORE MONEY - NEW MERCEDES.
you just decided to ruin ur game, nevermind.
Edited 8 minutes later by Laith.
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Try this berserker.
Berserker, im not being toxic, its just a comment from someone who played this game so long and i know how to make things better.
It might be a big advantage for you... So Listen me ☺
What if u reset all the perks from Zero/10.. make 2 new moderators 12/12 in different timezone.
give them the green light to BAN anyone.
This game gonna be so active
MANY MANY AND MANY clan leaders gonna back to the work. They will buy more arts, more enkords for the NEW START
Think about it.
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Please dont remove the Nobility I need that one lol
Today we have greatly improved controls for phone version of GUNROX. Hopefully now players on the phone will be able to compete with PC players.
This update adds big green checkbox button which allows to confirm your action in battle without the need to click second time into the same cell.
Additionally it saves selected cells for different units when you switch between them.
Finally, this update allows to set aim even before your turn so on your turn you can just click check button if your plans haven't changed. Hopefully this will help phone players to play faster and not require 1:40 for turn.
Another convenient addition - double tap on weapon/armor would wear the item on your unit.
Clan Changes:
Since people still do a lot of fake fames, we continue to cut rewards for clans. From now on the following clan perks were removed permanently:
- Retaliation
- Gain Action
- Gain Movement
- Teleport
- Concentration
- Satellite
- Stun Recovery
- Blind Recovery
- Poison Recovery
- Vampirisom
- Marauder
- Nobility
We gave changed requirements for remaining perks:
- Lockout level = aggression top list place
- Naked Truth = aggression top list place
- Reshuffle level = outpost top list place
- Bleeding level = outpost top list place
- Enclave level = charged top list place
- Intolerance = charged top list place
- Armadillo = active if clan's member took 1 or 2 place in last tournament
Outpost bonuses for now remain unchanged. The nobility perk need to be remain thats why im still in GROM
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we wasnt using the perks so nothing is changed now..
we just dont have to work for the clan now
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Good Update!
Funny to see Fame Fakers crying 😁
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Fakes were putting an end to disputes between clans, but ending competitiveness was horrible, the perk system was very good, and I wanted to play in a clan that was the most fun part of the game, so as not to keep or win them.
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This post created by ignored player and thus hidden.
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Aliás, você já pensou em aumentar sua renda? Alguns cassinos são realmente úteis para algumas pessoas porque oferecem oportunidades especiais. Para mim, pessoalmente, esta é a melhor maneira de me divertir. Portanto, agora tenho vontade de escrever para você sobre este "aposta ganha aviator", que é muito útil para avaliar avaliações de cassinos online. Graças a isso, você pode obter algumas dicas sobre como ganhar dinheiro extra na sua vida, tornando-a ainda melhor. Espero que isso também te faça mais feliz.
Play Now
GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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