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Today is GUNROX 11th birthday and its a good time to announce a new GUNROX. We have been working on it for at least last 6 month and now we have an early screenshot and some information to share with you.
In other news:
Double Experience is 50% off for a limited time. Offer will be valid for a few days.
Also we are starting traditional birthday tournament (no arts, no clan perks). 150 000 E for the first place and 75 000 E for the second place is a good incentive, so you should join too while there is time.
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We will try to make the game enjoyable without paying. Berserker...
What about something like a "Season Pass" mecanism that give special stuff for those who buy it montly. With this you could give normal stuff/items to players who want to play without charging too much cash. And for those who want to get the Season Pass, they could get extra stuff/items, but nothing too overpower, this would ballance casual and competitive players.
You can see this in almost every game today, a Season Pass that's not very much expensive, but for a fair price, this would be acessible to a larger number of players and would ensure a continuous montly flux of money to Gunrox 2.
Question: The nickname "berserker" its from Kentaro Miura's Maga/Anime?
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You can see this in almost every game today, a Season Pass that's not very much expensive, but for a fair price, this would be acessible to a larger number of players and would ensure a continuous montly flux of money to Gunrox 2.
Most likely the monetization will be more like in Totem Tribe 2. In that game we managed to make a balance where there are top skill players that haven't spent a single cent and the game is good to play without payments but great when you spend some cash.
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Google? it's called reading books and doing research
Doesn't take a monkey to just google this stuff.
Next time get Brexit right instead of calling it Brexuit and then claiming that English is your first language when it clearly is not.
Feel free to fly over, more than happy to meet you and have you arrested as soon as you put a finger on me โบ English isn't my first language? You uneducated caveman. You think I am going to type proper for some balls over the internet.
You messaged me on Gunrox talking about lets make peace. Rate my cat. You fucking wierdo get a girlfriend.
Knowledge is power. Race and looks doesn't matter anymore only money.
I asked you whats your name and the college you go to. You didn't answer. You asked me I answered. Clearly, you have no balls you silly caveman. You think am I afraid of a fine? or a couple days in jail? So scary. Don't you have a sibling to molest or some drugs to sniff or a pet to fuck?
Funny how the richest man on the planet was a monkey by the name of Mansa Musa I of Mali. Gave your poor ancestors gold. We had a civilization when you guys was drawing caves. Let me stop replying to an uneducated wierdo.
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Good Idea
What about something like a "Season Pass" mecanism that give special stuff for those who buy it montly. With this you could give normal stuff/items to players who want to play without charging too much cash. And for those who want to get the Season Pass, they could get extra stuff/items, but nothing too overpower, this would ballance casual and competitive players.
You can see this in almost every game today, a Season Pass that's not very much expensive, but for a fair price, this would be acessible to a larger number of players and would ensure a continuous montly flux of money to Gunrox 2.
Question: The nickname "berserker" its from Kentaro Miura's Maga/Anime? All he needs to do now is market it well. Many chess players would be interested and strategy game players. This game is different because you don't get tired of playing it unlike most games. But, I won't be returning to play Gunrox 2. I want to put my time and energy into learning about real estate and investing. Games are a distraction I rather put my time into reading books as well and travelling.
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Glad you are rebooting the childhood game we all know and love. Question for old veterans who donated long ago or have current enkord cash left; would it transfer or made available?
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Hopefully toxic Brazilian's won't ruin this game too, Gunrox is an incredible game, which led to its inevitable death partly due to a toxic community.
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Hopefully toxic Brazilian's won't ruin this game too, Gunrox is an incredible game, which led to its inevitable death partly due to a toxic community. Not necessarily. Gunrox has more issues than negative behaviour. This is expected in every game, some just deal with it better than others.
The biggest issue is having to constantly pay money in order to play. Even if you keep winning games, you have to buy more meds, grenades and so.. Some people simply can't afford to continuously charge money or they don't want to. This is where faking happens. People find ways to spend less and gain more. I even remember faking for items all the way back before cash shop was in the game because I had no other options to fully enjoy the game. Getting equipment must be changed. Maybe get ideas from Escape from Tarkov. It uses similiar mechanic to gather equipment.
Anyway, if the players do spend money, they expect a fair game which doesn't always happen. Artifacts can ruin the whole experience of enjoying the game. If you do decide to spend crazy and play fully equipped with artifacts, you're risking loads of money. I get it, high risk, high reward but then the game mechanics comes into play. You can easily lose all your best equipment to an imbalanced clan perk, no matter how good you play. I miss the times when you were able sneak up on an enemy before they use 50x50 satellite.
I don't think berserker played nearly enough games himself to fully understand what actually frustrates the players. Players feedback was not desired at all as it is in totem tribe. I can keep on ranting but hey.. We all loved the game once.. ๐
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Not necessarily. Gunrox has more issues than negative behaviour. This is expected in every game, some just deal with it better than others.
The biggest issue is having to constantly pay money in order to play. Even if you keep winning games, you have to buy more meds, grenades and so.. Some people simply can't afford to continuously charge money or they don't want to. This is where faking happens. People find ways to spend less and gain more. I even remember faking for items all the way back before cash shop was in the game because I had no other options to fully enjoy the game. Getting equipment must be changed. Maybe get ideas from Escape from Tarkov. It uses similiar mechanic to gather equipment.
Anyway, if the players do spend money, they expect a fair game which doesn't always happen. Artifacts can ruin the whole experience of enjoying the game. If you do decide to spend crazy and play fully equipped with artifacts, you're risking loads of money. I get it, high risk, high reward but then the game mechanics comes into play. You can easily lose all your best equipment to an imbalanced clan perk, no matter how good you play. I miss the times when you were able sneak up on an enemy before they use 50x50 satellite.
I don't think berserker played nearly enough games himself to fully understand what actually frustrates the players. Players feedback was not desired at all as it is in totem tribe. I can keep on ranting but hey.. We all loved the game once.. ๐ %100 Agreed biggest issue is continous paying.
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The biggest issue is having to constantly pay money in order to play. Even if you keep winning games, you have to buy more meds, grenades and so.. Some people simply can't afford to continuously charge money or they don't want to. This is where faking happens. People find ways to spend less and gain more. I even remember faking for items all the way back before cash shop was in the game because I had no other options to fully enjoy the game. Getting equipment must be changed. Maybe get ideas from Escape from Tarkov. It uses similiar mechanic to gather equipment.
Anyway, if the players do spend money, they expect a fair game which doesn't always happen. Artifacts can ruin the whole experience of enjoying the game. If you do decide to spend crazy and play fully equipped with artifacts, you're risking loads of money. agree, the problem is that it ends up costing more than $60 AAA games if you are a longtime loyal player. I'm sure it was a great business model short-term in 2009 but I can't help but feel the game missed out on swaths of players over the years. I know many who just couldn't be bothered with the grind when they were starting out vs 40mm and nades but enjoyed the genre
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It's a toxic communty everywhere suck it up.
Hopefully toxic Brazilian's won't ruin this game too, Gunrox is an incredible game, which led to its inevitable death partly due to a toxic community. How can they not be toxic when they live in a country like that. Blame your ancestors. Your location is England how about y'all stop being toxic and give venzeula its gold back. No wonder our forefathers fought them tea drinking faggots. The world would be a much better place. If they didn't 'DISCOVER' what was already discovered. Spain England Portugal very evil people. Slavery and Inequalities made brazil a shithole. They are poor so they are going to farm, fake, and do what is necessary to enjoy the game. Just like how in the real world they rob, steal, and do what's necessary to make end's meet. People point their fingers at them and say they are bad people. But, the real criminals are wearing the suits and ties. I can buy cash my life is great and my currency is the strongest it never drops because why my forefathers fought for me. Now they found oil in the Bahamas. We been free of the british since 1973.
People call me monkey all the time it doesn't bother me. It quite funny.
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Can we talk a bit about the destructable walls? ๐ I'm sure bers has a general idea how they intend to work but I'd like to know more! How many stages of destruction are there? By the look of the screenshot, it looks like there's gonna be 3 stages, right?
This game mechanic will force players to have at least 1 explosive unit so they are not in disadvantage. Unless the objects can be damaged by normal weapons? How hard is it going to be to get through different stages of destruction? How are higher skilled weapons going to affect the destruction balance? I can guarantee there will be level 50 players running around with 0 skill hand grenades and cause chaos like they do against miners in classic gunrox. It sounds like incredibly difficult task balancing destruction.
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Can we talk a bit about the destructable walls? ๐ I'm sure bers has a general idea how they intend to work but I'd like to know more! How many stages of destruction are there? By the look of the screenshot, it looks like there's gonna be 3 stages, right?
This game mechanic will force players to have at least 1 explosive unit so they are not in disadvantage. Unless the objects can be damaged by normal weapons? How hard is it going to be to get through different stages of destruction? How are higher skilled weapons going to affect the destruction balance? I can guarantee there will be level 50 players running around with 0 skill hand grenades and cause chaos like they do against miners in classic gunrox. It sounds like incredibly difficult task balancing destruction. I don't see how this doesn't make grenades and rocket launchers even more unbalanced. Unless - bullets are more damaging to the blocks but only affect a small concentrated area with each shot, whereas explosives affect a bigger surface area but are weaker
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Discord server
How about creating a discord sevrer where you will post information about the development of a new game, as well as about various other news? It would be easier and more convenient than chatting on this forum.
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English isn't my first language? You uneducated caveman. You think I am going to type proper for some balls over the internet.
You messaged me on Gunrox talking about lets make peace. Rate my cat. You fucking wierdo get a girlfriend.
Knowledge is power. Race and looks doesn't matter anymore only money.
I asked you whats your name and the college you go to. You didn't answer. You asked me I answered. Clearly, you have no balls you silly caveman. You think am I afraid of a fine? or a couple days in jail? So scary. Don't you have a sibling to molest or some drugs to sniff or a pet to fuck?
Funny how the richest man on the planet was a monkey by the name of Mansa Musa I of Mali. Gave your poor ancestors gold. We had a civilization when you guys was drawing caves. Let me stop replying to an uneducated wierdo. Knowledge is power... so when will you acknowledge that the link to ''rate my cat'' wasn't a picture of my cat, but instead a redirect link to gunrox? oh, also i am so sure that since you are rich you could clearly afford to upgrade to windows 10, since windows 7(the OS you are using) hasn't been supported for almost half a year and please also get a laptop that supports at least 1600ร900 resolution, thanks
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Bro ok? I'm suppose to be impressed you need some pussy in your life
Knowledge is power... so when will you acknowledge that the link to ''rate my cat'' wasn't a picture of my cat, but instead a redirect link to gunrox? oh, also i am so sure that since you are rich you could clearly afford to upgrade to windows 10, since windows 7(the OS you are using) hasn't been supported for almost half a year and please also get a laptop that supports at least 1600ร900 resolution, thanks I don't spend money on things I don't need. If things aren't broken I don't try to fix it I could care less about what resolution or window I have. That's why Europe is the continent with the most people who rent instead of own, thanks. I put my money into more important things. You know whats an index fund? you know about real estate? you know about investing? where do you see yourself 20 years from now? Knowledge is power.
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I don't spend money on things I don't need. If things aren't broken I don't try to fix it I could care less about what resolution or window I have. That's why Europe is the continent with the most people who rent instead of own, thanks. I put my money into more important things. You know whats an index fund? you know about real estate? you know about investing? where do you see yourself 20 years from now? Knowledge is power. ok keep being in denial buddy.
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Low Cost
Today is GUNROX 11th birthday and its a good time to announce a new GUNROX. We have been working on it for at least last 6 month and now we have an early screenshot and some information to share with you.
In other news:
Double Experience is 50% off for a limited time. Offer will be valid for a few days.
Also we are starting traditional birthday tournament (no arts, no clan perks). 150 000 E for the first place and 75 000 E for the second place is a good incentive, so you should join too while there is time.
10k enkord = 9.95 dolars = is 5% of the minimum wage
if you lower the costs you would give more fluidity to the game that is :
9.95 = 40k or 35 k enkord
That way more people may be interested in shopping and not just some wealthy people who make occasional purchases,
this way the false games would end and the games would be fluid.๐
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Please make the new gunrox one-time payment for all content and maybe microtransactions for special stuff like cosmetics and stuff that doesnt affect gameplay. so many people quit this game because its jewish and you cant play unless u have money to continuously spend on this game.
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Please make the new gunrox one-time payment for all content and maybe microtransactions for special stuff like cosmetics and stuff that doesnt affect gameplay. so many people quit this game because its jewish and you cant play unless u have money to continuously spend on this game. But, not so much the pay to play but the arts in random and there wasn't no updates added. Also, the game is pretty outdated chess has better graphics.
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Good news,
But when will be the release (year or more)?
On Android playable ? (Would be sweet)