GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Upcoming Clan Perk changes preview

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Major update to the clan system is coming soon. Clan Perks will become more competitive and will require more activity to retain. If you are curious about what exactly it will be, you can have a sneak peak into upcoming changes by viewing comments of this news.
13 years ago Quote
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Prévia das Mudanças nos Perks do Clan
Uma grande atualização nos perks dos clans está a caminho. Os perks se tornarão mais competitivos e necessitarão de mais atividade para mantê-los. Se você está curioso para saber como vai ser, você pode dar uma olhada nas futuras mudanças através dos comentários neste tópico.
Edited 2 days later by .
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Lately we were accused that we do not work on the game and that it is lacking updates.
Our answer is -
GUNROX is pretty stable and balanced game so far, so we don't plan to add any major stuff in the nearby future, however we are always looking forward to balance existing things and make the game more fair and enjoayble to all players, not just selected groups.
Therefore I want to provide you this sneak peak on new things we are going to change in GUNROX in the nearby future.
Clan Perks change
We are going to rebalance Clan Perks System just a little bit to make it more fair to everyone. With the new update clan perks will start to work a little bit like outpost bonuses. Only clans who still active will be able to use clan perks. This will increase the competition in all areas of clan activity and will give more chances to new clans, cause all old clans who were active back in the days but are not active anymore will loose their power eventually.
So how does it work?
Clan activity will be divided into 6 categories, just like clan medal categories that exist now - Activity, Fame, Agression, Tournaments, Outposts, and Cash. All those categories will have internal weekly top 10 lists. Some of those categories already have top 10 lists like Agression, Activity, and Fame so you have an idea. A clan will have their ranks in each category counting from 10 to 0 (the higher the better). When clan reaches #1 spot in top 10 of some category, it is automatically assigned rank 10. If it reaches #2, it will get rank 9, and so on. If the clan won't reach top 10, it's rank will be 0. However if the clan got rank 10 once, and next week got lower top spot or haven't reached top 10 at all, it won't loose it's rank right away, it will be just decreased by 1-2 points per week until it will be zero.
What are those ranks and why should I care about them?
The rank in the category is the maximum level of Clan Perk of that category clan can use! In example if clan had Reshuffle and Concentration perks maxed out at 10 (both are in Fame category cause awarded for Hall of Fame medals) and haven't been playing for several weeks thus dropping out of top 10 in Hall of Fame, it's internal Fame ranking will start to decline slowly from 10 down to maybe 5 within several weeks. This means that their perk power of Reshuffle and Concentration will be down from 10 to 5 as well. However once this clan will become active again and reached #1 in Hall of Fame, their Reshuffle and Concentration power will be up to 10 automatically!
What about perks that were given for scoring in both categories?
You will have to reach both top 10 in both categories and the lowest place in one of the two categories will determine your rank for appropriate perks.
Perks that have only one level, like Gain Action will require rank 5 in both in order to use.
OMG! You are killing GUNROX, clans spent zillions of Cash to get their perks and you are taking them away!
In fact no. The system is not taking stuff immediately, it is slowly reduces perks power for inactive clans. Clans will have more than enough time to react, once they see decline on some perks. It will take over a month for perk to go down from level 10 to 0.
Besides this spices up the competition, which is lacking in some areas. If you are old enough, you remember how hot it was when new clan perks were just introduced and clans were fighting to get those new perks. Now when old clans got their perks, they just retired and use their perks to gain advantage in battle over new clans. Don't mind me wrong, clan perks were made to give an edge, but I think it is wrong when you have that advantage forever without doing a thing. You must at least have a little bit of competition to win that advantage.
I still think it's all doom and gloom! This game goona die!
Ok then, you are welcome to express your depressive thoughts in the comments below, the forum is full of
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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well there is an update
no comment
is this all of the update ?
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Not bad
very nice.. well atleast clan "status'es" will be better.. and stop people from refraining saying "need ""GOOD"" clan" ;]
some people who doesnt belong to the best clan's will atleast think having a chance going to the top ;] ...
i wanna suggest that those best clans i mentioned should atleast give the new clans or clans without perks .. handicaps ;o would be nice.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
nice place
good for me 😁😁
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Good For Clans :P
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
i didn't knowed all, but this is just a ask:
new clan perks are createds? :/
this uptade go make the game more active i think ^~^'
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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fair means more funn
make more fair to all player and clans it will bemore funn ☺ ( sorry for bad english)
Edited 1 hour later by . Reason: dont overquote.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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its bad idea because not active clans lose their perks
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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berserker, please DO NOT! , How to get perks of clan are already more difficult to not complicate the only ban clans that already has statues of gold decompetir maximum level of perks, there clans that still does not have perks are more likely, I think that so would make the system of clans even more annoying ... as a new clan that has no perks will compete with GROM or Voltron? I play a flash 100%, with outposts and recovery they do not become blind with no effect ... these clans that has almost all the perks level 10, the new clan will sure lose ... ☹
Edited 20 minutes later by . Reason: don't overquote.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Perks disappear as clan activity disappears
I think it is a great idea! I've seen examples of clans who enjoy certain perks and they are not as active.
OR... worst, clans that have certain perks but they are not competitive in other areas because they already achieved that perk status.
changing clan perks level to reflect clan activity level is great.
also, having the perk go away 1-2 levels because of inactivity is good too.
would this be an example?

**NEW** Guide to Clan Perks
Clan will receive Perk and Level based on clan activity for the week.
*** Wealth Prize ( spend cash) ***
Rank #1 GOLD PRIZE = Retaliation perk 50% (maximum)
Rank #2 SILVER PRIZE = Retaliation perk 40%
Rank #3 IRON PRIZE = Retaliation perk 30%
Rank #4 BRONZE PRIZE = 20%
Rank #5-10 10% Retaliation perk (or +5% to perk percentage if TOP 10)
Lose 5% for each week if not in original higher position
Lose 10% for each week not in TOP 100
Example: Week 1 = Rank 1 Gold Prize (50% retaliation perk)
Week 2 = Rank 8 = -5% (now 45% retaliation perk)
or Week 2 = No Rank = -10% (now 40% retaliation perk)
I ALSO RECOMMEND reduce statue requirements ☺
Some clans don't play for 30 weeks at 400k cash... so here is example of changing too...
Wealth Prize ( spend cash)
Iron: 3 weeks spend over 400 000 Enkord cash - reletation perk level +1
Bronze: 8 weeks spend over 400 000 Enkord cash - reletation perk level +2
Silver: 18 weeks spend over 400 000 Enkord cash - reletation perk level +3
Gold:30 weeks spend over 400 000 Enkord cash - reletation perk level +4
CHANGE to...
Wealth Prize ( spend cash)
Gold Statue: 8 weeks of spending 400 cash
Silver Statue: 6 weeks of spending 400 cash
Iron Statue: 4 weeks of spending 400 cash
Bronze Statue: 2 weeks of spending 400 cash
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Thank you, tired of clans always having perks for doing nothing.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Primary i like the idea but i also think there will be some bad points too.
First what like:
I think with such a update clanactivity will grow again and maybe will do this all over the time.
Bad points:
Its hard to handle some perks with different level every week. For example reshuffle. I don't know if recruiters/clanleader can see the number of remain free replacements. Other example teleporter its hard to handle, even with different level all over the time.
Most important bad point is possible overpower of a special clan.
Because of the fact with ranking there will be only 1 clan with maximum perk and only around 9 other clans will have less level of this kind of perk. (Maybe some clans more wich still have this perk based on good ranking last week but now reduced because they are out of ranking) Is there is a time with a overpowered clan the wohle sastem could break down because nobody wants to play vs them.
As long as some clans primary try to fake for perks there will be many dissapointed fair playing clans. I don't like this fact and with new system i think most rankings / perks are based on unfair games.
I think its a good idea but we need some improvements for.
Edited 13 minutes later by .
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Primary i like the idea but i also think there will be some bad points too.
First what like:
I think with such a update clanactivity will grow again and maybe will do this all over the time.
Bad points:
Its hard to handle some perks with different level every week. For example reshuffle. I don't know if recruiters/clanleader can see the number of remain free replacements. Other example teleporter its hard to handle, even with different level all over the time.
Most important bad point is possible overpower of a special clan.
Because of the fact with ranking there will be only 1 clan with maximum perk and only around 9 other clans will have less level of this kind of perk. (Maybe some clans more wich still have this perk based on good ranking last week but now reduced because they are out of ranking) Is there is a time with a overpowered clan the wohle sastem could break down because nobody wants to play vs them.
As long as some clans primary try to fake for perks there will be many dissapointed fair playing clans. I don't like this fact and with new system i think most rankings / perks are based on unfair games.
I think its a good idea but we need some improvements for.

I agree whit u, when i read first, i think: " oh that's very cool ". But i changed my opinion, this go put on trash all whit clans are worked to get i think =/
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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Even if some clan is #1 and another clan was #1 last week, it means perks lvl 10 vs perks lvl 9, not that big of a difference I must admit.
As for unfair gaming - this has nothing to do with this update. This update intended to increase clan activity to eliminate free bonuses for nothing.
Unfair gaming is a philosophical term - it depends on what to consider fair. One person can consider something fair, another - don't. We better not dive into this kind of discussion. Gaming must be within the rules and that's what we, moderators, are addressing in the first place.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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So this mean if the clan have perk level 3, and he is first in something, the perk will stay level 3, but if the perk is level 10 it will be again level 10 xD?
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
divorce for money 😎
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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hi all
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

So this mean if the clan have perk level 3, and he is first in something, the perk will stay level 3, but if the perk is level 10 it will be again level 10 xD?

13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote

1 2 3 ... 8 9 10

Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him