GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 09-Mar-2010 - New top lists + tournament fixes

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New top lists:
We decided to redo top lists cause they are too static and not very interesting for most players since there are no dynamics in them. Also it's a step towards whole new GUNROX which will include massive clan-related competitions. So new top lists are:
1) Weekly most active players - the list of players who gained most experience last week. There is also another activity top list which shows current week progression, while last week list is static. In the future updates we will be awarding special medals for people who often end up in this list.
2) Weekly most active clans - same as activity list of players except total gained experience of all clan members is calculated.
Banned players are excluded from top list for this week automatically.
Tournament changes:
1) Tournament window now tweaked - it saves scroll position in lists, allows to use scroll wheel, has input line to search for participans (press enter to search next). Also it opens player info on double click.
2) Now when the game determines opponents for next round it tries to put players of the same level together if possible.
3) If in the lobby of potentionally tournament game everything is suited for tournament except artifacts, start game/ready button will be locked.
4) Tournament games now last 3 hours, when it's only 1 hour left - timer appears. After time runs out the one who dealt most damage wins.
5) Last tournament was a tremendous success so today we launched registration for another one for levels 20-24 on Mystic Forest with artifacts allowed. Actual tournament starts on friday.
Apple users:
If you have Apple Mac or MacBook, please leave you message in this thread. Currently we are porting GUNROX to MacOS X and might need some testers.
Poison and other changes:
- Poison Trap now deals 65 poison damage instead of 50
- Pulse Grenade now deals 60 poison damage instead of 40
- M15 land mine and Bear Trap now require 5 AP instead of 6
- Now you cannot reset perks Mule and Packer if your inventory is loaded with items (prevents loosing items).
- Other minor fixes
15 years ago Quote
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Atualização 09-Mar-2010 - Nova lista dos tops + correções nos torneios
Nova Lista dos Tops:
Nós decidimos refazer a lista dos tops por que elas eram muito estáticas e não despetavam interesse dos jogadores já que as mesmas não eram muito dinâmicas. Também é um passo a frente para um novo GUNROX que incluirá grandes competições entre clans. Estas são as novas listas:
1) Jogadores mais ativos da semana - a lista de jogadores que mais ganharam experiência na semana passada. Há também uma lista que mostra sua posição atual na semana, enquanto a lista da ultima semana é estática. Em futuras atualizações nós prêmiaremos com medalhas especiais os jogadores que ficarem nessas listas.
2) Clans mais ativos da semana - o mesmo da lista de jogadores exceto que a experiência total ganha por todos os membros do clan é calculada.
Jogadores banidos são automaticamente excluidos das lista da semana.
Mudanças nos Torneios:
1) mudanças na janela do torneio - mostra a posição do inventário em listas, permite o uso de rolagem, tem uma barra de busca de participantes (pressione enter para procurar). Ao clicar duas vezes é mostrada informações do participante.
2) O jogo tentará colocar jogadores do mesmo nível juntos, se for possivel.
3) Se estiver tudo pronto para um jogo do torneio, exceto por artefatos, o botão de Iniciar/Começar Jogo será travado.
4) As partidas do torneio durarão 3 horas, quando restar 1 hora para o termino - um contador aparecerá. Quando o tempo acabar, aquele que tiver causado mais dano será o vencedor.
5) O ultimo torneio foi um grande sucesso então hoje abrimos as inscrições para um novo torneio para os níveis 20-24 em Mystic Forest artefatos/armas magicas liberadas. Novo torneio começará na sexta-feira.
para usuarios da Apple:
Se você tiver Apple Mac ou MacBook, por favor deixe sua mensagem neste topíco. Nós estamos levando o GUNROX para o MacOS X e podemos precisar de alguns jogadores para testes.
Poison e outras mudanças:
- Armadilha envenenada agora inflinge 65 de dano de poison em vez de 50
- Pulse Grenade agora inflinge 60 de dano de poison em vez de 40
- Mina terrestre M15 e Armadilha de Urso agora usam 5 AP em vez de 6
- Você não poderá resetar os perks Mula Empacotador se tiver itens no seu inventário (prevenindo a perde de itens).
- Outras correções menores
Edited 2 days later by . Reason: all done.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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This is seriours
😡 😕 😡

error 1 virus.JPG

error 2.jpg

error 3.JPG

error 4.JPG

15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Looks like a false alert of your antivirus, contact your antivirus support.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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i disabled the whole antivirus to play this game.
So addictive 😝
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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What is this??
- Now you cannot reset perks Mule and Packer if your inventory is loaded with items (prevents loosing items).
Bersk Explain, please ☺
And nice uptdates i am happy for evolution of game in this Last year... i think that all players have to be more Respect now for ALL team of Enkord, because they are doing a great Job, and trying to put wour game better
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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What is this??
- Now you cannot reset perks Mule and Packer if your inventory is loaded with items (prevents loosing items).
Bersk Explain, please ☺
And nice uptdates i am happy for evolution of game in this Last year... i think that all players have to be more Respect now for ALL team of Enkord, because they are doing a great Job, and trying to put wour game better

Let me explain this one for you. Both the Mule and Packer perks increase the size of your inventory by +2 slots (NOT WEIGHT, FYI.). If you wanted to remove those perks, but you had only one or no open slots left, the items on the bottom of the list would be "lost" after the perk was removed!
Edited 14 seconds later by . Reason: typo.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Aktualizacja 09-Mar-2010 - Nowe listy rankingowe + turnieje poprawione
Nowe listy rankingowe:
Zdecydowalismy zmienic nieco listy rankingowe ponieważ były zbyt statyczne i niezbyt interesujące dla graczy. Także zmiana list rankingowych jest krokiem naprzód w zmianach GUNROXA a wstępem do potężnego systemu konkurecji klanów. Co nowego w listach rankingowych:
1) Najaktywniejszy gracz tygodnia - lista graczy którzy zdobyli w ostatnim tygodniu najwięcej doświadczenia. Także jest będzie pokazany postęp aktywności graczy w danym tygodniu w porównaniu do zeszłego. W następnych aktualizacjach będą dodane specjalne medale dla ludzi którzy będą znajdować się na szczycie tych list.
2) Najaktywniejszy klan tygodnia - tak samo jak aktywność listy graczy tylko że zamiast doświadczenia pojedyńczego gracza liczone jest doświadczenie całego klanu.
Zbanowani gracze są wyłączeni z tych list.
Zmiany turniejowe:
1) Okno turniejowe zostało poprawione - list przewijania pozostaje w miejscu zamiast tego mozna przewijać kółkiem na myszce, także dodano linię do wyszukiwania uczestników po nazwie (wciśnij ENTER by szukać kolejnego). Również możliwe teraz jest otwarcie info gracza z podwójnego kliknięcia w jego nazwę.
2) Teraz, jeśli to możliwe, system do następnej tury determinuje przeciwnika o zbliżonym poziome do twojego. (było np.10-14, jest 13-14 lub 14-14)
3) Jeśli w lobby tworzonej gry potencjalnej rozgrywki turniejowej wszystko będzie ok oprócz ubranych artefaktów to przycisk startu gry będzie zablokowany.
4) Gry turniejowe teraz mogą trwać max 3 godziny, kiedy rozpocznie się ostatnia godzina pojawi się licznik czasu pozostającego do końca rozgrywki. Po upłynięciu czasu wygrywa ten kto zada więcej obrażeń.
Użytkownicy Apple:
Jeśli posiadasz Apple Mac lub MacBook, prosimy zostaw wiadomość w tym wątku. Obecnie zajmujemy się dostosowaniem GUNROX do MacOS X i możemy potrzebować testerów.
Trucizny i inne zmiany:
- Pułapka z trucizną teraz zadaje 65 obrażeń trucizny zamiast 50
- Granat Pulsacyjny zadaje 60 obrażeń trucizny zamiast 40
- mina M15 i pułapka na niedźwiedzie teraz wymagają 5 PA zamiast 6
- Teraz można resetować perki Mule i Paker bez utraty przedmiotów z danej postaci.
- inne drobne zmiany
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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I can't play gunrox 😕
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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the grenade is still with poison damage 40?🙄
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Nice I am just on time back to try some automatic mega's if I understand it?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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it happends

😡 😕 😡

it happened to me sometimes, after another actualization the bug goes away
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
this acid thing really hurt alot... man.. the previous acid damage is good because players who resists this kinds is hard ... for me to survive.. =_=
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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i downlaod the game from anther computer and i its says updaate bout when finish it says over and over agian to update the same 2 files why is that?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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i downlaod the game from anther computer and i its says updaate bout when finish it says over and over agian to update the same 2 files why is that?

Sounds like you have a virus which automatically infects downloaded files and updater thinks those files are wrong and redownloads them again.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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bers can u make that the game that i download from site will be allready updated that i will not need to update it after i instol it?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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random 2x2
Is there a way you can make a random 2x2 option? I think alot of poeple will be interested in it. Not like the 1x1 random where u get enkord for every 50 mins. Because it might take a little longer to get a game than 1x1 does. Well just suggesting it.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Is there a way you can make a random 2x2 option? I think alot of poeple will be interested in it. Not like the 1x1 random where u get enkord for every 50 mins. Because it might take a little longer to get a game than 1x1 does. Well just suggesting it.

Hey, thats a nice idea!! sometimes you have to wait like an hour to have a decent team fight!!
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
about 2x2 random
yea it could work just like 1x1 random. both teams could be in same lvl range. like a lvl 18 with a lvl 19 and a lvl 19 with a lvl 17 ( and so on and so on). really hope they can make it happen.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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yea it could work just like 1x1 random. both teams could be in same lvl range. like a lvl 18 with a lvl 19 and a lvl 19 with a lvl 17 ( and so on and so on). really hope they can make it happen.

Random can happen for 2x2 but if only there is 4 people of the same level range waiting for random battle in the same time.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him