GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 13-Feb-2009 - tweaks

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+ new background on memorial
+ slightly increased experience bonuses for large and long battles
+ Cash Shop: low level player can't buy items that require way more higher level
+ if game is aborted due to someone's quit all other players will be notified who quit
+ Rocket Launcher skill now has no influence on grenade launcher attachments' damage but still influences it's accuracy and minimum range
+ tweaked armor and damage resistance calculation formula. Now its exactly the same as written. If it says 10% that means exactly 10% of neglected damage. Before the update 10% meant 5-10% floating resistance. We decided to completely remove floating and fuzzy formulas in armor calculations. Perk now gives 1% instad of 2% and Turtle/Shelter changed to 2/3%, however in reality armor with damage resistance perks now neglects same amount of damage like before the update and without perks it became even better. When we finalize damage resistance/armor tweaking we will drop all damage resistance and related (Turtle Shelter) perks.
16 years ago Quote
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How I interpret your comment

So? Who said it must be even?

I pointed out what I feel to be an imbalance in the game.
I am interpreting your response as, "who cares if this imbalance exists." Is that really what you meant to say?
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
To compare those perks you have to review them from number of different point of views, but you haven't. Various perks have different usefullness in different situations and on different levels, depending on different builds, play styles, situations. Comparing those perks based on AK47 damage is silly. Read my previous posts. Spending 12 perks only instead of putting all perks in maxing out hp to gain sizeable bonus is cheating. If shelter allowed to soak damage in massibe 5x5 mega battles where you have 10-15 units shooting at you then in 1x1 battle it means invinciblility when you have only 3 units against you.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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Gotta stay calm about this subject..... got.... to... stay calm..... GAHHHHHH!!!!
First of all guys... LOOK AHEAD AT THE LATER LEVELS! The damage outputs of the later weapons is higher than earlier weapons for a reason: to equalize the increasing hitpoints of each and every unit (3 HP per level gained - 5 for ever 5th level). So... there will be some instances where increasing your HP is more effective than increasing your damage resistance and vice-versa.
Early on when you are a low level and everyone is stuck using AKSUs and TMPs, the Increased Hitpoints will be more powerful than Damage Resistance as you won't have any of the special perks. The increase in hitpoints - should you stick to the hitpoints - will allow you to safely take one to two extra hits. The damage resistance at this state won't be very effective at all.
BUT... once you get to the Turtle perk... then the line becomes effective. And even more so when you get Shelter. Then you are done with that line and can start working on other areas... like the weapon mastery perks! The guy that's still working on his hitpoints is nowhere near done yet and won't have the extra firepower to use against you.
Once you get to the high level armors and weapons... the Damage Resistance perk actually trumps the Hitpoint line! Why? Because the Damage Resistance perk (along with the armor) is nullifying lots and lots of damage per attack! And the guy that was boosting HP? He's hiding in a building... trying to recover his hitpoints slowly with Regeneration...
So a brief recap:
Boosting HP is beneficial in the short-run and allows you to take a few extra hits.
Boosting Defense is beneficial in the long run and allows you to really take hit after hit when you get very high level armor.
Also, if your defense unit also happens to be a medikit lover... he's not going to get killed without a fight as he won't like to take lots of damage... but he'll recover his health very rapidly!
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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BUT... once you get to the Turtle perk... then the line becomes effective. And even more so when you get Shelter. Then you are done with that line and can start working on other areas... like the weapon mastery perks! The guy that's still working on his hitpoints is nowhere near done yet and won't have the extra firepower to use against you.

Taking turtle line doesnt mean you get to weapons faster, it means you have WORSE weapons than your opponet does.
Edited 16 minutes later by .
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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red ranger, i appreciate you've gotten further then i have in gunrox, i also appreciate your higher lvl expierirence, but looking at the big picture (in my eyes)
RPG = 80-110?
MG4 = 40-200?
SIG = 50-70?
i dont know the exact numbers, but by lvl 20 most people are expected at least 200 HP right?
in 5x5, lets say you got 3 rpgs in enemy team and 3 mg4s and 5 sigs
rpgs max dmg = (110 X 3 = 330) 52% = 165 rough))
mg4 max dmg = (200 X 3 = 600) 52% = 300 rough))
sig max dm = (70 X 5 = 350) 52% = 165 rough))
52% = 10% base + 30% shelter (10) + 22% (improved swat)
your pretty much dead from the mg4, right?
now things that make these results almost impossible:
weapon positioning
dmg range
of course, sigs will scratch lots if used at max lvl by lvl 20 right?
mg4s not likely scratch, but not likely high dmg either
rpgs is most deadly
from this calculation if you want to last at higher lvls, use rpgs
but of course, rockets is EXTREMELY difficult to train from lvl 1 unless your mega casher
as far as i know, shelter will keep you alive unless hit by at least 4 rpgs
if people at lvl 20+ only use rpgs and mg4s, its already unbalance just like that, so in other words the weapons should be nurfed, not res, but of course, rpgs were already nurfed, so from my point of view nothing is wrong with shelter as it is
also, dont say i dont understand what the problem is, i understand perfectly, i was just saying what it seemed like to me, i also feel a little offended by that wether you say it wasnt intentional or was
to bers: woops, sorry, i didnt remember every detail of last time where it was because of server dead problem, sorry again! 😳
Edited 50 minutes later by *DELETED*.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Hehe i'll let you in on a little secret (seriously), snipers do more damage than rpgs, mg4s and sigs. and the fact is, at level 20 everyone has at least 2 of the 3 -
some have 2 rpgs, some have 2mg4s, some have 2 snipers, and most have a variation. alot have rpg, mg4 and sniper.
Snipers have longer range, they really do more damage (the rpgs and mg4s hit multiple enemies, its why most people think they are better).
And the way you put it dude.. If with shelter I would still die, because its 5 enemies shooting me. and most have double shot snipers (not to mention criticals to balance the scratches.)
As for health units, they have ~20% damage resistance, loads of health, and will regenerate if hit. and dont forget that they wont just stand around there, they will be in cover. Sheltered units with the new update are forced to stay in cover aswell, since going into the open is practically suicide.
Im so sick of this discussion lol, all we want now is to get our perks back and continue playing, even though we all know that our builds will be significantly worse than others (since they got the chance to plan out their builds from level 1, we need to redo a planned build with only 12 perks). but we, or at least I just dont care anymore. like bers said its the same arguments over and over again, I dont think anyone who had shelter (at level ~20) thought it was overpowered, And I've never heard anyone who didnt have shelter complaining about it.
Bers, please reset the perks. Fast!! we are having a really hard time playing for now. Im afraid even of going into megas since I dont want to ruin the game for my friends, and im not sure that I wont. and maybe time to close the discussion about shelter, since we made our points, and it wont change anything, right now its just a discussion to prove people wrong, and not to rectify the situation (but we did prove you all wrong!! 😝 ) so again-
Bers, please reset the perks, Fast!!
Oh and sorry you got offended then Unit-X. I just felt the previous post was rediculous. this 1 made a bit more sence.. but was still wrong 😝
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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ok arguement over ☺
still i kinda lol'd at your post 😁
dont take me wrong your post made sense it was just quite funny (i lose again :eek☺ 😁
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him