GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 15-Feb-2010 - Tournament Beta

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In this update we've added fully automated tournaments. Tournament functionality is still in beta so it is available only for a limited number of players who are chosen to play beta-test tournament this week, but once it is properly tested and fixed it will be available to everyone within a few weeks. Hold on... regular tournaments are closer than ever before!
In this update:
- tournaments (beta)
- memorial boulevard tweaked (more obstacles in center)
- additional effects of explosive weapons (stun, blind, poison) now have no effect through non-visible obstacles
- acid mine now 4 AP (was 6), bear trap now 6 AP (was 4) - we forgot to flip AP when we flipped those two.
- Saviour gold medal now requires 150000 HP healed (was 100000)
- in random battles location is picked randomly between locations of corresponding players.
- in random battles level difference is handled more intelligent (level 18 will not fight against level 20 even if it's 2 level difference).
Edited 6 hours later by . Reason: Grammar/Spelling corrections.
14 years ago Quote
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new update
i was playing before i downloaded the new update, and it was playing fine. after i downloaded and installed new update, i get disconnected over and over, like every 45 seconds. anyone else having this problem?
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to

LOL, for you world consists only of Portugal and Brasil 😁
What about China, Russia, Australia and other time zones?

i said 3 hours more for Russia ☺
In portugal 20h = Russia 23h is not Late
China (Only Nina) and she dont play many time ago =P
and when i say Portugal is same hour that LONDON
Australia you have Right i agree with you
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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We dont do abort requests, you can abort games yourself if everyone in the game agrees.

So the one who started the game presses abort and everyone else has to agree for it to work?
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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question of artificate
-what the blessed do in magic
-what the epic do in magic
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
blessed have smaller range
example scout have range 7-X,blessed scout have range 6-X ☺
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Update 15-Feb-2010 - Turnier Beta
In diesem Update haben wir voll automatisierte Turniere integriert. Diese Turnierfunktion ist jedoch noch im Beta-Status und so erhält eine begrenzte Anzahl von Spielern die Möglichkeit im Beta-Test-Turnier dieser Woche anzutreten. Wenn es innerhalb wenigen Wochen richtig geprüft und korrigiert ist wird es für alle Verfügbar. Regelmäßige Turniere sind näher als jemals zuvor!
In diesem Update:
- Turnier (beta)
- Memorial Boulevard überarbeitet (mehr Hindernisse in der Mitte)
- Zusätzliche Effekte von explosiven Waffen (Betäubung, Blendung, Gift) haben nun keine Auswirkung durch sichtbare Hindernisse
- Säurefallen benötigen jetzt 4 AP (früher 6), Bärenfalle benötigt jetzt 6 AP (4) - Wir hatten nur vergessen die AP zu tauschen als die Minen verändert wurden.
- Heiler Goldmedaille erfordert nun 150.000 HP Heilung (früher 100000)
- Zufallsschlachten finden nach dem Zufallsprinzip auf einem der Standorte der entsprechenden Akteure statt.
- In Zufallsschlachten wird der Unterschied nun klüger gehandhabt (Stufe 18 wird nicht mit Level 20 kämpfen, auch wenn es nur 2 Level Differenz sind)
Edited 1 week, 3 days later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him