GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Clan registration started!

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Clan registration now officially started. Now you can create your own clan and invite your friends to join in. To create your clan you have to purchase "New Clan" feature in the Cash Shop. After purchasing it you will have clan creation button on your squad tab. When you click it you will have to fill out clan creation form and submit 16x16 picture in PNG format which will be used as clan icon.
Please be patient - adding new clan is not instant procedure so it may take quite some time until your new clan will be actually registered in the game.
16 years ago
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Is really gonna cost $55 to set up a clan?πŸ˜•
16 years ago
16 years ago
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That's right people... you've been asking for it for who knows HOW long... and now you have the power! Thanks for your patience, now go make your own clan (just don't forget about the 16x16 icon)! Oh yeah... just nothing obscene with the icons please.
And YES... it does cost $55 to start a clan. Why? Have you seen how many clans there are in other games (many created by n00bs that just want their "own" clan)?
Edited 1 minute later by . Reason: Tweaked for above response.
16 years ago
16 years ago
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That's right people... you've been asking for it for who knows HOW long... and now you have the power! Thanks for your patience, now go make your own clan (just don't forget about the 16x16 icon)! Oh yeah... just nothing obscene with the icons please.
And YES... it does cost $55 to start a clan. Why? Have you seen how many clans there are in other games (many created by n00bs that just want their "own" clan)?

well that puts it out of my league. guess i have to wait for an invite.
16 years ago
16 years ago
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Being a clan leader is very prestige and that's why we put such a price. You have no idea how many people asking you to join your clan, offering artifacts and other stuff to join ☺ And besides that we will implement clan levels and clan perks in the nearby future so besides prestige clans will add bonuses that noone else will be able to get.
16 years ago
16 years ago
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Being a clan leader is very prestige and that's why we put such a price. You have no idea how many people asking you to join your clan, offering artifacts and other stuff to join ☺ And besides that we will implement clan levels and clan perks in the nearby future so besides prestige clans will add bonuses that noone else will be able to get.

What the... that's the first time I've ever heard about "clan" perks! What kind of perks are we talking about?
Enhanced artifact find rates?
More experience from "Clan Wars"?
Bigger Clan Sizes (got a funny feeling this one's going to be a lock)?
Clan Storage Areas?
16 years ago
16 years ago
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Clan perks will be tuned-down versions of some regular perks but they will affect ALL untis of ALL clan member. So if there gonna be +3 HP perk, it will give +3 HP to everyone in clan.
And increased clan size will also be available via perk. So it will be choice of clan leader which perks to pick up so it will be attractive to people who is willing to join clan. Also it will help greatly for newbie players due to those free bonuses.
On the other hand clan leader might decide to opt for increased clan size so his/her clan will have more members which results in greater chance to control location thus gaining experience bonus and to rank higher in the upcoming clan rankings.
16 years ago
16 years ago
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75$ for create a clan... idea of perk is nice but rly too expansif. my opinion
16 years ago
16 years ago
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offering artifacts and other stuff to join

even is someone would offer me artifacts for clan invitation, i wouldnt accept;p clan isnt kindergarten imho ;d
and thats why i dont want to be clan leader anymore ;d
16 years ago
16 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*

even is someone would offer me artifacts for clan invitation, i wouldnt accept;p clan isnt kindergarten imho ;d
and thats why i dont want to be clan leader anymore ;d

And still you are a clan member even if it's useless as you say.
16 years ago
16 years ago
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beeing clan member is useful, couse there are sometimes profits from that fact, i havent say that is useless 😎
16 years ago
16 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
Oh man...
im a leader of the sungas....
everytime every one ask me to join...and this is annoying...
with the clan implemetion now i'm fine...cuz the ppl have a right to start your own clan....
but i have a question to ask...πŸ™„
where i find this "clan" perk...i will have to buy it?
Edited 40 seconds later by *DELETED*. Reason: ...
16 years ago
16 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*

Oh man...
im a leader of the sungas....
everytime every one ask me to join...and this is annoying...
with the clan implemetion now i'm fine...cuz the ppl have a right to start your own clan....
but i have a question to ask...πŸ™„
where i find this "clan" perk...i will have to buy it?

Clan perks aren't out yet... we've just started to talk about it here on the forums! When they are released though..... we will be talking about them quite frequently.
16 years ago
16 years ago
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i hope so that clan perks will can not be purchased by enkord cash, just only earned by clan from clan overal statistics ?
16 years ago
16 years ago
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well my rank is too bad i will never be able to join a clan☹
16 years ago
16 years ago
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Is really gonna cost $55 to set up a clan?πŸ˜•

Maybe later it will be more expensive
16 years ago
16 years ago
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i think he will
15 years ago
15 years ago

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him