GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
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New Clan System: Ranking - discussion

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Dont get me wrong Bers, I GREATLY appreciate this new clan system thing, i have been waiting for a long time for this to come about, and i hope it works out, but i just dont see how it will, but again we will see ☺
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Chicken - nice idea about various leaderboards, but I think it will be better as individual tables, not clan ones. I want to make clan ranking single simple and straight. There are not that many clans for now to make various types of rankings. Maybe when there will be over 100 clans and competition in top list will be hard.

Thanks for the timely response ☺ I will come up with something you can use... I promise! Stay tuned.
Keep in mind that I like it simple as well. Technically, I would suggest using the 2 styles ONLY (Team Deathmatch and KotH). It's simple and also it would allow the clans to fight each other twice as opposed to once. But I see your point about allowing only 1 game each week.
Edited 3 minutes later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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but u can see that the high lvl clans dont switch members, we have our set members and have had them for a very long time, the only members we will kick are the new ones we add with the bonus clan members on lvl up. But still you see my point there right??

No, I dont see it. Red Talons switch members often enough comparing to time required to gain 5-10 levels.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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who have we switched bers, Red_Ranger quit Talons, same with Darken, we dont switch members, I created Talons to be a family style clan, a clan where the members STAY the same, sometimes people have fights with others (Red and Sany) and someone leaves, thats not considered switching.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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That's unnecessary details, fact is - some members come, some members go, even with familty-like clans like yours.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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thats 100% true, but our clan is good now as it is, we will not be loosing any of the current members, and most clans are the same. But lets wait and see what happens.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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i think this new system is going to be very cool buti hope the top 3 clans... swat, mjx and talons will get the equal opportunity to gain points without the need to kick out current members. i think this should be crucial and all must be done in this new system to to make this happen.
i read bers that you're considering giving more points to higher level players, well, i hope after 1-2 weeks, if you'll see that the top 3 clans dont get enough points just because of low number of battles, you will tweak the number of points/number of battles allowed in some way which will be proportional to other clans.
noone in a clan should be kicked unless he really deserves to(stopped playing or betrayed the clan in some way).
as i see it at the moment, a level 10-20 clan will get at least 20-30 games a week and a level 30-40 clan will get 3-4.

btw, i've read something about encouraging players to play in memorial more artificially.
well, maybe make memorial a better map?
he'res a suggestion: instead of spawning a road in the middle of map, spawn some items for cover, so that when red zone ends, it won't be a big mess. memorial is utterly unplayable because when red zone ends all are in the open.

the only way a mega is a skirmish and not tactics, is when there's no cover to play with.
a good map which provides cover gives amazing opportunity for team tactics, bers, you really should watch some of the 5x5 battles we have, in which tactics win/lose everything. it's not just skirmish like you think, if it was, i wouldn't want to play this game.
this is why i dont see the reason of rulling out 5x5. we all love it for a reason, it's the most fun game.
3x3 is more intense just because your turn get way faster, which isn't a very good things sometimes.
of course everyone has their own opinion, but why not let the people choose themselves the types of battles? why force something the way you want it? we're here playing anyway, so whats the big deal?
you say it's hard to balance? well let us crack our heads ourselves, we love it ☺

4x4/5x5 games will alllow more games for clans to make, this will partially solve the problem in the top of my message.

another big problem i see- clan leaders will want to win at all costs just to get the point, which means, all clans will have their top 3 players who will play all the clan games. all the other clan members will be left out and frustrated. for a reason, but then again, why let them play if they have the smaller chance to win?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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My feelings about this systems are:
The most clans must think about their normal members. Because you should create a mixed team of higher and lower level players. So you could offer realtive balanced matches to every clan and find opportunities to create teams for clanbattles.
Mosttime clans have a relative close levelrange. Because you prefer members you know for longer time. You play with or against him in past. You want clanmembers to play together at normal megamatches. In future this are differnt kinds of shoes. In future with half of your clan you wouldnt play normal megamatches because low exp when you play with or against players with 10 or more level lower like yourself. A stupid difference i think.
Mosstime higher level player sitting in clans, this also means new clans filled with lower level players. In future new clans have just a low chance for good places at the new clanranking.
You said its hard to manage matches for clantourney. Thats right. And i think in future it will be hard to find real clanmatches with the rule 3 of one clan vs 3 of another clan. If you have differnt levels at your clan the number of players who can play against another clan is smaller too. Its hard to find a special point in time when the most suitable players all online and have time for a match. We know at tourney it was hard and that was an exact timepoint (some player just login to fight for this) the clanmatches in future have no special timepoint. And at the tournament were the teamcreating more flexible than in the future ClanRanking. This reduces the chance for clanmatch more than it was at the tourney.
Edited 3 minutes later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Just an idea but how about if clan matches gave clan rankin points depending on the level of the players.
lev 1-10 gives 1 clan point
lev 11-20 gives 2 clan points
lev 21-30 gives 3 clan points
lev 31-40 gives 4 clan points
lev 41-50 gives 5 clan points
losin team gets 1/3 of total

so a matchup of a lev 30-40-20 vs 30-40-20
would give 9 points to the winner and 3 points to the loser.
Also this could be adjusted later giving more points for higher levels if the table is still biased towards low level clans. Plus if the matchup is not balanced the weaker team can win more points than the stronger team.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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well, maybe make memorial a better map?
he'res a suggestion: instead of spawning a road in the middle of map, spawn some items for cover, so that when red zone ends, it won't be a big mess. memorial is utterly unplayable because when red zone ends all are in the open.

Yes, or just eliminate/slow red zone for memorial.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Well bers was the one who basically swayed everyone away from playing in Memo, saying it was a sniper map, and not good for megas.
Anyways, i think that we should be able to choose what amount of players we can have in a clan battle, 3x3 being the min. and of course 5x5 being the max. This will elimenate biasness towards the lower lvls.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Number of clan Battles..
I was thinking that if clan's were allowed to have 3 battles against each clan maximum but with a restriction that, each clan member can only play in one game against a another clan in a week.
So there could be up to 3 matches/games against the same clan but different clan members have to battle in each of the 3 games.
example 3 games against same clan..
game 1 clan members, A B C
game 2 clan members, D E F
game 3 clan members, G H I
And if you allowed UP TO, 5x5 for a clan battle, then all members in a clan could still play every clan without being left out any of the battles..
example 2 games against same clan..
game 1 clan members, A B C D E
game 2 clan members, F G H I J
Even a 5x3 or 3x2 etc..or even three 4x4 games etc.
Edited 18 minutes later by . Reason: Minor tweaks.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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I was thinking that if clan's were allowed to have 3 battles against each clan maximum but with a restriction that, each clan member can only play in one game against a another clan in a week.
So there could be up to 3 matches/games against the same clan but different clan members have to battle in each of the 3 games.
example 3 games against same clan..
game 1 clan members, A B C
game 2 clan members, D E F
game 3 clan members, G H I
And if you allowed UP TO, 5x5 for a clan battle, then all members in a clan could still play every clan without being left out any of the battles..
example 2 games against same clan..
game 1 clan members, A B C D E
game 2 clan members, F G H I J

Theoretical its a nice idea but in practice its not really possible. This wants clans of same additinal level so you could create 2-3 balanced games. For example first match both teams with adittional level around 55. 2nd match around 43. 3th match around 39. This means 9 player of this clans must have additional level of 137. Mostime its hard to find just 3 player of same clans who can play a fair match.
Try to find 2 or more constellation with team of your clan vs a team of my clan (Red-Talons) Then try to find 2-3 different teams against Voltron or Toxic. And so on. Im sure thats really hard. And if you found some good groups wait for the moment when all of these players are online 😉
Edited 2 minutes later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Berserker, how the new clan ranking corresponds to long-time-ago-annouced change of clan perks? Will be new clan ranking and new clan perks introduced at the same time?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Bers also another question,
This was unclear to me earlier, you said there will be some bonuses for the high lvl clans if we can manage to take top 3. Some being more exp, more points or 50% certain things in shop. Now does the exp, and Discount count for ALL clan members, or just the ones who participated in the battles to begin with.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

This was unclear to me earlier, you said there will be some bonuses for the high lvl clans if we can manage to take top 3. Some being more exp, more points or 50% certain things in shop. Now does the exp, and Discount count for ALL clan members, or just the ones who participated in the battles to begin with.

It will be available to all clan members, except maybe some cool one time features that will be avaiable to clan leader only. (Like fixing any weapon including art one time per week)
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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see Bers, now that doesnt sound to bad, but the fact that we wont see any high lvl clans in top 3 is almost 90% sure ☹
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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9. Top list will be divided in groups by 5 clans, like Group A - clans 1-5, Group B - clans 6-10 and so on. Clan battle between clans of the same group will give 5 times more points. This system will prevent possibility of...

What will happen if having 46 clans? The last one will be alone in Group J and there will be no clans to fight for "5 times more points" with.
Suggest making the last group not less than 3 clans and in case we have 1-2 clans remaining (e.g. 46-47 clans total) join them to the latest group (6-7 clans in last group).
Also this could pump up rotation between the bottom of clan groups ranking.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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What will happen if having 46 clans? The last one will be alone in Group J and there will be no clans to fight for "5 times more points" with.
Suggest making the last group not less than 3 clans and in case we have 1-2 clans remaining (e.g. 46-47 clans total) join them to the latest group (6-7 clans in last group).
Also this could pump up rotation between the bottom of clan groups ranking.

I doubt last clans will be very active so it will be easy to fight few clans from other groups to move to the higher group.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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I doubt last clans will be very active so it will be easy to fight few clans from other groups to move to the higher group.

Maybe... but to be honest your last reply about activity of the last clans makes me feel that making bottom groups a bit larger is not so bad idea.
But anyway will see what happen in reality.
wow. my post is #100. Cool! ☺
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him