GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Dispersion Guide - 40mm and Grenades

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Portrait of SMELLICT
Dispersion Guide - 40mm and Grenades
Dispersion Guide
Most of gunrox players uses 40mm or grenades , and even Rockets. And the
ones that dont are missing one of the key tactic elements of this game.
I am writing these tips in order to help everyone understand well what
dispersion really is , how to avoid hitting your self or allies when shooting and
bring to maximum the chance that you will hit your enemy even with hard shots or when blinded.

PART 1 - what is dispersion ?
Dispersion means that if you aim at a certain square on the map your shot could
be diverted to X number of squres from the square that you have aimed to as if you would
aim each of these squeres !!
X - marks the dispersion value , it is usually 1 for most 40mm and grenades.
For example if you aim at 20:20 and you have 1 dispersion then the dispersion
will make 1 out of 9 chance that you will really hit 20:20 square.
The actuall shot could be diverted to each of these other sqaures:
21:19 , 21,20 , 21,21
20:19 , , 20,21
19:19 , 19:20 , 19:21
The key factor here is that the shot is diverted before shooting and not after
for example you aim 20:20 and by 1 out of 9 chance the dispersion diverted your shot
to 20:21 ==> this means that in fact you are shooting 20:21 and not 20:20 !!
note that when you are blinded dispersion increases but there is no reason
to avoid every shot Just because of this. it only means that you need to treat
the shots with more attention and be extra carefull when obstacles near the
area you want to shoot from.

Part 2 - Open feild

lets Assume that enemy stands in 20:20 position and absolutly no obstacles between
you and your enemy.

If there are no obstacles at all and you are shooting 40mm or grenades then for the
following dispersion values this is where you should aim.

1 dispersion:
21:19 , 21,20 , 21,21
20:19 , 20:20 , 20,21
19:19 , 19:20 , 19:21
these 9 spaces will end with a sure 100% hit.
if you cant reach them. then try to shoot 2 spaces away but not in diagonal!
a GOOD place to aim shot will be 20:22 , 20:18 , 18:20 , 22:20
=> 7 out of 9 shots will hit - 77%
a BAD place to aim shot will be 4 diagonals of 2 spaces 18:18,18:22,22:18,22:22
=> 4 out of 9 shots will hit - 44%
if you must shoot from 3 spaces then aim shot to 20:17 , 20:23 , 17:20 , 23:20
=> 4 out of 9 shots will hit - 44%

2 dispersion:
This state will probably when blinded or when shooting Rockets.
The principle here is pretty much the same
Aim 20:20 and you will hit i with 100%
other GOOD positions to aim: 19:20,20:19,21:20,20:21
=> 21 out of 25 shots will hit - 84%
3 dispersion:
Aim 20:20 and you will hit 25 out of 49 shots - 51%
"so why are we afraid of dispersion ?!?!?"
When the enemy is open , even when you are blinded he is still in trouble!
A good advice is to take just 1 ot 2 perks for blind resist. make sure
That when you are blinded , your dispersion goes down to max value of
2 and not 3 or more!
Edited 11 hours, 52 minutes later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of SMELLICT
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Part 3 - Obstacles.
This is where we seperate the PROS from the NOOBS.
A PRO will almost NEVER hit himself even when blinded, and will only rarely miss!
a NOOB or unexperienced player will shoot and pray for 2 things:
1. Hit enemy
2. Dont hit self or allies.
Well guys there is no need to pray. All you need is to read carefully and follow my
As most of you figured shooting with high dispersion (2 or more) when obstacles are found
near you/Between you and your Enemy is NOT recommended.
I will Describe some scenarios where you will need to shoot your enemy, some shots
are easy , some are hard , and some very hard.

Surrounding Rule:

The number #1 rule of dispersion: always check surrounding squeares before shooting!
This means that If i want to aim 20:20 and have 1 dispersion, I will move my mouse
to each of the 8 squares around 20:20 to see if the shot will get interrupted by
an obstacle. so we want to check 2 things about this rule.
1) There is a straight line of fire to each of the 9 squares (include middle square
aimed to)
2) Each of the squares or at least most of them will be on the enemy Kill zone.
meaning it will hit him.
Edited 11 hours, 52 minutes later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of SMELLICT
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Scenario 1:

Imagine that you stand in 22:21 and enemy is in 16:19.
There is an obstacle , lets take a wall for example:
21:20 ------ 21:23
21:20 ------ 16:20

You are shooting with 1 dispersion.
The best way to hit will be to move 2 spaces to 22:19 or 23:19
and Aim at 16:18. if we will check the Surrounding Zone then we will see
that no matter where the shoot will move 1 space... we will still hit! and never
hit ourselfs. this is optimal!
NOOB: but why not shoot 16:19 if the enemy is standing there ?
Answer: simple, because if we want to shoot 16:19 then 3 out of 9 squares of the
Surrounding Zone will cause us miss the enemy and hit ourselfs. This will happen
if we will be unlucky (33%) and the shot will be diverted into 15:20,16:20 or 17:20.
Edited 2 hours, 39 minutes later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of SMELLICT
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Scenario 2:
Imagine that you stand in 18:16 and enemy is in 20:23.
There is an obstacle , lets take a wall for example:
16:21 ------ 23:21

Some players think that with 0 dispersion this shot is possible otherwise you need
luck. This is not true , luck has nothing to do with it.
The best way to hit will be to move 2 spaces to 20:17
no matter where you were before 20:17 is the best place to shoot from and i will
explain why:

We will aim as far as we can at a straight line knowing that we will hit
the wall but aiming so we will hit 20:21 (part of the wall that will cause a hit).
if our range is 9 maximum (for milkors and 40mm) we would want to shoot 20:26
position. It is obvious that since you are standing 4 squares away from the wall
that you cant hit your self with the shot!.
as we can see from the picture all of the Surrounding zone is covered, the red
lines indicate where the shoot will go (if something is in the red line way, the
shot will explode on it , in our case the wall part 20:21 is always in the way).
since the shoot will 100% hit 20:21 and cause a hit to the enemy.
* i might be wrong here, and hit will be 77%.

Scenario 3:
This is not a common scenario but its a hard shot , and sometimes this game
forces you to shoot shots that you dont like. The main concern is first not to hit
youself at any case , and second to hit your enemy with the highest percentage.
Imagine that you stand in 22:21 or any other sqaure in that aread and enemy is in 16:19.
There are 2 obstacles , lets take a walls for example:
16:20 ------ 21:20 , 21:20 ---- 21:23
16:18------- 19:18 , 19:16 ---- 19:18
This looks like the Enemy is in a great advenatage if you have only 1 dispersion
weapons as Greandes or Milkors (without the 0 dispersion skill).
This shot is a hard shot... many players that will try it will hit themselfs and most of the
players will not even try to shoot.
But its defently a possible shot that can be made without hitting your self and about
33% (or more...) to hit your enemy.

Moving to 23:19 or 24:19 and aiming at 18:18 is the best thing you can do
in this situation.
if we would check the Surroinding zone we will see the all 6 out of 9
blocked shots will hit the wall at 19:18 and we will not take any damage.
3 out of 9 shots will hit 17:19 , 18:19 , 19:19 ==> the enemy takes damage
and you dont! . 3 out of 9 shots will hit , its better then not attack at all.
Edited 12 hours, 42 minutes later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of SMELLICT
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Part 4 - Windows and open doors.
These shot are somtimes very easy and somtimes very hard. the rule is always
to look for the Surrounding Zone of the square that you have aimed to and see
if the shoot will be stopped (in most cases u will hit yourself this way).
When standing just near the window at a straight line (NO DIAGONALS!)
then shooting at a straight line to a distance of 6-9 squares should be pretty safe.
when trying to shoot not at a straight use the Surrounding Zone rule.
it is highly recommended that you will shoot at maximum range from windows and doors.

Part 5 - Acid, Poision and Stun grenades.
These greandes have special effects. They are not damage grenades and they differ
by the very important fact that they cant hit through walls and obstacles.
even when you aim somewhere and you see a red mark (Gunrox indicator that the enemy
will be hit if the grenade hit the spot which you have aimed to) This does not mean
that the enemy will take the hit. you must check that no obstacles stand between the
square you are aiming to shoot and the enemy position.
Note that the Surrounding Zone rule applies here as well and under the same
conditions besides the fact that they cant hit through obstecales!

Part 6 - Zero Dispersion
The ultimate way to use Grenades and 40mm. As easy as it sounds , where you aimed
is where you hit! no need to check Surrounding Zone rule at all!! all you need
to check is that There is no obstacle in the direct line of shot from your position
to your target.
0 dispersion can safely be thrown from windows even with Diagonal shots!
In General each 40 skills higher then weapon requirements will reduce Dispersion by 1
Milkor : 0 dispersion is gained with Grenade Launchers skill 60.
RPG : 1 dispersion is gained with Grenade Launcers skill 80 and 0 dispersion at skill 120
Grenades : 0 dispersion for the following grenades according to Grenades skill.
Hand grenade - skill 40
Acid grenade - skill 50
Rgd33 - skill 60
flash - skill 70
F1 - skill 80
stun - skill 90
frag - skill 100
Imp Flash - skill 110
Rgd42 - skill 120
Some players think that when you get a certain strong grenade you should not use other grenades
with lower skill but this is wrong! when shooting with 0 dispersion you will find out that rgd33
can sometimes do as much damage as frag with 1 dispersion.
If you have grenadier with skill 60 my best advice is to make sure you take at least 2-3 Rgd33.
Gaining the 0 dispersion ability gives you a great tactical adventage in combat.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of Cossacks
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nice, but it would be much simpler to read if you pasted images in text, not in attachment.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of SMELLICT
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nice, but it would be much simpler to read if you pasted images in text, not in attachment.

Thanks for your comment , as you can see I've improved it.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of _Explosion_
Reply to
Make this guide better, by putting actual screenshots from in the game. Do an abort game, then I think it should be sticky after you do this. Newcomers will understand it better then. Nice so far btw...
Edited 5 months later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of berserker
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Awesome guide, made it sticky.
Kudos to SMELLICT, I am sure this will be helpful to many players.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of puttatos
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Thumbs up for made it sticky. Good work Smellict 😉
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of the_one
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nice job
i tihnk some one needs to wright a song about him to show to him gredetod,
who will step up and do it...
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of SMELLICT
Reply to
This guide is by far not over , I intent to improve it and add more
difficult scenarios.
I guess more Edits will be made soon and I will add some screenshots
from the game to illustrate.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of X-Renegade
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Maybe im not the best of the Gunrox players
with a combined level of 24 , but if i can help with any info
im honored.Good work and i wish luck to you continue it.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of pelecan
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Thx for the time you spent Smellict. I am angry though, cause things i have spent so many time to learn them, newcomers need to spent only around 10 min☺.
Also less fun at this game now cause no more people shooting themselves.😝
Edited 8 minutes later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Good guide 😁
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of SMELLICT
Reply to *DELETED*
Added Scenario 3.
I will add some more soon.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of Duff_Mcwhalen
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thabnk smellick now i understand hehehe ☺
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of _Rafael_
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You are a matematic teatcher?
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Portrait of hoanghuynh
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this guide is FOR NOOBS, who doesnt no how to PLAY
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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this guide is FOR NOOBS, who doesnt no how to PLAY

Usually the function of a guide is that ... 😉
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him