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Hello my name is Schatzy and im a alcholic. I alcholic too☹ Hi brother😁
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My name is Pawel. Im from poland. I speak polish,english well , spanish,little german and french. I like playing football and i like team Barcelona. This game is vey good. Keep this and you will be the best man. Beresker 😁.
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HI,my name is wael im from algeria,i love small and stratigy games like thos one
i speak english,arabic,french well and nothing little,i live in setif.
and i love f.c.barcalona and e.s.s clubs😁 i hate real madrid 😡
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well, I decided to create this post for all to see that I am human)
My name is Henrique , I am 18 and live in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte state in northeastern Brazil. i love my city,is not a big city but very beautiful and hot.
I study at the School of Science and Technology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, I'm interested in political affairs, geography, technology, girls, computers, and like every Brazilian "football." I speak Portuguese, Spanhol and a little English. I love music and movies,my favorite band is U2 and I have a DVD collection.
I play this game for over 1 year and made great friends here.
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it seems to be in fashion thos days to get to know you better
so, i am Guy or God your choise
same for me
Israel is the place i live.
i hate pimenta and henique
*i love HRON very much
no, i wont put picturs VAN, as much as you want it. ☺
ARSENAL is the team of my life and Cupcake is the woman i will take to be the mother of my childrens.
i will have 5 kids, 3 boys 2 girls ☺
rock music, hate religions (please admit it, god is for the weakers)
*dont realy love HRON - actually, i hate snitchers.
p.s - if i will not marry cupcake, so i will be the step father of Pimenta 😲😁
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lets check this out...
Israel is the place i live.
i hate pimenta and henique yeah, noobs and girless :3
no, i wont put picturs VAN, as much as you want it. ☺[/QUOTE]
i NEVER ask pics for a non-woman being (ò_ó)
[QUOTE]... Cupcake is the woman i will take to be the mother of my childrens.
i will have 5 kids, 3 boys 2 girls ☺[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]*dont realy love HRON - actually, i hate snitchers.[/QUOTE]
oh... if you say so... ^_^
[QUOTE]p.s - if i will not marry cupcake, so i will be the step father of Pimenta 😲 i guess he is not the only one who you need to worry about 😎
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ARSENAL is the team of my life and Cupcake is the woman i will take to be the mother of my childrens.
i will have 5 kids, 3 boys 2 girls ☺
Sweet dreams you have, but I think everyone already knows of your rare disease. "Allergy-Women". I hope someday find the cure for your disease
this is a picture of lil when he was baby. I put this badge, because I know it's hard to see that Lil.
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Ok, it's very hard for me to resist and don't put some comments about you but please do not flood in this thread... A few welcome posts to a new player is all you can do, this thread is for introduction so flood will be sorted out.
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i want talk alot about me. But i dont know much english. I am a good player. I live in vietnam.i load cash by sms of mobil. I am 9 years old. I only a kid, please dont kill me. Hi hi. Thanks. I love astor
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Meu Nome É Milena, Oi Tenho 13 anos Estudo Moro em Belém-PA em 1 º Ano Armando Fajardo Oia Fotuh Minha: D Imagem092.jpg
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Soo are we jigglin' or what?
My name is jiggle billy. This is not my first acct but i like how easy it is to get games on lower lvls. I log in sometimes on my higher lvl to get megas with friends. For me 5x5 is the most fun i have in gunrox, but anytime i play on a team with players i trust i have a great time. I am Cupcake's true romancer. Most of the other girls that play gunrox are too young for me. (although i'm not familiar with other countries laws the standard of 18 here in the US works fine for me) Cherry you are cute and near my age. Maybe we will play a game together. Enough about me, let's get to jigglin on the battlefield.
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My name's Nathiuz.
I'm a Petroleum Engineer currently living in Arizona, USA.
I don't like most of you.
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well i have not see my home for 3 weeks ther for i not played the game for 3 weeks and not going to play it 3 more so i am so bourd i am posting this.
hi my name is maor its like the sun in hebru i have great belive in *god this is why i fight for him some times usually he is not proud at me :-(.
i see god face and got blind so i hope u all not see his @ss face 2.
allso i think he is alitle boy lover bout i not have pic only pain in @ss.
*god - lil god
baaaaaaaaaaaaa when will the exames end whennnnnnnnnnnnnn?
p.s pimp can u set me up wite alitle girl i need for 2 night i have 2 $ what can u set me up wite?
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THats me .
Iam :Ahmed
my nick is :Fire teto
Iam from :Egypt11062010(005).jpg
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hi guys
we are three brothers playing with this acc, Reza, Amir & Ali ( respectively; 25, 17 and 13 years old) and now im the oldest☺ and
we live in Iran, i think u heard alot about my country this day 😉
im PhD student of Immunology and love Gunrox even more than girls 😁
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hi guys
we are three brothers playing with this acc, Reza, Amir & Ali ( respectively; 25, 17 and 13 years old) and now im the oldest☺ and
we live in Iran, i think u heard alot about my country this day 😉
im PhD student of Immunology and love Gunrox even more than girls 😁 yea my brother i heared much about iran XD good luck with nuclear industry
i alaways belive that there is no real peace without being strong and now iran doing that will be strong so will have peace god with you .☺
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hi all
hi all,
my name is Tom (they call me Tommy) and i'm 14 years old.
I live in Bulgaria (next to Serbia) in Sofia (the capital of Bulgaria) and i play tennis everyday ☺
I like swimming,playing football and basketball.
I'm addicted to pizzas 😁
and i think that's all 🙄
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Hi im Forca, my real name is Stephan. 7 days left untill i'm 16, I'm from the Netherlands. Just like berserker I like simple and addictive games. Erm, i'm gonna do multi media design first and then go for website designing.
~ Forca
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I AM -Rosita-SExy..My name is rosa angelica have 16 years old i from mexico and i love gunrox and party's 😁
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I AM -Rosita-SExy..My name is rosa angelica have 16 years old i from mexico and i love gunrox and party's 😁
 😲 😁