GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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War is coming

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War is coming to GUNROX. We are getting closer to introduce the most significant clan update - WAR and diplomacy.
This update will allow clans to declare war one on another, form alliances and sign non-attack pacts. When in war state players of each clan can attack enemy clan members almost at any time! Weak clans who cannot withstand such a threat must seek protection from stronger clans and maybe provide contribution for their safety.
Stay tunned for this and other major clan updates to be released by the end of this year!
14 years ago Quote
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i cant wait for this ! this is gonna be so awesome plz hurry bers ! 😁
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Hi, i want to know how protection and allies is gonna be. can you pay for protection? and can you attack with more clan mates or allies at 1 battle so 2x1 or 2x2? plz let me know. thx i think this is gonna be a nice update. it makes gunrox a lot more fun 😎
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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It's up to you and other clan to pay or not to pay for protection.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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and 2x2?
can you have a war battle 2x2 or 2x1
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Nice job berserker
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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can you have a war battle 2x2 or 2x1

only 1x1
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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this gonna be so cool.i cant wait for this ☺
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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is it possible to add the current map some more parts so clans can war to get control of it and there is some kind of advantage for clans who take over a map like a little boost in defense. Like a campaign to fight for world domination. Adding a little rpg storyline to gunrox would definitely make it more interesting then fighting to just reach the next lvl. wish u all the best to advertise gunrox we want to see gunrox population grow 😎.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
berserker quick fast, I want war 😁😁😁
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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yeh i cant wait berserker 😁 im very exited to kill tarox Mirro akinAK and
mart88 😝
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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yeh i cant wait berserker 😁 im very exited to kill tarox Mirro akinAK and
mart88 😝

good but i see u play in vedio i cant bolev how u get lvl 31 WOW 😲
but iam not scare from war iam really scared
why berssker put it only 1x1 thats hard and iam lucky i cant get allot of pepole have same lvl 😝
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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Awesome??? hurrry
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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bers" I do not understand a bit alo referred to attack at any moment in a mega if 2 players in clan war in which this clip to acetaria (mega) q it would be playing at that time?
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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shinobys !! XD

yeh i cant wait berserker 😁 im very exited to kill tarox Mirro akinAK and
mart88 😝

duff uchiha clan noob ^^
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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angels ^^
DemoniacS clan peace 🙄🙄🙄
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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War =D
Hey bers Coudl war make like Mega?
something like 5 Vs 5 all from same clan?
would be really cool too ... doing some team work =D could that happen plx i would love it and i hope u like it the ideia 2 =]
ty and really nice update to come ^^
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
come on
i need war it wil be the best update of the year
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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war at world 3 ☺)))))))))) fast 2010 well begin 😁 fast berserker
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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I did not understand
I still did not understand WHAT it will be 😲
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
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only 1x1

So for players like me that spend a lot of cash on making constant
adjustments to build my unit specially for MEGAS
now I will be forced to play 1x1 games against art taking noobs or players
my level that like 1x1 games ?
I dont like 1x1 , and I often log in this game just to make some modifications
with my build , buy/sell stuff from shop/art market.
Not everyone likes 1x1 games , you should consider those players that
dont want to participate in these sneaky,dirty attacks and implement
INVISIBLE mode or something that allows you to log in without a possibility
of being attacked. (of course staying without a clan for that matter is
stuiped and never an option)
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him