GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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9th of May 2011 - 3rd GUNROX birthday

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9th of May can be considered GUNROX birthday when it first went public so to celebrate it we are going to offer 50% discount on "Reset all Skills and Perks" feature third year in a row. Discount will be valid for the next few days (9 - 11 of May).
To celebrate 3 years of GUNROX we've announced a birthday tournament with generous prizes.
1st place = 200 000 Enkord Cash + 6 arts
2nd place = 100 000 Enkord Cash + 6 arts
Tournament is for levels 10-14 without arts on Lost Beach.
The team of GUNROX also congratulates our first players who joined GUNROX in the first two months of it's beta launch and still playing this game. Here is the list of these devoted players who haven't get their reward last year:
Majko182, ffinder, negasun, pol-2523, papers, reigoskeiter, michielh3, GoldenDragoon, yanns, 00iTaJi00, alowa33, ExpAsall, red-one, Soulcrates, malyan, KpuK, runezmaster, luke1976, Zilander, Live, Akmil, Ponury, Xspy, romulomelo, augusto, alexon, Krypton, Habibu, VictorML, max_maddox, Bonema, Hymen, xereniko, plerolero, larryvarza, Barmadron, Tairone, maike279, TaradinhoO, Vinii, Pioneer83, leoclecio, PITECO, tuanalm, star007, Paliking, chiro, keninho, Guedes

if you are one of them - contact berserker to get your unique artifact prize - Souvenier Pistola!
13 years ago
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9 de Maio de 2011 - 3º Aniversário do GUNROX
9 de Maio pode ser considerado o aniversário do GUNROX, quando este veio a público pela primeira vez, então para comemorar nós daremos 50% de desconto no Extra "Resetar todos os Perks e Habilidades" pelo terceiro ano consecutivo. Os descontos serão válidos para os próximos dias (9 - 11 de Maio).
Para celebrar os 3 anos de GUNROX nós anunciamos um Torneio de Aniversário com prêmios generosos.
1º lugar = 200 000 Enkord Cash + 6 artefatos
2º lugar = 100 000 Enkord Cash + 6 artefatos
O torneio será realizado para jogadores de níveis 10-14 sem artefatos em Lost Beach.
A equipe GUNROX também parabeniza nossos primeiros jogadores que ingressaram no jogo nos primeiros dois meses de lançamento na fase beta e que ainda estão ativos. Aqui está a lista dos jogadores que ainda não reinvidicaram seus prêmios no ano passado:
Majko182, ffinder, negasun, pol-2523, papers, reigoskeiter, michielh3, GoldenDragoon, yanns, 00iTaJi00, alowa33, ExpAsall, red-one, Soulcrates, malyan, KpuK, runezmaster, luke1976, Zilander, Live, Akmil, Ponury, Xspy, romulomelo, augusto, alexon, Krypton, Habibu, VictorML, max_maddox, Bonema, Hymen, xereniko, plerolero, larryvarza, Barmadron, Tairone, maike279, TaradinhoO, Vinii, Pioneer83, leoclecio, PITECO, tuanalm, star007, Paliking, chiro, keninho, Guedes

se você for um deles - contate berserker para ganhar seu artefato único - Souvenier Pistola!
Edited 1 day later by .
13 years ago
13 years ago
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single perk reset ....
I wish they would give discount on single perk reset also. i need those.
13 years ago
13 years ago
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9 Maja 2011 - Trzecie urodziny GUNROX'a
9 maja może być uważany za urodziny GUNROX'a, gdyż tego dnia rozpoczęto publiczne testy, z tego powodu chcemy zaoferować 50% zniżkę na "Reset wszystkich zdolności i umiejętności" 3 rok z rzędu. Przecena potrwa przez kilka najbliższych dni (9-11 maja)
Aby uświetnić 3 lata GUNROX'a ogłosiliśmy urodzinowy turniej z wspaniałymi nagrodami.
Pierwsze miejsce = 200 000 Enkord Cash + 6 artefaktów
Drugie miejsce = 100 000 Enkord Cash + 6 artefaktów
Turniej przeznaczony jest dla graczy o poziomach 10-14 bez artów na Plaży Straceńców.
Zespół GUNROX'a chciałby pogratulować naszym pierwszym graczom, którzy
zaczęli grać w czasie pierwszych miesięcy beta testów i którzy wciąż grają.
Oto lista tych zasłużonych graczy którzy nie dostali nagrody rok temu:
Majko182, ffinder, negasun, pol-2523, papers, reigoskeiter, michielh3, GoldenDragoon, yanns, 00iTaJi00, alowa33, ExpAsall, red-one, Soulcrates, malyan, KpuK, runezmaster, luke1976, Zilander, Live, Akmil, Ponury, Xspy, romulomelo, augusto, alexon, Krypton, Habibu, VictorML, max_maddox, Bonema, Hymen, xereniko, plerolero, larryvarza, Barmadron, Tairone, maike279, TaradinhoO, Vinii, Pioneer83, leoclecio, PITECO, tuanalm, star007, Paliking, chiro, keninho, Guedes
Jeżeli jesteś jednym z nich napisz do berseker żeby zdobyć unikalny artefakt - Souvenier Pistola!
13 years ago
13 years ago
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I wish they would give discount on single perk reset also. i need those.

yeah me too 😎😎😎😎
13 years ago
13 years ago
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Happy birthday!!!
13 years ago
13 years ago
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why not give ewrione a art !?
13 years ago
13 years ago
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Lol look 200k for winner from tourney???
Better give all player around 1k or make the price from 1perk reset lower its not fair!!!!!!
13 years ago
13 years ago
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happy brigtday a u 😁 gunrox 3 yeards acompanando a las personas 😁
13 years ago
13 years ago
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Happy birthday Gunrox Hey if u want to troll here ur not lucky were here to celebrate!!
13 years ago
13 years ago
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The weapon
Hey can someone chow a piuc of the gun showing it's stats?
13 years ago
13 years ago
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9. Mai 2011 - 3. GUNROX Geburtstag
Der 9. Mai kann als Geburtstag von GUNROX bezeichnet werden da dies der Tag ist als Gunrox zum ersten mal der Öffentlichkeit zugängig gemacht wurde. Um das zu feiern geben wir 50% Rabatt auf "Zurücksetzten aller Vorteile und Fähigkeiten" (Reset all Skills and Perks). Der Rabatt gilt jedoch nur die nächsten Tage (9-11 Mai).
Zur Feier gibts ebenso ein GUNROX Geburtstag Turnier mit großzügigen Preisen:
1. Platz = 200 000 Enkord Cash + 6 Artefakte
2. Platz = 100 000 Enkord Cash + 6 Artefakte
Turnier ist für die Level 10-14 ohne Artefakte
am verlorenen Strand (Lost Beach).
Das Team von GUNROX beglückwünscht weiterhin unsere ersten Spielern die während der ersten beiden Monate der Beta-Phase begannen und noch heute dieses Spiel spielen. Hier ist die Liste der treuesten Spieler die Ihre Belohnung voriges Jahr noch nicht abgeholt hatten:
Majko182, ffinder, negasun, pol-2523, papers, reigoskeiter, michielh3, GoldenDragoon, yanns, 00iTaJi00, alowa33, ExpAsall, red-one, Soulcrates, malyan, KpuK, runezmaster, luke1976, Zilander, Live, Akmil, Ponury, Xspy, romulomelo, augusto, alexon, Krypton, Habibu, VictorML, max_maddox, Bonema, Hymen, xereniko, plerolero, larryvarza, Barmadron, Tairone, maike279, TaradinhoO, Vinii, Pioneer83, leoclecio, PITECO, tuanalm, star007, Paliking, chiro, keninho, Guedes
Falls du einer von Ihnen bist kontaktiere Berserker um deine Belohnung zu bekommen: das einzigartige Artefakt : Souvenierpistole!
13 years ago
13 years ago
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Just bought full reset. ☺
13 years ago
13 years ago
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This is the day of EU i think. That coinsidence or meaning?
13 years ago
13 years ago
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haaa bad luck I enter almost 2 years not open gift for me? and I'm hooked on this game: /
13 years ago
13 years ago
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00iTaJi00, alowa33, KpuK,luke1976, Zilander, Live, Krypton, Habibu, VictorML, Pioneer83,PITECO,

i think im too young, these are the only ones players that i have see; all other i have no idea who are
13 years ago
13 years ago
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only Reset all Skills and Perks ?? ☹

que mala suerte...
13 years ago
13 years ago
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Happy BirthDay GUNROX!!!
13 years ago
13 years ago
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How can i contact berseker to get my souvenir pistola?
13 years ago
13 years ago
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How can i contact berseker to get my souvenir pistola?

Type in the game: /whois berserker then press enter, and leave him a message and he will get back to you.
13 years ago
13 years ago

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him