GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Cruentus is awesome!

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Cruentus is awesome!
Hello friends and noobs. Everyone is starting to know that my reputation as a mega player is unmatched in all of Gunrox. Even Berserker himself is taking notice. Most megas I play in today have people so scared they shaking in their boots and want a +5 level advantage to play against me... lol. Some of them even leave crying because the sight of me
Out of 572 games I have played, my average exp per game is 983xp per game. Soon I will average 1000 exp per game - something that nobody at my level has achieved before. A special thanks to my team mates _Unleashed_ and Miss_Nasty who I always play with. We have been through a lot of wars together so we are mega experts now.
To my fans, feel free to leave a comment. To my haters, leave a comment anyway because I like to hear you noobs crying.

Snapshot Cruentus Lvl 25.jpg

13 years ago
13 years ago
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Now I am going to treat all you salivating dogs to a couple of screenshots of my performance in megas. Even when I lose I still do a lot more damage and get thousands of experience. Here are some screenshots of the last 5 megas I have played.

2520 exp loss.jpg

4126 exp mega.jpg

3276 exp win.jpg

1552 losing team.jpg

4138 exp win.jpg

13 years ago
13 years ago
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Nice dude , you really the best player in mega..... im sure 80% player want u in team ☺
13 years ago
13 years ago
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Hey cruentus..
I see u performance in mega really good.. Before this we in same team in mega but maybe 1 time only. I know we not have chemistry maybe coz that condition of our team, but nevermind. Hehe
actually, for mega mode, i always respect u and miss nasty alma clan.. U really good coz have more than 1 rpg, lol
that make all enemy player scared and dont know where they want to hide.. Haha
i think, thats all about u are awesome mega player.. Tanx bro!
13 years ago
13 years ago
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not sure you are the best mega player, but damn, you are the most moddest one, no doubt about it.
13 years ago
13 years ago
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man uze 3x rpg and have 180hp its stypid bild for mega in 30+ mega
13 years ago
13 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
i say his good just 1 problem
no need to show off please 😁
13 years ago
13 years ago
Reply to *DELETED*
What a joke... every player could take that exp using 3x rpgs in megas ...
Is funny that u are that modest .. and i bet that from now u have 20% more haters☺)
Oh and by the way... if ur that good in megas.... i'm good too in 1x1☺ nobody won me more than 20% from all games we played ... lots of them are scared and hide while i'm in random ...
5-6 players have no scared from me , even if they are sure 70% that lose☺ Respect:master,zakis,zili,chilla-killa,k-k-k and automatikk .... Players (noobs) who quit after i killed one of their unit or went red line and kill theirselves:___666___,chee and habibu
Edited 6 minutes later by .
13 years ago
13 years ago
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lol Bator ur just a hater cuase no one likes u and u suck at megas. U say just cuase he uses 3 rpgs so what its his build he likes it and if its so noob how come motly like 80% of his megas he wins ?
Bator ur a Noob, Hater cuase u cant afford to have a 3 rpg build
Cruentus Ur my Dog , U Rock
13 years ago
13 years ago
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It think ggame is an idiot ... or is cruentus ... but cruentus is idiot ... so idiot100% Let me tell u something noob .... i can rock in megas even with my build ... I dont know how a preaty girl like Cupcake can recruit such a big idiots in clan..
Respect:Believe Me and parasutele... are the only 2 guys from that clan who deserve resepect.... Toxicity+Nuxious+F.B.I ->Cupcake ... he own all those clans☹
Believe Me came in toxicity only for cupcake☹ Toxicity own fame top becouse of believeme ☹ no other strong player in that clan...
13 years ago
13 years ago
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true, cupcake is awesome, i wish could jooin in toxy ☺
and btw,
anyone can make a build for mega and be good in mega, also anyone can make a build for 1x1 and be good in 1x1.
that does not make you better than anyone. i guess that cruentus dont even play 1x1 games.
and btw,
i never heard about cruentus but if this cruentus is the same that when he played mega against me he agrouped 3 units and i killed 2 in 1 turn after he come to furus cry saying that he played good(_Henrique_ trolling after games) ? if yes, you really awesome😁😁
13 years ago
13 years ago
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A short question whats the result of:
Self-praise + flamewar

Answer is:
PS: Such threads are more than unimportant. Everybody can make builts like he want. Everybody can lose and win like he want. Nobody is stupid just because of his built but sure there are some inconvenient builts but there could be reasons.
If you start with arts your chance to win is bigger and you got additional exp because of this even at lost matches. Thats no secret. I saw you playing and you shoot like crazy rockets in direction of enemy without looking for targets. Some of them hit nobody. Some of them do good damage and because of arts they blind and poisened your opponent, all depends on luck and scoping of your teammate. Poisen is also a reason for higher calculated exp and damage.
Edited 3 minutes later by .
13 years ago
13 years ago

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him