is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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why i cant buy arts from art markt with my own E-cash??😕😕
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becuase you have to charge again to buy the art
if you already have cash and you go buy art it wont work
you have to recharge to an art i would never do that 😁
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I prefer paying by own ecash too but this isn't a save way and because of a high rate of fakers and fraudulent payments so payments need traceability of transfers. A big thx to the bad gamers here.
Keyword: money laundering
Let me explain. An account sold a art with very high price. Another involved Account buy many ecash with stolen creditcard and buy this item. So the first account had much ecash and buy other arts and split this ecash to other accounts.
You could do this with many accounts so at end its not possible to follow what happens with the ecash.
An example:
Account A buy a noobart from Account B (1800K Ecash)
Account B -> Account C (1800K Ecash)
Account C -> Account D, E, F (per 600K Ecash)
Account D -> G, H, I, J, K, L (per 100K Ecash)
Account E -> M, N, O, P, Q, R (per 100K Ecash)
Account F -> S, T, U, V, W, X, Y (per 100K Ecash)
Accounts G till Y -> GoalAccount Z (1.800.000K less 2400 for trading at market)
You also could buy other items and arts and give this items to other accounts so this fraudulent ecash is split over the wohle community and the main part ends at the account who was involved. Sure you risk a ban of many accounts and to lose some noob-arts but you can easy create new accounts just for such actions. To control this every single 1 ECash needs a huge history
And if enkord do this history and after 2-3 weeks such a payment is known maybe 20% of community must be banned because all of them get a few parts of the spread ecash.
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keyword: money laundering
Let me explain. An account sold a art with very high price. Another involved Account buy many ecash with stolen creditcard and buy this item. So the first account had much ecash and buy other arts and split this ecash to other accounts.
You could do this with many accounts so at end its not possible to follow what happens with the ecash.
An example:
Account A buy a noobart from Account B (1800K Ecash)
Account B -> Account C (1800K Ecash)
Account C -> Account D, E, F (per 600K Ecash)
Account D -> G, H, I, J, K, L (per 100K Ecash)
Account E -> M, N, O, P, Q, R (per 100K Ecash)
Account F -> S, T, U, V, W, X, Y (per 100K Ecash)
Accounts G till Y -> GoalAccount Z (1.800.000K less 2400 for trading at market)
You also could buy other items and arts and give this items to other accounts so this fraudulent ecash is split over the wohle community and the main part ends at the account who was involved. Sure you risk a ban of many accounts and to lose some noob-arts but you can easy create new accounts just for such actions. To control this every single 1 ECash needs a huge history
And if enkord do this history and after 2-3 weeks such a payment is known maybe 20% of community must be banned because all of them get a few parts of the spread ecash True but not the only way to control for example:
1 time delay to check payment with automaticsystem, but means that
the bought art wont be directly available. Maybe after 3 a 4 days or longer.
2 Or selection of players who can buy arts, like players active longer then
for example then 6 months. (not riskfree but players who play that long and
have already bought e cash have a lower risk then new accounts at illegal transactions)
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2 Or selection of players who can buy arts, like players active longer then
for example then 6 months. (not riskfree but players who play that long and
have already bought e cash have a lower risk then new accounts at illegal transactions) So the artmarket is just for a small part of community. You are not able to sell arts of level 1-20 because most of the (cash) players larger than level 20 or maybe 30 within 6 month. (Some actice cashing players level up to 20 within 1-3 weeks.)
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So the artmarket is just for a small part of community. You are not able to sell arts of level 1-20 because most of the (cash) players larger than level 20 or maybe 30 within 6 month. (Some actice cashing players level up to 20 within 1-3 weeks.) True and not the best option, woudn't be my choice ☺
Edited 5 minutes later by Joul81.
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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