is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
This post created by ignored player and thus hidden.
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1) My suggestion is to create a new status of "burning" state similar to "poison" but that it can kill.
* To do so could have weapons like grenades incendiaris (molotov cocktails) Mines of napalm, flamethrowers and things like that.
Unlike other weapons which explode when a mine detonated napalm, leave the place on fire by algun shifts and inflict damage to those who pass through the flames ... and all guns "burn" to do something like that.
2) Another suguestão is the creation of a modality of "naked" for various players so there is no deception on the part of players, players that only nakeds can click the "done" . and that kind of match to give cash to the players as well as random matches.
3) Good in the world have dozens of weapons of all types and the etsratégias Gunrox of jgadores seem to be getting a bit repetitive believe that the lack of weapons, would be a good idea to put more weapons with different damage / effects for the same skill some categories weapons behave one gun for every 10 skill, snipers could have semi-automatic weapons that would use less ap's clear and inflict less damage.
4) Many times I want to play and there are no players to mega, even in other random players is hard to find, I believe it is very difficult but to create forms of mission in which you and another player or players to try to complete some missions for NPC , where you get cash, experience and perhaps some artifact as a reward.
The missions for teams should be similar to the battles of
as regard the level.
Example: Mission (no name) Lv20-80:
-Reward 7000xp
-800 cash
So any player from level 20 could try to achieve it, or a group that is not the sum of the levels passase lv 80, but the reward would be divided among the group.
Well, that are my suggestions! what you think guys?
If you see this thread berserker, I would like to know your opinion about all the suggestions, especially the suggestion number 4.
This post created by ignored player and thus hidden.
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1) My suggestion is to create a new status of "burning" state similar to "poison" but that it can kill.
* To do so could have weapons like grenades incendiaris (molotov cocktails) Mines of napalm, flamethrowers and things like that.
Unlike other weapons which explode when a mine detonated napalm, leave the place on fire by algun shifts and inflict damage to those who pass through the flames ... and all guns "burn" to do something like that.
2) Another suguestão is the creation of a modality of "naked" for various players so there is no deception on the part of players, players that only nakeds can click the "done" . and that kind of match to give cash to the players as well as random matches.
3) Good in the world have dozens of weapons of all types and the etsratégias Gunrox of jgadores seem to be getting a bit repetitive believe that the lack of weapons, would be a good idea to put more weapons with different damage / effects for the same skill some categories weapons behave one gun for every 10 skill, snipers could have semi-automatic weapons that would use less ap's clear and inflict less damage.
4) Many times I want to play and there are no players to mega, even in other random players is hard to find, I believe it is very difficult but to create forms of mission in which you and another player or players to try to complete some missions for NPC , where you get cash, experience and perhaps some artifact as a reward.
The missions for teams should be similar to the battles of
as regard the level.
Example: Mission (no name) Lv20-80:
-Reward 7000xp
-800 cash
So any player from level 20 could try to achieve it, or a group that is not the sum of the levels passase lv 80, but the reward would be divided among the group.
Well, that are my suggestions! what you think guys?
If you see this thread berserker, I would like to know your opinion about all the suggestions, especially the suggestion number 4. no will be added.
This post created by ignored player and thus hidden.
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1) My suggestion is to create a new status of "burning" state similar to "poison" but that it can kill.
* To do so could have weapons like grenades incendiaris (molotov cocktails) Mines of napalm, flamethrowers and things like that. Discussed so many times, flamethrowers/Molotov are not going to be added on game.
3) Good in the world have dozens of weapons of all types and the etsratégias Gunrox of jgadores seem to be getting a bit repetitive believe that the lack of weapons, would be a good idea to put more weapons with different damage / effects for the same skill some categories weapons behave one gun for every 10 skill, snipers could have semi-automatic weapons that would use less ap's clear and inflict less damage.
Its not that easy to implement new weapons/gear to the game, you must think on how this new gear affect the game's balance, just adding weapons will bring nothing good for the players.
[QUOTE]4) Many times I want to play and there are no players to mega, even in other random players is hard to find, I believe it is very difficult but to create forms of mission in which you and another player or players to try to complete some missions for NPC , where you get cash, experience and perhaps some artifact as a reward.
You can try completing the medals requirements, it's was created on various members suggestions about "missions" for the game in the past years.
Oh, and NPC/boots/Mobs are not going to be implemented... already discussed btw...
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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