GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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9th of May 2012 - 4th GUNROX birthday

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We've come a long way through all these years and we are happy that many of you stayed with us all this time.
To celebreate GUNROX birthday by popular demand we are doing a 30% discount for both individual and complete resets! Offer will be valid for a few days.
Also we are starting traditional birthday tournament. Over 500 players already signed up to determine who's the best in a fair battle! (no arts, no clan perks). 200 000 E for the first place and 100 000 E for the second place is a good incentive, so you should join too while there is time.
Being said that, in this time of the year, everyone could be a berserker!
For a few days you can purchase Dark Knight Armor and Dark Knight Helmer for only 1 E (if will expire after 7 days)
Happy holiday and good luck in battle!
12 years ago Quote
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Skill / Perk Reset:
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Being said that, in this time of the year, everyone could be a berserker!
For a few days you can purchase Dark Knight Armor and Dark Knight Helmer for only 1 E (if will expire after 7 days)

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Make this available for female characters or another outfit for females for 1E.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Make this available for female characters or another outfit for females for 1E.

CC, You don't need that armor, Your units are most sexy units in da game ☺
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Not only her units are sexy 😁
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Oh, and for those who doesnt know, this is a Dragon Slayer:

C mon Gats... I mean bers, we know it, you want this pretty on game, just do your "magic". 😉

Is this berserker??

Happy gunrox bday
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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i was almost sure that discount will be 30%, but still its better than nothing, also i had enought ec to buy full reset ☺
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Now it's time for GUNROX to learn how to ride a bike.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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i see bers likes Troll alot 😁
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Time of this update
How many will be here this update,i can charge in 6 a little more longer 😁😁😁
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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how long is it gonna be ? i will be happy if its to next week 🙄
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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It will end tomorrow
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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so today sunday ? ... when ? because i want send 50 ˆ here and reset my doc :/
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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We've come a long way through all these years and we are happy that many of you stayed with us all this time.
To celebreate GUNROX birthday by popular demand we are doing a 30% discount for both individual and complete resets! Offer will be valid for a few days.
Also we are starting traditional birthday tournament. Over 500 players already signed up to determine who's the best in a fair battle! (no arts, no clan perks). 200 000 E for the first place and 100 000 E for the second place is a good incentive, so you should join too while there is time.
Being said that, in this time of the year, everyone could be a berserker!
For a few days you can purchase Dark Knight Armor and Dark Knight Helmer for only 1 E (if will expire after 7 days)
Happy holiday and good luck in battle!

Berserker 4 year pass and you still need to work your english
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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so today sunday ? ... when ? because i want send 50 ˆ here and reset my doc :/

When Fame list will get reset for the next week.
That moment will be the "normal" discount for the top 10 Fame clans
(no clan = no discount, not even 10%)
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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when will be new update ?
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Next week mabye
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Bers that last update was bad and u made everything expensive
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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we want new update! 😡 ☹
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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9-ty Maja 2012 - 4-te urodziny GUNROX
Jesteśmy szczęsliwi, że Wielu z Was pozostało z Nami przez wszystkie te lata.
By ukoronować te 4 lata oferujemy Wam 30% przecenę na oba indywidualne oraz pełny reset! Oferta wygaśnie za kilka dni.
Odbędzie się również Nasz tradycyjny turniej urodzinowy dla graczy na poziomach 10-14 bez artefaktów oraz perków klanowych. Ponad 500 osób dołączyło! 200 000 EC za pierwsze miejsce i 100 000 za drugie jest wystarczającym powodem byś i Ty dołączył do turnieju.
W tym roku każdy może zostać berserker'em!
Przez kilka dni będzie można kupić Mroczny Armor i Hełm za 1 ec!
Powodzenia w walce!
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him