is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
» Fame battle rules become more strict
Fame battle rules become more strict
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As there are more and more people trying to find a shortcuts in playing Hall of Fame battles from now on we are going to monitor such battles more strictly.
We are going to add one strict rule for those people who have different accounts in different clans:
If you have two accounts in two clans, you cannot participate with one account in Fame battle against other clan, otherwise it will be automatically considered fake fame and you can be banned without further investigation.
That means you no longer can pretend the fame battle was 'friendly', etc.
Stick to one clan or don't play fames between clans in which you have your accounts
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I Aggree with Toker...
Berserker what toker is saying is actually correc even thought you don't like it..Even members of gr alliance that are just trying to get perks ATM know that c2a players fake A LOT.Also mods like live or grzesiek haven't plaied gunrox recently so new mods. Should be added...☹😳
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Berserker what toker is saying is actually correc even thought you don't like it..Even members of gr alliance that are just trying to get perks ATM know that c2a players fake A LOT.Also mods like live or grzesiek haven't plaied gunrox recently so new mods. Should be added...☹😳 Maybe members of gr alliance know that the Earth is flat? How could it be otherwise? We see it with our own eyes.
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I know that OUTLAWS most likely will not play against counterfeiting C2A. As they also want to the Top. But your same rules are violated, which prohibit the play if in these clans have its accounts. Ie even if the game and was honest, but my opinion in accordance with the rules they should be banned. Personally, my opinion
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As there are more and more people trying to find a shortcuts in playing Hall of Fame battles from now on we are going to monitor such battles more strictly.
We are going to add one strict rule for those people who have different accounts in different clans:
If you have two accounts in two clans, you cannot participate with one account in Fame battle against other clan, otherwise it will be automatically considered fake fame and you can be banned without further investigation.
That means you no longer can pretend the fame battle was 'friendly', etc.
Stick to one clan or don't play fames between clans in which you have your accounts Hey, I am reposting this thread because of all those faking clans out there wondering why they are getting a ban for fake fame. Here u go boys, no you know what to do to not get caught getting a fake fame. Enjoy.
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Hey, I am reposting this thread because of all those faking clans out there wondering why they are getting a ban for fake fame. Here u go boys, no you know what to do to not get caught getting a fake fame. Enjoy. U know that ppl use ur clans for fake fames ? Here u go boy , now you know ..
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U know that ppl use ur clans for fake fames ? Here u go boy , now you know .. You must be a dumb kunt that cannot read. If u bother reading what berserker wrote, you will find that you cannot have accounts that you use with your IP in each opposing clan AND participate in a fame game against that clan. This is why people get banned even if they play a real fame - especially those people who own multiple clans.
A lot of these plebs are illiterate like yourself and nobody bothers to explain all the Gunrox rules to them since they are all over the place in the forums - hidden like needles in a haystack. This is probably an insight to the chaos inside berserkers head, he is all over the place and has no clue about how corrupt things are in his game - he only cares about the money.
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You must be a dumb kunt that cannot read. If u bother reading what berserker wrote, you will find that you cannot have accounts that you use with your IP in each opposing clan AND participate in a fame game against that clan. This is why people get banned even if they play a real fame - especially those people who own multiple clans.
A lot of these plebs are illiterate like yourself and nobody bothers to explain all the Gunrox rules to them since they are all over the place in the forums - hidden like needles in a haystack. This is probably an insight to the chaos inside berserkers head, he is all over the place and has no clue about how corrupt things are in his game - he only cares about the money. lell!!!!
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fk gunrox no update
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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