GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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SECURITY MEASURES (Was: to berserker again lol)

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SECURITY MEASURES (Was: to berserker again lol)
i am the super hacker XD i ill steal more and more np my freind XD berserker i ill hack more and more i siad to u np for me XD killer_man555 and anomort1 XD so np so call me dinhoo fk berskerker XD i ill hack more and more XD
[From berserker: I have left the original message to use it as a case study and explain the issue below in a lengthy post]
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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i am the super hacker XD i ill steal more and more np my freind XD berserker i ill hack more and more i siad to u np for me XD killer_man555 and anomort1 XD so np so call me dinhoo fk berskerker XD i ill hack more and more XD

this acc also its stonlen xD nickelname
from brasil
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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keep stealing bro and i will keep reporting every single account you steal ...
its true im not an admin or even a mode but i wont let someone steal someone else accounts they spended time and money and u just take it like that
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Recently we have a wave of account thefts happening in GUNROX. While I ban such accounts on timely manner, you must take precautions yourself.
Considering that all stolen accounts belong to children and I had no reports from serious mature people this comes to conclusion that these "hacks" are nothing but social engineering.
In other words - stop being naive in terms of your account security and stop trusting everyone you just met on the web.
All people who's accounts were stolen were too naive in trusting to their online so-called friends and those "friends" stole their account easily by obtaining necessary information through conversation.
Here is the guide of what NOT TO DO in order to protect your account:
1. First and foremost - never tell your email/password to anyone, ever, even if you are in the middle of the mega and urgently need to go - you might win that mega but loose your account. Don't tell them to moderators/admins too, moderators don't need it and will never ask your for it. If someone is asking you for email/password or any other personal detail telling he is moderator or admin or his friend - rest assured, that person is trying to scam you and steal your account.
2. Never tell your email to other GUNROX players if you value your account security. When they know your email, they can just guess your password, especially if it's something simple like 123456. Here is the guide from Microsoft about how to create a strong password.
3. Protect your email too. If the malicious person can obtain your email, your GUNROX account is gone too, so even if your GUNROX account has password like "xFhg2Zy34h" and email password is 123456 you are in deep trouble too. If person have access to your email, he can then reset password to email and then using that password change the email associated with your account.
4. Don't add people from GUNROX to Facebook, Skype, other social networking sites or change privacy settings so they won't see your personal info. Facebook, Skype, and other similar sites/services usually expose your personal information like your email and birthday and if so called "hacker" knows your account there or added there, it will be way easier to obtain your GUNROX password knowing your email and birthday.
5. Never enter your login/email/password anywhere except GUNROX game and forum. Especially I am talking about so called "Free Enkord Cash" sites and "GUNROX hacks" sites. Don't be naive, those sites are nothing but scam and attempt to steal your account. There is no free cash or hacks and even if they appear, they are not lasting for a long time and people who are using it are banned quite soon. Don't get yourself in trouble trusting those sleazy guys. Are you seriously think they will be sharing their loopholes to obtain free cash to anyone, exposing their so-called free source of income?
Finally let's analyze how this "super hacker" stole the Killer_Man555 account. First of all he was added on skype to the actual owner. From skype he can see the birthday and email of the owner. That email was the same as in GUNROX account. Then he obtains access to the email account by guessing the password (it's not hard to guess by guessing programs if the password is not complicated, or he can 'recover' the email by answering the secret question - the answer to that question hacker might find out through conversation with account owner on skype). After he received access to email it becomes very easy - he uses GUNROX reset password feature by entering email and birthday and password is reset and sent to email to which he already has access. Then he uses that new password to change email and viola - account is stolen.
As you can see from the example above there is nothing extraordinary and does not require and special tech o
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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Quite a big help for "naive" people. Well I never shared a thing to others. Even my FB that i used to share to gunrox players got no info about my gunrox account. :P
Edited 6 hours, 10 minutes later by . Reason: dont overquote.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to
if everyone do those things i think will never hacked .
but i have problem
when i create Hunter-Man i wasnt know there is some thing called E-Code thats can help u to back accounts when hacked or some thing ..
so i create it in new email i have make it , and i forget password and email . i dont know if u can give me new e-code ..😉
Edited 4 hours, 11 minutes later by . Reason: dont overquote.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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I really doubt this will help, because players that are losing thier accounts in game never read forum messages longer than 3 line of text. (if they ever CAN read lol)
Edited 6 minutes later by .
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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here you go . an example of this kind of dummy players
first the person who want to steal the account act like some casher witch want to help you then when you agree he will share account for a while then he will ask you for the skype and e mail to get ur recovery code then he steal it
its simple as that .
Report Every Stolen Account.
Dont Let Theifs Get Stuff They Dont Deserve !


12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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just bigger photo
ps:its the same guy who stole dinho.antomort1.arsenal
just banned his Ip or something


Edited 8 minutes later by .
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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I do ban IP-s but like you know you can always find a new proxy.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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ehm thats true ... then just make gunrox client does't work when using proxy if you can do that
or maybe just re-send the recovery code to everyone who get account stolen
anything to stop this account stealings i dont want to see gunrox down.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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plus you should put this page link on gunrox
same as the thing that appear every few mins about not trusting people
put it so they read it..
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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I do ban IP-s but like you know you can always find a new proxy.

Yeah, when i got ban in SirAndre, i back 3 days later... So this noob will come back again
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Hello ☺
me too i got hacked my accounts: no_mercy and Vise By skype.. the hacker know information and hacked me ,and deleTe E code from hotmail :S
But i have the email now for nothing.. no have E code!!!

anyway nice berserker!! banned hem 😉
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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gr8 job bersker but this guy called mohamd al mkhzome he keep lieing that he is casher and got a job and like that and he do like fake number of cash with cheat engine to show that he is casher when the other players see huge number of cash they give him their accs to charge cash but in fact he steal them and like that he tried with me but failed ☺ and thats a picture that he send to my frined and thats to make other players give him psw
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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yes you are right!
he show me on skype he have 9999999 cash, he think iam stuiped for give hem my account kkkkk
i have Enough cash 😎
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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btw he us cyperghost to open gunrox other time :P
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Dang he sponsored me at one point
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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well banned mirro because he did this to me.
this is exactly wat happend to me. i trusted mirro because he seemed like a good player and ended up getting my account stolen by him. banned my _ice_ account and all the other accounts in it please i dont want anyone having fun with something i put money and time on for years. banned them please. you should banned mirro too just because i dont have proof doesnt mean u guys dont know. i know its something you guys can do.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
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gr8 job bersker but this guy called mohamd al mkhzome he keep lieing that he is casher and got a job and like that and he do like fake number of cash with cheat engine to show that he is casher when the other players see huge number of cash they give him their accs to charge cash but in fact he steal them and like that he tried with me but failed ☺ and thats a picture that he send to my frined and thats to make other players give him psw

this is the same thing in_your_face said to me that he just charged 200k then on skype he tried to help me because he said mirro can steal my account at any time. idk wats true anymore lol i give up bers needs to get ride of all these hackers why are they even hackin accounts? and if u know they are hacking accounts why dont u just banned the accounts that are hacked? since you already know its stolen
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him