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In 3 months...
in 3 months c2A and toxic will be no mach for our new clan ==[PALESYNE==😎😎Palestine.png
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in 3 months c2A and toxic will be no mach for our new clan ==[PALESYNE==😎😎 This is sad, but it's just a dream ☹
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This is sad, but it's just a dream ☹ its Dream REally? 😲
okay , We will achieve the dream 😝
keep calm and play gunrox 😁
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its Dream REally? 😲
okay , We will achieve the dream 😝
keep calm and play gunrox 😁 man... I pay to see that! 😁 good luck!
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in 3 months c2A and toxic will be no mach for our new clan ==[PALESYNE==😎😎
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nice one
don;t even dream of that
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Ok it will be top 1. Try hard and hope to recruit good players there. So youll be number ONE. That that clan will be the best and all will know.. just have FAITH in yourself ok?
Now its time to tell my dream:
I dream that I can fly.. but never happened ☹
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I'm Very Sad About You =(
Please man Go To Doctor! 🙄
you right have problem in ur Brain!! xD 😁
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in 3 months c2A and toxic will be no mach for our new clan ==[PALESYNE==😎😎 Peace makers got your back 😳
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Haha from all new clans last months i still keep my word...
All new clans will fall to the bott line after 1 month...
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Haha from all new clans last months i still keep my word...
All new clans will fall to the bott line after 1 month... why ? because after 1 month there perks will be ///////0\\\\\\\\\
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why ? because after 1 month there perks will be ///////0\\\\\\\\\ Not even only the perks... most clans only have some low noob perks and will quit the clan...
Darkness: never good...
Legends: Had very good people on the clan but failed hard when they could not reach fame nr 1... and dropped the whole clan...
etc etc etc...
Just wait and see 😉
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Not even only the perks... most clans only have some low noob perks and will quit the clan...
Darkness: never good...
Legends: Had very good people on the clan but failed hard when they could not reach fame nr 1... and dropped the whole clan...
etc etc etc...
Just wait and see 😉 But Palestine clan never will down.
just wait and you will see it =D
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But Palestine clan never will down.
just wait and you will see it =D Sure i wait...
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Peace makers got your back 😳 no nalbi no peace makers u idiot ;0
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no nalbi no peace makers u idiot ;0 100% true !! =)
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Sure i wait... Yeah ^_^ ..
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*-* tnx epic
plus I agree with epic you will do all you can in 1 month then you will realize no matter how much you try its just hard to keep up with higher clans and how much you need to spend to get half what they the end you will give up.. legends clan had 3 main people Me.Joker.Keeplive
when keeplive stoped playing me and joker couldn't keep clan up long time then joker quited playing ( 1-2 hours every week ) then I had to choice expect leaving clan
its not how you get the perks but its how long can you keep them...
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*-* tnx epic
plus I agree with epic you will do all you can in 1 month then you will realize no matter how much you try its just hard to keep up with higher clans and how much you need to spend to get half what they the end you will give up.. legends clan had 3 main people Me.Joker.Keeplive
when keeplive stoped playing me and joker couldn't keep clan up long time then joker quited playing ( 1-2 hours every week ) then I had to choice expect leaving clan
its not how you get the perks but its how long can you keep them... you don't know the future...
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you don't know the future... Tremor is right guys , they will be top 1 clan in gunrox but unfortunatly it will only happen if they play fake XD