GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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C2A Fake Fames!

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C2A Fake Fames!
I want see how they got this 4k points! 😁
If they have faked fame, they deserve ban, like I take 3 months ago ☺
Here some prints of our fames, if someone want see they 1 by 1, ask to C2A members do the same =)

fake famers.jpg

our fames.jpg

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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toxi 572 =(
but we no fake ! 😁
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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The Mest 2573 points and not 1 fake fame ☺
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

The Mest 2573 points and not 1 fake fame ☺

Yeah guys! I'm trust on that! We didn't fake too! I'm here to challenge C2A *-*' I'm waiting for his fames 😉
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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are u stupid or what?
u know u can't just come here and acuse someone of doing fakes and then expect them to show u that they didn't do that
what they did and how they did it..their problem
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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are u stupid or what?
u know u can't just come here and acuse someone of doing fakes and then expect them to show u that they didn't do that
what they did and how they did it..their problem

1 - TROMPER always do the same thing whit my clan, so i'm here just doing the same.
2 - Is my clan (Taquaril) problem too, bcz 3 months ago, we take ban for fake fames, so if they are faking, they deserve ban too.
& 3 - If u aren't in C2A, don't talk anything here, bcz the only stupid is you 😉
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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oh god
i'm not in c2a..u're right
but u know what they say about the thief who never gets caught right? HE IS CONSIDERED HONEST
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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i'm not in c2a..u're right
but u know what they say about the thief who never gets caught right? HE IS CONSIDERED HONEST

So... I'm here trying to catch they ☺
Anyway, probably someday one adm will check this fames =)
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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If c2a realy no fakes , he can show fame list . Ofc if he no play fake fames 😉
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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noone is obligated to do shiet
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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If c2a realy no fakes , he can show fame list . Ofc if he no play fake fames 😉

Yes!!! That's my point! 😉
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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Ranger got like 10ns of clans and he pay for his players to play fake fame ...
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
Reply to
Really Noob

I want see how they got this 4k points! 😁
If they have faked fame, they deserve ban, like I take 3 months ago ☺
Here some prints of our fames, if someone want see they 1 by 1, ask to C2A members do the same =)

first c2a no fake fame and whats ur f*** bussnis if u say fake fame give us proof we just do fame with art and we not responding to kids like you lastt time u fake wos naked and they arts
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

first c2a no fake fame and whats ur f*** bussnis if u say fake fame give us proof we just do fame with art and we not responding to kids like you lastt time u fake wos naked and they arts

show fame list .
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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so when toxicity had +4k pts they was faking too?
It's not hard to get 4k points there are so many clans but c2a has other clans ofc they fake 😁 don't forget toxicity has more than 5 clans too 😁
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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so when toxicity had +4k pts they was faking too?
It's not hard to get 4k points there are so many clans but c2a has other clans ofc they fake 😁 don't forget toxicity has more than 5 clans too 😁

just show fame list . I think who def c2a so stupid and cant read what i say 3x time
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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i think u are the stupid here
noone is obligated to show u a thing
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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i think u are the stupid here
noone is obligated to show u a thing

cuz ur points its fake ? 😉
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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cuz ur points its fake ? 😉

Yeah hahahahahaha They are affraid to show the fame list, bcz is full of fake fames *-*'
We got 4x top 1 whit fake, 4x we take ban ☺ Last weeks we take top 1 whitout fake and i printed the fame list to show all the fames.
Whats the problem to someone C2A member do the same? I know your guys didn't maked 1 fake fame, I'm just curious. 🙄
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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Yeah hahahahahaha They are affraid to show the fame list, bcz is full of fake fames *-*'
We got 4x top 1 whit fake, 4x we take ban ☺ Last weeks we take top 1 whitout fake and i printed the fame list to show all the fames.
Whats the problem to someone C2A member do the same? I know your guys didn't maked 1 fake fame, I'm just curious. 🙄

ahaha will listen any mod close this thread noobs we wont respond u just creat new and SAY OO THEY GOT 4500 so what i wos in HHH and we got 7000 shut up kid
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him