is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
Bye to all
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Bye to all
Good day to everyone,
I stopped playing this game for about 2 months, then just yesterday, I wanna go and play this game again. I missed the game. I opened my accounts and theres a problem. My lvl 5 account was deleted. Why do that?
Well I worked hard for that lvl 5 account. It has 0 lose and 0 units dead. He is MeGa_DiSsArMeD. I never random battle with him, I had a hard time kicking players who look good. Because in that account, I was very careful making sure I only fight noobs to have good stats.
It was deleted. How frustrating though.. and that's one reason why I'm leaving this game. There are many reasons:
1. No friends in this game going online.
2. Few players (maybe got bored like me)
3. Bored.
4. Lvl 5 acc deleted.. (maybe ill still continue if not deleted)
So GUNROX has fewer and fewer players. People leave even Saracin. And one day it will be very few until is has none. Because the game got many bad rules and account lvl 5 deleted is one of them.
Maybe this game will be R.I.P. But Sir Yaroslav Yanovsky still is happy because Totem Tribe II (which Ill play) will be playerful. So all go TT2 now and no more GUNROX.
So im leaving this game for a long time or maybe forever. And mods, stop deleting posts. Form 2009, now im out.
And just one tip for GUNROX to be playerful: Don't implement bad rules.
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Finally 😁
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Good day to everyone,
I stopped playing this game for about 2 months, then just yesterday, I wanna go and play this game again. I missed the game. I opened my accounts and theres a problem. My lvl 5 account was deleted. Why do that?
Well I worked hard for that lvl 5 account. It has 0 lose and 0 units dead. He is MeGa_DiSsArMeD. I never random battle with him, I had a hard time kicking players who look good. Because in that account, I was very careful making sure I only fight noobs to have good stats.
It was deleted. How frustrating though.. and that's one reason why I'm leaving this game. There are many reasons:
1. No friends in this game going online.
2. Few players (maybe got bored like me)
3. Bored.
4. Lvl 5 acc deleted.. (maybe ill still continue if not deleted)
So GUNROX has fewer and fewer players. People leave even Saracin. And one day it will be very few until is has none. Because the game got many bad rules and account lvl 5 deleted is one of them.
Maybe this game will be R.I.P. But Sir Yaroslav Yanovsky still is happy because Totem Tribe II (which Ill play) will be playerful. So all go TT2 now and no more GUNROX.
So im leaving this game for a long time or maybe forever. And mods, stop deleting posts. Form 2009, now im out.
And just one tip for GUNROX to be playerful: Don't implement bad rules. i want to know why bers no care about this game ?.this man right about deleting accounts . bers u must fix it . u mustn't delete accounts untill if i didnt play this game for years
leave . no one care about u 😁
Edited 7 minutes later by *DELETED*.
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Good day to everyone,
I stopped playing this game for about 2 months, then just yesterday, I wanna go and play this game again. I missed the game. I opened my accounts and theres a problem. My lvl 5 account was deleted. Why do that?
Well I worked hard for that lvl 5 account. It has 0 lose and 0 units dead. He is MeGa_DiSsArMeD. I never random battle with him, I had a hard time kicking players who look good. Because in that account, I was very careful making sure I only fight noobs to have good stats.
It was deleted. How frustrating though.. and that's one reason why I'm leaving this game. There are many reasons:
1. No friends in this game going online.
2. Few players (maybe got bored like me)
3. Bored.
4. Lvl 5 acc deleted.. (maybe ill still continue if not deleted)
So GUNROX has fewer and fewer players. People leave even Saracin. And one day it will be very few until is has none. Because the game got many bad rules and account lvl 5 deleted is one of them.
Maybe this game will be R.I.P. But Sir Yaroslav Yanovsky still is happy because Totem Tribe II (which Ill play) will be playerful. So all go TT2 now and no more GUNROX.
So im leaving this game for a long time or maybe forever. And mods, stop deleting posts. Form 2009, now im out.
And just one tip for GUNROX to be playerful: Don't implement bad rules. ahahahaha, you're going to leave because your lvl 5 got deleted? u worked hard to get lvl 5? come on! are you kidding me, lol
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i tried /whois but its not work... ☹
[11:11:24] Command "whois" error: invalid target
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omg leave , no one will care .
I think in this time u no have luck right ?
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So im leaving this game for a long time or maybe forever. And mods, stop deleting posts. Form 2009, now im out.
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Playerful? what the hell is that
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My lvl 5 account was deleted. Why do that?
Well I worked hard for that lvl 5 account. It has 0 lose and 0 units dead. Because you can't copy me ☺
Why would they save inactive accounts?
If this will not happen we Gunrox players might have no name left to create.
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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