is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
Alien technology suggestion?
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Alien technology suggestion?
Just an little suggestion for the next update:
Add the Alien technology perk and add weapons for that?
As 'Lasergun' 2Ap 10 damage
or Vortex nade? have 0 dispersion, but large explosion distance?
or or or
alien mine?
Energic weapons? red light saber? (better than the blue one)
or more kinds of ammo
Hard smash 6mm? 1 shot you can get 2%stun??
Uranium ammo? you get posion..?
Or art ammo?
And can add special 40mm 😁 gas 40mm, you can get posion...
I dont know, its just and suggestion, and I know I am just an other noob xD
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Yeah , how about adding Yoda as a new administrator ?
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Yeah , how about adding Yoda as a new administrator ? Ice dude ur a moron !! but this what u just said made my day
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Just an little suggestion for the next update:
Add the Alien technology perk and add weapons for that?
As 'Lasergun' 2Ap 10 damage
or Vortex nade? have 0 dispersion, but large explosion distance?
or or or
alien mine?
Energic weapons? red light saber? (better than the blue one)
or more kinds of ammo
Hard smash 6mm? 1 shot you can get 2%stun??
Uranium ammo? you get posion..?
Or art ammo?
And can add special 40mm 😁 gas 40mm, you can get posion...
I dont know, its just and suggestion, and I know I am just an other noob xD Energy based weapons were supposed to come to gunrox. Berserker was talking about them years ago. There was even a perk called "Dr. Energetic" which had no purpose because energy weapons weren't introduced (and at this point it seems like they won't be as well as pets.)
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Energy based weapons were supposed to come to gunrox. Berserker was talking about them years ago. There was even a perk called "Dr. Energetic" which had no purpose because energy weapons weren't introduced (and at this point it seems like they won't be as well as pets.) Yea bers said he would add futuristic weapons but now he just ignores whenever we ask what he was going to do about it.
PS: In the gunrox weapons folder you can see some un-released ammo and arts.
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Quote from berserker AGES ago
Energy weapons like lasers will allow you to shoot through any obstacle. well.. you can keep dreaming about this now ☺
and yeah, there are some arts that no one know about , well , I know about 2- 3 arts most of the people never saw in gunrox 🙄Capture.JPG
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Quote from berserker AGES ago
well.. you can keep dreaming about this now ☺
and yeah, there are some arts that no one know about , well , I know about 2- 3 arts most of the people never saw in gunrox 🙄 Robo armor...
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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