is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
Guide to survive some builds
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Guide to survive some builds
Hello people who read this thread 😁
This an Guido to survive some builds
Enemy full SVD and open map*-*
1.Rush to the front line (About 3/4 of the map) than next turn attack and hide
Because people full SVD Will Always (from my experience) try to spot you with a scope 12 ap long, so they mostly not move at the first turn.
BUT if the enemy is in good clan (as GROM or TOXICITY) YOU can better follow the other strategy (below or more below)
2.attack surprise!
Rush at the first turn to the left or right place of the map, if you have tanker or turtle go with That unit to the middle or only rush a little (do the same with a long range unit) and back to the left and right... So from there the enemy dont know Your there so from there you can better hurt Your enemy 😁
(If not open map)
3.Rush little and hide! Not behind a palmtree or 1 block things in the map, because if the enemy scope at the left or right side, you get damaged.
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Other strategy
Ok here is the next build:
Full milkor :O *-*
Dont think you will lose so fast! NEVER GIVE UP
1.Some noobs using full milkor, ok at low lv full thumper or milkor is enoying and ☹ but in lv 10 you can use blind nades and splash resitstance!
important for tournament players: there are a lot of tournament players who use full milkor build, so important is you can have 1 splash per unit that reduce 10% from splash explosive (splash=hitted by shot with dispersion)
That will reduce from 55 to 46-50 or with armor 44-50! It saves you from 3 shots and your dead. Now the enemy must shoot 4-5 times xD
Ok nader is important because these reasons:
-Stun or blind or posion enemy from distance
-good damage
But STUN and BLIND are the most important two
Stun because you can -resistance from people who use shelter, or let the minigunner cant shot at you (minigun still 9AP :P)
And BLIND for blinding enemy with much explosives, with blind you will add more dispersion at a milkor or... (50% blind and you milkor changes into a RPG)
3.Dont stand too close at a wall
4.stands in places with much obstacles as palmtrees or houses and small way to shoot, because a milkor have dispersion so if shoot 8 blocks far in a small place, i think you may hit yourself...
Edited 14 hours, 32 minutes later by The_Lord.
Reason: some mistakes.
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Full naders?
Its same as the strategy with the full milkor, but using stun nades are good to.
Writed on my IPad 😁
I will add more strategies later ☺
And yea im lv11 and full arts ☺
<------p90 sig and nice armor 😉
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I'll have to say you need appreciation for being original.a guide like this could be really helpful to noobs like me.
But their are some common mistakes like you can't have 2x splash resist at levels 10-19 due to being limited one..
Need to work on the english so it can be easily read by others.
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suprise guide
Sorry for my english but my IPad had word controll on dutch, so it was really ennoying to write english. And without that my english still bad..
Want to make suprise on enemy? Follow these steps:
1. Go hide at a house or thwo houses what stands near each other.
2. if you spot the enemy, and you know the enemy use the houses to as place to hide.
3. you can place a on the left side of the house (or right side np)
4. Than place a unit (the best a unit with bennelli or colt) on your side of the house (Warning: if your enemy have nader or milkor or ...) stand not to close to the house.
5. Go with a other unit (a milkor or nader or colt the best) to the right (or left but you must place your mine to the other side) -side oh the house (really the right/left side) dont be afraid, because if your enemy spot you he think you are camping on your side of the house, so he dont know your other unit...
6. next turn: spot with the unit on the right side the enemy and you can shoot 40mm or nade and with ap to return, and if the enmy stand close to house you can shoot 40mm to with other unit ☺ and that is what i mean suprise 😁 AND dont forget your mine 😉 If your enemy want to do it to( or he want to fled) your mine will kill him..
It helped me alot, and if i can i add some screen shots
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Use 2x sniper and other goes bino.. Works well but my problem are 3x milkor.
if he 3x milkor it will give me 45% win only.
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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