is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
net issues=faker but quitting not faker in mega?
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net issues=faker but quitting not faker in mega?
there are some real issues with some players in this game, when someone has net issues (dc, lag) they are instantly labeled a faker, however, the ones that quit over this player, are not. So, in other words, because you dc you can get banned, but if you quit a mega and screw over your team you can keep playing without penalty??? plz explain the logic in this I must be of this planet to understand why this is....
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I have yet to see somebody get banned because of being disconnected in a team match.
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I have yet to see somebody get banned because of being disconnected in a team match. U right , i agree 😁....but how Mods can know if he have bad net or its in the plane of the Fake he did with someone other 🙄 ?
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mega faker problem
I agree with both of you on your points....i guess to be more specific, a team mate dc's cuz of bad net and the other four teammates call a mod claiming faker....if a mod were to show up (and they rarely do when it comes to megas)and the dc player comes back on his turn (say just in time), doesnt know what's going on and decides to do what they had originally planned before dc-ing instead of doing what the team wants (say heal a partner)...I guess it is the judgement call of the mod if they show up. My point being, dc's do not mean 100% loss for the team with the dc'd player....quitting screws over the team more than a dc because of the potential for the dc player to come back and contribute. And quitting intentionally screws over the team. So, how is a action like quitting a mega( basically giving the other team the win) not considered a fake and worthy of discipline, but if someone dc's everyone in the game wants them banned?....and no i have never seen anyone get banned for dc-ing in mega either 😉
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I agree with both of you on your points....i guess to be more specific, a team mate dc's cuz of bad net and the other four teammates call a mod claiming faker....if a mod were to show up (and they rarely do when it comes to megas)and the dc player comes back on his turn (say just in time), doesnt know what's going on and decides to do what they had originally planned before dc-ing instead of doing what the team wants (say heal a partner)...I guess it is the judgement call of the mod if they show up. My point being, dc's do not mean 100% loss for the team with the dc'd player....quitting screws over the team more than a dc because of the potential for the dc player to come back and contribute. And quitting intentionally screws over the team. So, how is a action like quitting a mega( basically giving the other team the win) not considered a fake and worthy of discipline, but if someone dc's everyone in the game wants them banned?....and no i have never seen anyone get banned for dc-ing in mega either 😉 Only a couple assholes quit in every mega they start to lose like ECSTASY.The only solution is to mark and ignore these idiots and ban them from megas.
On the other hand quitting is justifiable in some circumstances like when some asshole starts using clan-perks in a mega to turn the tables or when there is an obvious fake going on.
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u right dude .
Only a couple assholes quit in every mega they start to lose like ECSTASY.The only solution is to mark and ignore these idiots and ban them from megas.
On the other hand quitting is justifiable in some circumstances like when some asshole starts using clan-perks in a mega to turn the tables or when there is an obvious fake going on. I think maybe mods can add something .... I mean like tourney ...
Arts : no avaible
Perks : no avaible
So they have to make 2 buttons in the room when someone create the game ....if the maker of that room agree arts and perks he will click in that button and agree ...if no he won't click
I hope u understand me brothers =D
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nice idea
I think maybe mods can add something .... I mean like tourney ...
Arts : no avaible
Perks : no avaible
So they have to make 2 buttons in the room when someone create the game ....if the maker of that room agree arts and perks he will click in that button and agree ...if no he won't click
I hope u understand me brothers =D I agree with it.
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