is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
ideas for better gunrox
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ideas for better gunrox
Hello, my name is nalbi 18 years old playing this game since 18th nov 2009
this game is kinda nice but it lacks care of admins.
these are some of ideas which will make game better
1)Make 2 kinds of cash
A)Green cash(refer cash) only used to gamble arts cannot be traded
B) Yellow cash (which you charge to get) can be traded and used for any thing
2)Fix sandbox open 2 gunrox method
A)in gunrox birthday not all players has money to buy resets why not make cash event as example "play 10 battles and get exchangeable coupon that u can exchange it for small amounts of cash or gamble coins
B)Best team in gunrox (5 teams of lvl 50s) not for cash just to increase the morals
of player
C)best solo player (ffa 10 players lvl 50s)
4) make new kinds of the battles more than deathmatchs/ king of the hill
5)make max lvl 60 with out new guns or perks in exchange of that u get every lvl after lvl 50 5% (poison/splash/blind/stun) resistance
well thats all i got sorry for my bad english.
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I agree!
I agree!
For some time now there havent been any mods or guards guarding that game's society.
If there is(probably there is) any way to make this game better.. then please do it!
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1- bad idea
2- enkord has no relation with other programmes
3- there is ( christmas , nre year , gun's birthday )
4- its war game , mean there will be only killing , Idk what kind of battles u want
5- bers used to say that 50 is the Max lvl .
And , there is some suggestions better than urs 100 time , and none get applied , so keep dreaming
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Hello, my name is nalbi 18 years old playing this game since 18th nov 2009
this game is kinda nice but it lacks care of admins.
these are some of ideas which will make game better
1)Make 2 kinds of cash
A)Green cash(refer cash) only used to gamble arts cannot be traded
B) Yellow cash (which you charge to get) can be traded and used for any thing
2)Fix sandbox open 2 gunrox method
A)in gunrox birthday not all players has money to buy resets why not make cash event as example "play 10 battles and get exchangeable coupon that u can exchange it for small amounts of cash or gamble coins
B)Best team in gunrox (5 teams of lvl 50s) not for cash just to increase the morals
of player
C)best solo player (ffa 10 players lvl 50s)
4) make new kinds of the battles more than deathmatchs/ king of the hill
5)make max lvl 60 with out new guns or perks in exchange of that u get every lvl after lvl 50 5% (poison/splash/blind/stun) resistance
well thats all i got sorry for my bad english.
So u say to add 10 more lvls and to get more resistance? Did u think before u posted this? 10 more lvls means more resistance so u want 100% flash resis? 100% poison reisis? 100 % stun resis? THINKK NOOB
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1- bad idea
2- enkord has no relation with other programmes
3- there is ( christmas , nre year , gun's birthday )
4- its war game , mean there will be only killing , Idk what kind of battles u want
5- bers used to say that 50 is the Max lvl .
And , there is some suggestions better than urs 100 time , and none get applied , so keep dreaming at least im not scammer like you.
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Hello, my name is nalbi 18 years old playing this game since 18th nov 2009
this game is kinda nice but it lacks care of admins.
these are some of ideas which will make game better
1)Make 2 kinds of cash
A)Green cash(refer cash) only used to gamble arts cannot be traded
B) Yellow cash (which you charge to get) can be traded and used for any thing
2)Fix sandbox open 2 gunrox method
A)in gunrox birthday not all players has money to buy resets why not make cash event as example "play 10 battles and get exchangeable coupon that u can exchange it for small amounts of cash or gamble coins
B)Best team in gunrox (5 teams of lvl 50s) not for cash just to increase the morals
of player
C)best solo player (ffa 10 players lvl 50s)
4) make new kinds of the battles more than deathmatchs/ king of the hill
5)make max lvl 60 with out new guns or perks in exchange of that u get every lvl after lvl 50 5% (poison/splash/blind/stun) resistance
well thats all i got sorry for my bad english.
Well i agreed with the coupon thing online games have coupon things if they do some events.
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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