is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
Cruentus list of players NEVER to let into Mega Games
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Cruentus list of players NEVER to let into Mega Games
Its time to make a list of these stupid kunts that always fk up megas.
RealUnionFC - quit 2 megas in a row early game. Unrealiable player 10/31/2016. Quit again when we were winning (we still won) on 3/11/2016. Yet again RealUnionFC quit after a DC missing his turn. 7-Nov-2016
-_Arthur_- : This guy is a retard, unreliable internet connection as well. 10/31/2016.
Griffin : Idiotic rusher who doesn't take into consideration whether or not (usually not) his team can support his rush.
Ninja1 : He has been a level 50 for years and he still doesn't know how to play. Notorious for not being able to think of how to hit opponents in difficult positions. Occasionally does noob rushing as well.
Facundo : He isnt really committed to playing megas. First sign of losing and he start negative talking saying "we going to lose, no point in playing, rush". This guy also missed his turn because he said he went to the shops. He is mentally not tough enough to be in team games, he shouldn't even be on the internet with such a thin skin and attention deficit disorder (ADD). 2/11/2016
UchihaRin : This guy decided to go afk right on his turn when we were about to flip the game and win it, and he went afk for several turns - he didn't say anything like I have to go for 5 min beforehand. It was alleged by several players that he was faking for player WindWaste (WindWaste was on the other team) although nobody can prove if this is true - would anyone like to comment? 1/6/2017
Master-Chef : This player does not follow the game, doesn't look at team flags as the next target to shoot and is always way too far back to shoot. You will find this player not firing a shot until maybe 15 turns into the game where the redzone is forcing people to fight. He is just totally lost in mega games and has zero communication skills. I dont think this guy knows English or even understands how the concept of team play works. 2/18/2017
-Prikol- He must be a friend of Pimenta as he went afk after 1.5 hours of a mega where we had a winning position and all he had to do was rpg a bunch of players to stop them from killing our team. Instead he went afk for the rest of the game. People like him need to stop faking for their friends and get an immediate ban. Since the moderators never do anything about these players, I can at least put his name up here as a reference to not let into games. 8/16/2017
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Cruentus, Nutcracker, Grifin, Orchidea, Inuyasha, Thechosenrat
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Cruentus, Nutcracker, Grifin, Orchidea, Inuyasha, Thechosenrat Hey Doombolt, does this look familiar?
Player DoomBolt banned for 48 hours by player FAKE. Reason: coward
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4 megas played and 4 losses due to extremely stupid people who have made it onto my list. Seems incredible that I am getting this many bad players with me, but its been like this for the last 2 years in megas. You get some players which are goddam awful and yet they keep on playing, helping to lose on whichever them they are on.
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Cruentus , fake to missnasty
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Cruentus , fake to missnasty Are you still going on with your conspiracy theories? Give it up noob, you are wrong and you look like a retard.
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Yet another quit by RealUnionFC! That is 4 megas in a row I have seen him in a game and 4 quits in a row mid game. This guy is cancer to Gunrox Megas. Everyone needs to boot this guy out for the next month to teach him some respect to his team mates.
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There has been a huge amount of fakers in mega games recently and the mods are either never online or refuse to do anything about it. As I post this at the point of losing a mega due to -prikol- being afk for the last 30 minutes right at the point we should have won, the game ends and he immediately logs off. Coincidence? I think this is one of Pimenta's alts or friends for sure by the cockyness that Pimenta was displaying as when he should have lost before -Prikol- went afk on that decisive turn.
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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