GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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New GUNROX announced!

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Today is GUNROX 11th birthday and its a good time to announce a new GUNROX. We have been working on it for at least last 6 month and now we have an early screenshot and some information to share with you.
In other news:
Double Experience is 50% off for a limited time. Offer will be valid for a few days.
Also we are starting traditional birthday tournament (no arts, no clan perks). 150 000 E for the first place and 75 000 E for the second place is a good incentive, so you should join too while there is time.
4 years ago Quote
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So what about new GUNROX? This is the very early screenshot from the game, so don't judge too hard:

(Click for a larger version)
The biggest feature of the new GUNROX is destructible levels.
You will be able to destroy walls, bushes, trees, and anything that stands in your way if you have enough firepower. Here is how it looks like on separate level blocks:

4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Thanks to everyone who is still playing and waiting for a new GUNROX.
Let us know what you think about it.
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Is this a completely new game or will it be upgraded on the existing game. All our accounts have a lot of money put into them and it would be such a waste to start from scratch.
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Gunrox 2
Thanks Bers, Ii've been waiting for along time for a new one , now its here Thanks =)
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Do you have any prediction when it will be ready?
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Is this a completely new game or will it be upgraded on the existing game. All our accounts have a lot of money put into them and it would be such a waste to start from scratch.

It will be a reboot, everything will start from scratch, however:
1) We will try to come up with some bonuses for those who donated in first GUNROX
2) We will keep old GUNROX and call it "GUNROX Classic" as well so you will be able to play it still for the sake of nostalgia of whatever.
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Nice :o !
If the game improves, I help you reach more clients from latin america 😁
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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its cool > but its unfair u banned some players and top fakers u no banned go see top 10 active how lvl 50 up with 260 game
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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this big announcement on what can affect the gunrox? will you lose the theme? will be new graphics or weapons?
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Simple question, hard to response :)
Ofcourse there would be so many affects to share with us exact release date of new gunrox but If you have any chance to tell us approximate date when we will have this new gunrox?
As per you can understanding, after over years some of old players got married and having kids ☺ That's why those fathers&mothers wonder that their kids will have a chance to grow up with gunrox family? ☺
Thanks in advance.
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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No_mercy in the house
Nice news berserker
Thanks allot for remmber the players who donated and still donating 😁😁
Iam playing gunrox till now and waiting for the new !
What about gun skins?? Houses with skins ?? Armors with skins??
Think about it
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Awesome Bers!

It will be a reboot, everything will start from scratch, however:
1) We will try to come up with some bonuses for those who donated in first GUNROX
2) We will keep old GUNROX and call it "GUNROX Classic" as well so you will be able to play it still for the sake of nostalgia of whatever.

1) What about something that was aways impossible like "Ageless Personal Arts".
2) Everyone will play both, you can count on that.
Thankyou! ☺😲😁☺
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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is this will be able this year?
new gunrox will be so good bro, let's go
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Gunrox 2
Lol everyone thought the guy died and he comes back out of no where saying they been working on gunrox 2 for 6 months now? Thats it nothing else just take some more money wont you? I wont be playing no more. Never spending another dime and now i make a crap load of money. Not until they can actually do something that really supports the community.
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Called it last month that they will announce the game on birthday ☺ so happy to hear that GUNROX is finally getting a sequel! Can't wait for more news ☺
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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this big announcement on what can affect the gunrox? will you lose the theme? will be new graphics or weapons?

Regarding your question,
What berserker actually means is that the new gunrox 2 will be announced with a different background. The Gunrox 2 will be different such as destroying walls & bushes, new weapons + maps , probably new tactics & skills. The Gunrox you're playing right now will be called 'Gunrox - Classic' for those who still wanna play it for fun and other things.
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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So what about new GUNROX? This is the very early screenshot from the game, so don't judge too hard:

(Click for a larger version)
The biggest feature of the new GUNROX is destructible levels.
You will be able to destroy walls, bushes, trees, and anything that stands in your way if you have enough firepower. Here is how it looks like on separate level blocks:

GUNROX 2 OR MINECRAFT 2?? HAHAHAHA Hope we can enjoy and try this new version of the GUNROX CLASSIC.... can't wait! 😁
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Lol everyone thought the guy died and he comes back out of no where saying they been working on gunrox 2 for 6 months now? Thats it nothing else just take some more money wont you? I wont be playing no more. Never spending another dime and now i make a crap load of money. Not until they can actually do something that really supports the community.

What he is actually talking about is that they've been working on Gunrox 2 for very long time and the past 6 months they are still working on it and the picture you're seeing right now is very early screenshot.
As he wrote in his thread, he will reveal the information very soon.
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him