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Today is GUNROX 11th birthday and its a good time to announce a new GUNROX. We have been working on it for at least last 6 month and now we have an early screenshot and some information to share with you.
In other news:
Double Experience is 50% off for a limited time. Offer will be valid for a few days.
Also we are starting traditional birthday tournament (no arts, no clan perks). 150 000 E for the first place and 75 000 E for the second place is a good incentive, so you should join too while there is time.
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It will be a reboot, everything will start from scratch, however:
1) We will try to come up with some bonuses for those who donated in first GUNROX
2) We will keep old GUNROX and call it "GUNROX Classic" as well so you will be able to play it still for the sake of nostalgia of whatever. Bers lisen , in new gunrox just make some new maps, guns, chenge perks , make better graphic increse lvl from 1 to 100 and dont keep old gunrox just delete it so all players can come in new gunrox , lets start play again like old times in clower 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 .
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Is new gunrox is available in android? I hope yes to make more player. Hahahah
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What about our arts? our money in out accounts?
You know berserker if you dont delete gunrox Classic It wont be alot of players active in gunrox 2, Maybe just upgrade gunrox classic and make it gunrox 2, all CAN start from scratch but our arts has to be enkord cash in gunrox 2, some got alot of them and it wouldnt be nice to just leave it there
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Is new gunrox is available in android? I hope yes to make more player. Hahahah They plan on releasing the game on all platforms, PC, iOS, Android etc etc.
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So Sad most of my friends left on this game because they thought gunrox is already dead... Imagine no update in almost 6 years? π... Btw im glad u back bers! π
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PROMOTE NEW GUNROX IN INDIA TOO...................................
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So what about new GUNROX? This is the very early screenshot from the game, so don't judge too hard:
(Click for a larger version)
The biggest feature of the new GUNROX is destructible levels.
You will be able to destroy walls, bushes, trees, and anything that stands in your way if you have enough firepower. Here is how it looks like on separate level blocks:
 Yeah itβs great I like it itβs looks very good we waiting for it hahahaha
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Turkish language pack
Berserker Please Look private messageπ
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To bers and enkord teamπ
Im a GR player since 2009, awesome game but TBH what made me quit the game was because of the game being a big pay2win, especially that there are no matchmaking options to disable the use of artifacts.
Well, been playing lately cuz of nostalgia I guess. I suggest making the game fairer, people just dont like pay2win games. I suggest make the cash for "luxury", not for winning (eg. Skins, game template/layout, map skins, game voices(would be cool for critical), exp boosts, etc.).
Make the game pay2win again and I would wish your game to be sold to supercell then again. π
Also, make tons of game modes, so people wont get bored. And, lastly I would also suggest to let the skills and perks be reset any level. Because, most gamers are lazy. Thats all, and I wish u luck with my best regards. ππ
Edited 13 minutes later by saracin.
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Hello dear,
It would be awesome if you could do Maximum Level 100. New weapons and armors would be good too. As you said it have to be Classic but still we need some usefull updates only a new House its only a new graphic that makes not really a new Kind of fun.
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Today is GUNROX 11th birthday and its a good time to announce a new GUNROX. We have been working on it for at least last 6 month and now we have an early screenshot and some information to share with you.
In other news:
Double Experience is 50% off for a limited time. Offer will be valid for a few days.
Also we are starting traditional birthday tournament (no arts, no clan perks). 150 000 E for the first place and 75 000 E for the second place is a good incentive, so you should join too while there is time.
Listen man, i'm so happy right now i can't even think properly. I love the idea of keeping Gunrox Classic, but don't transfer these arts to the main game, we don't want people running around with legendary godly stoned makarovs and legendary sinister sureshot guns in the low lvl maps for the brand new start right? How about your team try to add more arm in low lvl maps, such as inbuilt grenade launchers and silencers even keys maybe coins too? I think artifacts should be way more rare as i can go in with my armed that could cost over 1500E with premium ammo and stuff but lose to a guy armed with arts. Arts should only be given thru artifact boxes, not achievements or anything like that.
Now my opinion for the maps, i wish there was more maps to play in since people sticked to Lost Beach in Gunrox Classic often. There should be more maps and the map generator in gunrox should be fixed so we dont get 6 houses and loads of bushes so we can barely move. And i wish you added maps from your flashgames to the game. Like the "Gibson City" game map, where the aliens raided the game. Ive played all of them and you can take some pixelarts from there to put in them to the game. I also think Appearance should be cheaper because we don't wanna run around with noob clothes, or maybe we just get more options for clothes and the look of our units as we create a new account unit.
I love the concept of gunrox, i know it's very early but i wish there was Casinos in gunrox. Let's say i put in a coin and you do it too, and we spin a casino wheel, we both get 50% chance to win. And we can bet artifacts too which would be good. And the trading system should be fixed too because i can't trade my armed to my other account because some IP stuff. I have to fake a game thru which is what i don't really want to do.
You can also see the artifact market, i think you should be able to do "Sell this for Enkord Cash, Coins, or an offer" where you'd have to contact the owner for the offer, an art in offer or something. Also someone named about how you could destroy bushes, i like the idea but i think only grenade launchers and bombs could do that. Bullets only go thru the leaves.
This was all i could think of, i'll edit it later and i hope you read this Berserker.
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So what about new GUNROX? This is the very early screenshot from the game, so don't judge too hard:
(Click for a larger version)
The biggest feature of the new GUNROX is destructible levels.
You will be able to destroy walls, bushes, trees, and anything that stands in your way if you have enough firepower. Here is how it looks like on separate level blocks:
 Good news βΊ
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The game can be played on Windows PC only.
But we have a new version of GUNROX currently in development which will run on all platforms including android. - Berserker said this 1 month ago
This means you can literally play gunrox in the bed at night in your phone if you can't sleep π fun stuff
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Oh yeah im with the shits yo π
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Its not possible to fight on beginner map because there are no new player, everyone is faking 24h. The handy android would be good for advertising the gunrox classic so we might get some new player in the game
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Its not possible to fight on beginner map because there are no new player, everyone is faking 24h This is not the gunrox you're playing right now, this is Gunrox 2 which will be available to play shortly. The one we all play right now will be replaced from Gunrox to Gunrox-Classic.
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bers remove silince from me lol . i insult brs not bers u saw it wrong comon xd
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Thanks to everyone who is still playing and waiting for a new GUNROX.
Let us know what you think about it. Thanks bers for letting us know news about gunrox but i have some questions
what a new lvls , how many map , is there a new weapons skins or somthing more
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Good.. as soon as the new gunrox is active, I will improve advertising and encourage new players! however, a game without moderators continues to encourage cheaters and accommodate players to take advantage, and you must focus on new players, because those who already play know very well what to do and this can cause new players to be "trampled" and that it will not be fun for those who want to know the game better. I will make slow videos with low levels, showing a little bit of the basics to give a base of how the game works, weapons and how to deal with damage and distances, how to move and use Aps so that they can already create some strategies
and start to have fun in the Game! my support to you berserker and all your team, Good luck !
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Today is GUNROX 11th birthday and its a good time to announce a new GUNROX. We have been working on it for at least last 6 month and now we have an early screenshot and some information to share with you.
In other news:
Double Experience is 50% off for a limited time. Offer will be valid for a few days.
Also we are starting traditional birthday tournament (no arts, no clan perks). 150 000 E for the first place and 75 000 E for the second place is a good incentive, so you should join too while there is time.
If you gonna add those shit clan perks, make an option to play games without them so megas and etc doesnt get destroyed by it.