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I was happy doing random battle and I fought this guy -adidas-[33]. I was happy because he is 3 levels higher than me, so I just want to kill at least 1 or 2 units for soul courageous medal.
I rushed him so I can surprise kill him, but it turns out, he was naked too!! We were both naked! So I killed 2 of his units easy peasy, then he quitted!!! Buy hey! At least I got 2 kills for soul courageous!
But then NO EXP??? ADMIN FIX THIS BUG ASAP. Based on my experiments, no exp bug = no medal points.
Now how can I earn my soul courageous medal if your game is full of bugs??
No answers will make this game a lot worse than it already is, so I suggest you admins to take action.
Reported by EhmzZtheLEGEND.
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not just 200 exp, but the medal for klling 2 units that are 3 levels higher.
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not just 200 exp, but the medal for klling 2 units that are 3 levels higher. ok man edited
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U needed just 10 m9re secounds to get exp xd
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U needed just 10 m9re secounds to get exp xd Not necessarily, it's more complex than you think
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Not necessarily, it's more complex than you think Ty for explaining me Andres the moderator.
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Moderators, what do you know about this bug??? If it fixed?
Playing and not knowing if you'll get exp is a very big problem for the game.
What if I random and fought full vs full close fight and then at the end of the game there is just zero exp???
Fix this bug ASAP.
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Disappointing admins xD
I just random --grom--[33] and I got NO EXP. Fix this now.
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Disappointing admins xD
I just random --grom--[33] and I got NO EXP. Fix this now. Up because there is no bug at all.. games has take certain amount of time or certain amount of damage has to be done, level difference cant be too high.
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Day 213: Still no reply from Astor, there is some afk's lv 50s, I can't resist anymore I might attack them even when I know I won't get exp
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Up because there is no bug at all.. games has take certain amount of time or certain amount of damage has to be done, level difference cant be too high. Where is this rule? You are not an admin therefore I can't know if your're lying or not.
So.. Admins/mods.. answers about this bug??
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Where is this rule? You are not an admin therefore I can't know if your're lying or not.
So.. Admins/mods.. answers about this bug?? Have you tried reading other Mods post and WHOLE UPDATE LOG FROM ASTOR? Its anti-faking measures..
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Berserker. Don't be blind and look at this thread. Clearly this is a bug.
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Have you tried reading other Mods post and WHOLE UPDATE LOG FROM ASTOR? Its anti-faking measures.. This is what I'm asking. Where can I find the rules?? Astor can't answer what the rules are xD
His answer was "fake = no exp" which is SUPER USELESS.
I read UPDATE LOGS and I saw this "for fakers will not increment win counter and associated awards". So fake fights have 0 exp and medals. So? How come I got 0 exp even if those games were NOT FAKES?? Don't u guys have common sense? xD
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This is the REAL BUG. Check this.