GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Rewards for Recycling, Clan Perks Return and more...

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Today's update has multiple added/increased rewards. We have added new rewards and returned some of the previously removed ones.
New Rewards for Recycling
From now on when you throw away items into recycle bin, you are charging up recycle counter and when fully charged you will receive a random item/ability.
Gambling System Changes
Now Gamble Coins cannot be transfered between players and gambling can be done only via gamble coins, you cannot cannot gamble with Enkord Cash directly. Therefore it requires 1 coin for simple artifacts, but higher amount of coins per spin for high artifacts. You can also buy coins in Cash Shop now with bulk offers providing better deals. Gamble coins are given as rewards to all clan members for Hall of Fame top.
This new system will allow us to give more coins as rewards to players in the future without fear of farming. We plan to give coins for players level-up in the future updates.
Bigger Rewards for Random
Rewards for random waiting increased from 7 E per minute up to 10 E per minute.
Clan Perks Return in Different Form
Clan perks are returned, but they are given only once per week for
clans in the top lists. However, now you can use clan perks in any battle, not only vs other clan.
Number of clan members who will receive perk each week depends on medals/stripes received for place in top. For example: gold medal will bring 1 perk for 10 members of that clan, silver medal will bring perk for 9 members, bronze medal - for 8 members, biggest stripe - for 7 members and so on. (Exce
These perks are given for medals/stripes in these top lists:
Blind Recovery = Outposts Top
Stun Recovery = Prosperity Top (Medals also get Retaliation to 1-3 members) Poison Recovery = Activity Top
Marauder = Tournament Top
Satellite = Agression Top
Retaliation = Agression + Outposts
Teleport = Fame + Outposts
Concentration = Fame + Agression
Additionally you have a small chance to win those perks from recycling even if you are not in a clan, so non-clan players have chance to use those perks too.
Additional Rewards for Mega Battles
Mega battles now bring you significantly more experience than before. Also winners now receive coins.
Level-up Rewards
Now you will receive coins when you level-up as well.
Other Changes

  • New Panel which shows all your abilities and their quantity.
  • SMS delivery updated, those who had problems receiving SMS should try again now
  • Game optimizations - now it should work faster on slow computers

Also this update was only intermediate update. If all goes well in the next update we will solve (at least partially) the problem of not enough equipment to play without money.
3 years ago Quote
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Besides also how about another feature called Profile Picture in-game,
To upload 64x64 image you can send like before with the (Clans) once you purchased this feature.
Profile picture (22.000E) ?

As long as i know gunrox is a game not social media lol...
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Today in the new update we have reduced coin requirements a little bit.

Wow thank you Bers!
Yes it's now more affordable! 2 coins for yellow/white arts apparently... Need to do more tests.
Thanks for listening ☺ I love this game even though I suck at it and it's been years
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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berserker this update is awesome, dont listen to the guys who just want to frustrates you.

True , that's a nice update.
10ec per mint really helpful...
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Forgot to add yesterday:
Level-up Rewards
Now you will receive coins when you level-up as well.

What about those that are level 50 already? Shouldn't they get the retroactive coins?
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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What about those that are level 50 already? Shouldn't they get the retroactive coins?

i think he thought that i was joking, also all levels not just 50s should have get the coins that they are missing. ☺
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him