is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
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Assault rifles perks
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Assault rifles perks
The assault rifles perks, aside the skill ones, give you 1 movement ap for - 20hp and +2 vision radius for - 2ap
Submachines give +2ap for - 40 weight
Shotguns give a free mov ap and 1ap for - 10 weight
Melee gives you 3 move ap for - 1ap.
So my point is assault rifles are heavily underwhelmed in relation to ap.
I.e. Paying 20hp for an extra move ap when you can use go mellee and get 2 more ap for just 1 ap seems kinda bad trade.
Is it possible to change the mov ap from assaults to a normal ap and maybe reduce price for eagle eyes to - 1ap? First of all assaults have range yes but we all know lasers and silencers(from rapids) are much stronger than an aug or g11(if in range you can 3x g11 or 2x aug while a rapid can 4x, assuming all of them 12ap, rapid would win due to silencer and laser, especially since they won't scratch. Assaults have decent dmg but scratches often, which is ok to balance their dmg, but in order to have a decent unit you are forced to spend at least 11-12 other perks for another way to get ap bcuz you are limited to only 1 mov ap and it costs you 20hp(if you don't have hp perks you are an easy target)
Edited 5 minutes later by *DELETED*.
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The assault rifles perks, aside the skill ones, give you 1 movement ap for - 20hp and +2 vision radius for - 2ap
Submachines give +2ap for - 40 weight
Shotguns give a free mov ap and 1ap for - 10 weight
Melee gives you 3 move ap for - 1ap.
So my point is assault rifles are heavily underwhelmed in relation to ap.
I.e. Paying 20hp for an extra move ap when you can use go mellee and get 2 more ap for just 1 ap seems kinda bad trade.
Is it possible to change the mov ap from assaults to a normal ap and maybe reduce price for eagle eyes to - 1ap? First of all assaults have range yes but we all know lasers and silencers(from rapids) are much stronger than an aug or g11(if in range you can 3x g11 or 2x aug while a rapid can 4x, assuming all of them 12ap, rapid would win due to silencer and laser, especially since they won't scratch. Assaults have decent dmg but scratches often, which is ok to balance their dmg, but in order to have a decent unit you are forced to spend at least 11-12 other perks for another way to get ap bcuz you are limited to only 1 mov ap and it costs you 20hp(if you don't have hp perks you are an easy target) Assualt Rifles are fine, Especially with the meta now that mostly everyone is playing only turtle..
Lvl 20+
11 vision SIG = GG
What should be buffed if the dumb sniper perk + 1 vision what the heck is the point of that LOL
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Its good as it is
Assualt Rifles are fine, Especially with the meta now that mostly everyone is playing only turtle..
Lvl 20+
11 vision SIG = GG
What should be buffed if the dumb sniper perk + 1 vision what the heck is the point of that LOL If you use watchfull eye its enough to see the whole map and also for mega with normal bino its really usefull.
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If you use watchfull eye its enough to see the whole map and also for mega with normal bino its really usefull. Im talking about the +1 vision range , not the + Scope vision
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Im talking about the +1 vision range , not the + Scope vision You have no drawback cost for snipers, assaults do, that's my whole point in this.
As you can see, snipers have no cost, you just need perks but assaults need to pay 2 AP and 20hp for their line perks.
2ap has so much impact I don't need to explain more, 20hp is like -3hp perks, it would be ok for 1 ap but for 1 movement ap is too much when compared to others.
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So you would prefer if it was -10HP penalty instead of -20HP and/or -1AP penalty for +2 vision?
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So you would prefer if it was -10HP penalty instead of -20HP and/or -1AP penalty for +2 vision? Yes that would be much better or if possible, with 10 perks to have more chance to hit in cost of something like AP(to balance with the lack of lasers in assaults)
I.e. minis have the 100% perk, assaults don't need it to be 100% but either some flash res or just a bit more chance to hit the target. If not it's fine if +2 vision for 1ap.
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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