GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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is this the result of our humanity, one earth and only one chance for all of us...we know who we are and where we are, in the middle of the universe all alone on a beautiful planet. STOP the WAR.


3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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all very sad ☹ I do not wish peace only for Ukraine, but for all those countries that suffer from wars...
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Fear mongering is proven to be an ineffective tool of rallying support. I don’t agree with using images of nuclear weapons to illustrate a point as the catastrophic damage of nuclear detonations on a civilization occurred only twice in human history.
However this is a sensitive topic and I agree that Russia should pay for their crimes, and there’s no misunderstanding; what they have been doing in Ukraine violates a multitude of laws which they agreed to when the reformed soviet regime grasped power decades ago. This is Putin’s war, not Russia’s.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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This is Putin’s war, not Russia’s.

Vast majority of russians support putin either actively or passively (not objecting, rioting against his regime, etc.) As Joseph de Maistre said - "every nation has the government it deserves", so its russia's war as much as putin's.
(Writing this under the sounds of artillery outside my house)
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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(Writing this under the sounds of artillery outside my house)

I didn’t know which part of Ukraine you’re from until I checked the profile; that is terrifying. Our media is putting Russia under a microscope with details ‘emerging’ about Russian laws adopted to stomp out free speech, social media, news outlets, and etc…
Russian conscripts calling home and their parents clueless to the invasion make Russian’s government the corrupt catalyst in this case. I believe there are supporters for Putin, but being from the US has placed a bias towards what is true. Media can spin a web of lies or half-truths meant to push our own ideologies/view points.
Anyway, I pray for you and your families safety man. I don’t know how I’d cope being under that constant threat. I hope you were able to make it outside of Kyiv
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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There is a sentence we turks use when war is starting even tough we are in NATO: there is no friend behind us only we turks. Dont trust the west, they provoked the bear but now they dont back up. Hope tomorrow it ends after the diplomatic speech in antalya. Yaroslav please be careful, i wish your people the best.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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There is a sentence we turks use when war is starting even tough we are in NATO: there is no friend behind us only we turks. Dont trust the west, they provoked the bear but now they dont back up. Hope tomorrow it ends after the diplomatic speech in antalya. Yaroslav please be careful, i wish your people the best.

The West did not provoke anyone and are helping us a lot in this war, especially UK. Russia has been trying to subordinate our country for the least 20 years at least, first by pouring billions of dollars to push their puppets into our government - i.e. they got their own president Yanukovich in our country who put russian citizens FSB agents as our minister of defense and other ministers and were dismanteling our army and critical state institutes for many years. When we threw down him via revolution in 2014, russia (realizing that we are weak at that moment) annexed Crimea. Now, when russia realized they can't get a hand on our country by trickery, is trying to do it by brute force but utterly failing.
It will not end tomorrow, it will end only when russia will be crushed, disarmed, and maybe split into pieces.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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The West did not provoke anyone and are helping us a lot in this war, especially UK. Russia has been trying to subordinate our country for the least 20 years at least, first by pouring billions of dollars to push their puppets into our government - i.e. they got their own president Yanukovich in our country who put russian citizens FSB agents as our minister of defense and other ministers and were dismanteling our army and critical state institutes for many years. When we threw down him via revolution in 2014, russia (realizing that we are weak at that moment) annexed Crimea. Now, when russia realized they can't get a hand on our country by trickery, is trying to do it by brute force but utterly failing.
It will not end tomorrow, it will end only when russia will be crushed, disarmed, and maybe split into pieces.

But before you crush russia, you have to keep the civilians safe and also you dont have any jets left the only way to beat the russians is to do guerllia fight. Then maybe the sanctions might help after 1-2months of hard battles in houses. Your country is writing history by beeing brave and fight a superpower, sadly other countrys cant help that much, only sanctions and talks.
When i was young, i didnt know ukrainians that well. After i grew up i was a big fan of the boxers like usyk or vasyl. Now im a wittness of a big war which ukraine could do a lot damage to russia. I appreciate your brave words.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Vast majority of russians support putin either actively or passively (not objecting, rioting against his regime, etc.) As Joseph de Maistre said - "every nation has the government it deserves", so its russia's war as much as putin's.
(Writing this under the sounds of artillery outside my house)

And there is a bright side of this sensless violence outside Bers house - G2 will be even more realistic ];->
On topic: i'm impressed how much resistance UY is capabble to moskalsko-kacapska invasion. I'm ready to get refugees under my roof. At last something I can do for Ukraine.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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But before you crush russia, you have to keep the civilians safe and also you dont have any jets left the only way to beat the russians is to do guerllia fight.

You are seriously underestimating our success in the war that russia started. There are already over 12000 russians killed, over 2000 captured and twice as many are wounded, totaling in over 50000 losses in just couple of weeks. They also lost a lot of tanks, planes, helicopters, armored vehicles, their morale is very low, their troops are dropping their tanks and running away or surrendering to our army. Their army turned our to be a joke. A cardboard tiger. And it's not that I made this up, there are thousands of photos and videos to prove that. I've even saw videos where gypsies stealing their tanks.
Also, what they sent is their elite forces that have been preparing for invasion for half a year.
Before sanctions they have been spending 20 billions USD per day on this war. With all these sanctions now I would say that amount quadrupled at least. They will never capture Ukraine and every day is making things better for us and worse for them.
The only problem is missiles, we have anti-air defense, but no modern anti-rocket defense, but hopefully the west would help us with that.
They have seriously underestimated our country and overestimated themselves.
Out of desperation, realizing they are loosing now they started to massacre civilians, bomb hospitals, schools, kindergartens in hope to instigate fear into our people, but instead they are making everyone even angrier and willing to revenge. Local militia stopped to enlist people on 3rd day of war because there were far too many volunteers to join the fight, they are now picking only people skilled in military craft. The others then started to form their own guerilla organizations and go hunt russians with hunting rifles.
Sure, this may take quite some time and a lot of innocent would die, but it is obvious they have already lost and are paying in multitude for what they are doing to us and will pay even more in the future.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Ukraine must not give up this fight, if Putin wins this fight he will gain more power than ever before. I think it is cruel to wage wars, because lives are at stake and people want to live in peace, but Putin is trying with all his might to take this peace away.
Moreover, this war harms not only the population but also certain things in the world. Gasoline prices have risen by 40%. This war must end immediately. What can the poor people in this country for it, why must there be so many dead? It is unnecessary and simply dirty what Putin organizes.
Dmytro Kuleba told journalists in the Turkish city of Antalya. After the meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the Turkish city of Antalya, Dmytro Kuleba said that it was also not possible to agree on humanitarian corridors for the city of Mariupol on the Sea of Azov. The major city has been besieged by the Russian military for days.
Ukraine has thwarted Russia's plan, said Kuleba, who at the same time stressed, "Russia will not get a surrender from Ukraine." The minister also stressed that his country is ready to remain committed to ending the war.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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I'm afraid Putin will not stop until he "saves" last Russian in Portugal ;(
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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I'm afraid Putin will not stop until he "saves" last Russian in Portugal ;(

He will not stop unless we stop him right here. That's why the reaction of the west is weird at times, like this disco around not giving Polish MiGs to us. Don't want to give us jet fighters? No problem, use them to fight russians yourself. I think it is a wiser decision give them to us instead of using them to fight off russians on your own soil. Especially considering that Poland got them for free from Germany.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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He will not stop unless we stop him right here. That's why the reaction of the west is weird at times, like this disco around not giving Polish MiGs to us. Don't want to give us jet fighters? No problem, use them to fight russians yourself. I think it is a wiser decision give them to us instead of using them to fight off russians on your own soil. Especially considering that Poland got them for free from Germany.

I'm agree with Your point of view and understand Your anger. I feel pretty much the same anger seeing how Europe cripples with reaction. Even in front of such tragic events, West is still counting money and poll votes over lives.
In my very personal opinion, West is doing pretty much nothig at this moment and I'm afraid this will be thier nail to the coffin. All this "extremally painful" sanctions will not stop putin, he is prepared for war and international isolation. Even worse - in the end, he will use those sanctions to justify further agression agains sanctioners. All this happens just because putler said (just short after start of this years war agaist Ukraine) that he will "punish anyone who will try to help his enemies". This simple statment scared west to death.
Putin knows that words - even the most strickt ones- are just words and words will not kill his soliders, literally. On the other side - his tanks kills people, literally...
Also, putin gives a fuck on western rules (which are in fact a base of our safety - West still thinks that putin will follow thier "war etiquette" (because well - thats a rules lol), actually he uses western buerocracy against themselves. He can lie on everything to anyone to get whatever he wants, because he knows that no one really can judge him right now. He wants western world under his rules and he will not stop until he face answer adequate to his actions.
Which means, if west will not strike back in OLD FASHIONED way (which means full scale MILITARY operation against russia) - west will fall right next after Ukraine. While people are fooled by huge disinformation about how is war going atm - western side shows us the picture of Ukraine almost won already, strikes deadly on the occupant army and russia is on the backtrack with his drunk, lost and extremally unprofessional army, facing the fact that russian army already preceeding cruel besiege of major Ukrainian cities, just like in WWII - encircle, cut the supplies, strave to death or burn to the ground after disabling AA defense. This worked before, will propably work today too... Western world live under a dream that convetional war is just inhuman, impossible to proceed with modern technology and ethically forbidden. Even worst, west reduced thier military potential because from western point of view army is a useless burden for common people wallets and national budgets. If invasion spreads on other countries we will see much more cruel face of war, because in opposition to Ukraine rest of world is not prepared to take arms and literally fight against enemy forces, especially on enemys terms of condidtion - not thiers.
Reasuming - giving just "verbal" encouragement and sending words of care from western leaders is just ugly act of cowardice. West forgets what is an actual war - its not throwing 5000 sanctions, putting international blame on putin for agression or #KievLive on YT. War will never changes its rules, just evolves along with technology. Stop sendig words, get into military uniforms, grab guns and strike back or watch our world burns in REAL flames.
Слава Україні і хрен Путіну
Edited 16 minutes later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Indeed, the west became too soft and everyone sees that, both putin, and people all around the world. Personally I don't think we should continue our efforts to join EU where Germany, putin's biggest friend plays major role and NATO, which turned out to be a flop. I have serious doubt that NATO would react properly even if russia invades baltic countries or Poland.
I think it is wiser for us to seek alternative alliance configurations with those countries who helped us the most like UK, Poland, baltic countries, etc.

western side shows us the picture of Ukraine almost won already, strikes deadly on the occupant army and russia is on the backtrack with his drunk, lost and extremally unprofessional army, facing the fact that russian army already preceeding cruel besiege of major Ukrainian cities, just like in WWII - encircle, cut the supplies, strave to death or burn to the ground after disabling AA defense. This worked before, will propably work today too...

To be honest a lot of this is true, their army is indeed suffering a lot of losses and it is obvious already that we will win eventually. How much would it cost us is another story. The fact that they besiege our major cities is not their
achievement, but actually our strategy. We didn't have enough forces to lock down whole border which is very long, so our strategy was from the very beginning to defend around major cities where we will be able to fight with biggest advantages.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Indeed, the west became too soft and everyone sees that, both putin, and people all around the world. Personally I don't think we should continue our efforts to join EU where Germany, putin's biggest friend plays major role and NATO, which turned out to be a flop. I have serious doubt that NATO would react properly even if russia invades baltic countries or Poland.
I think it is wiser for us to seek alternative alliance configurations with those countries who helped us the most like UK, Poland, baltic countries, etc.

To be honest a lot of this is true, their army is indeed suffering a lot of losses and it is obvious already that we will win eventually. How much would it cost us is another story. The fact that they besiege our major cities is not their
achievement, but actually our strategy. We didn't have enough forces to lock down whole border which is very long, so our strategy was from the very beginning to defend around major cities where we will be able to fight with biggest advantages.

I hope You right Boss and I hope putler will not do anything terrible if Kiev will resist too long. We have seen how it ended in Aleppo - if they cannot take city, they burn it down from distance and loot the ruins. Really hope this will not happen in Kiev.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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(Writing this under the sounds of artillery outside my house)

oh wow.. really heartbreaking to read that i really hope you and your family be okay.. best we can do is keep your business alive and send you our prayers
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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I hope You right Boss and I hope putler will not do anything terrible if Kiev will resist too long. We have seen how it ended in Aleppo - if they cannot take city, they burn it down from distance and loot the ruins. Really hope this will not happen in Kiev.

That's why we need more Jet Fighers and anti-air to be donated from the west if they don't want to close the sky themselves. Our own MiGs turned out to do well shooting down cruise missiles. Biden is resisting it, but with enough pressure from public he will eventually make it happen.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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He will not stop unless we stop him right here. That's why the reaction of the west is weird at times, like this disco around not giving Polish MiGs to us. Don't want to give us jet fighters? No problem, use them to fight russians yourself. I think it is a wiser decision give them to us instead of using them to fight off russians on your own soil. Especially considering that Poland got them for free from Germany.

Don't say that if it's not exactly true Germany is helping Ukraine. Poland now wants to help the Ukrainian army with fighter jets - but not deliver them directly. The MiG-29 jets are to be handed over to the U.S. first, at Germany's Ramstein Air Base.Moreover, the move could increase the risk of a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO - and is meeting with strong objections in the U.S. olen is ready to make its old MiG-29 fighter jets available to Ukraine "immediately and free of charge." Head of government Mateusz Morawiecki made the surprise announcement Tuesday during a joint press conference with his Norwegian counterpart in Oslo.
According to Poland's plans, the actual handover of the aircraft, which date back to Soviet times, to soldiers of the Ukrainian Air Force will be carried out by the USA. Poland plans to transport the aircraft, the exact number of which was not specified, to the U.S. air base in Ramstein near Kaiserslautern (Rhineland-Palatinate). The U.S. Defense Department turned its thumbs down Wednesday night in view of the Polish plan. The prospect of aircraft taking off from the territory of a NATO state to fly into contested airspace raises "serious concerns for the entire alliance," Defense Department spokesman John Kirby said. "We will continue to consult with Poland and our other NATO allies on this issue and the difficult logistical challenges it presents, but we do not believe Poland's proposal is tenable."
Ukraine's air force had been requesting the MiG jets for weeks because its pilots have experience with aircraft of that type. So far, Ukraine has been hopelessly outgunned by the Russians in the air - unlike on the ground, where the massive buildup of armaments by NATO countries is now making itself felt. In a single week, 17,000 anti-tank systems were delivered. Germany stands firmly by Ukraine's side. Ukraine can count on the Federal Republic not only in the current conflict situation, but permanently. Germany has been supporting Ukraine for many years, helping to strengthen the country economically and financially and to ensure its security. Chancellor Scholz assured Ukraine once again: "What we are doing is strengthening Ukraine's economic and economic resilience by continuing to be Ukraine's biggest financial stabilizer and we will remain so."
Germany is the one country in the world that has launched the largest aid to Ukraine in recent years. With around two billion euros, "we have made the Ukrainian economy more resilient and independent in the face of foreign influence," the chancellor said. Within the military support, the Bundeswehr is also making an important contribution to military training and advice in Ukraine. This form of support enables an intensive exchange of experience. To date, a total of 551 Ukrainian servicemen and women have successfully completed their training in Germany.
Germany provides further military support in the form of medical services. This includes the overall financing of a deployable field hospital as well as other measures such as the distribution of medical supplies and materials, but also the medical care of wounded soldiers in German military hospitals.In addition to the United States, Germany has also been the largest bilateral donor of humanitarian aid since 2014, with around 186 million euros, which is used, among other things, for the demining and disposal of explosive remnants of war. Germany is also the largest contributor to the Ukraine Humanitarian Country Fund, which will be established
Edited 7 minutes later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Indeed, the west became too soft and everyone sees that, both putin, and people all around the world. Personally I don't think we should continue our efforts to join EU where Germany, putin's biggest friend plays major role and NATO

Putin and germany are best friends? HAHAHAHAHA you really have no idea! The whole German country hates Putin for his weird disgusting dictatorial way of waging war. Again for info, that German country supports the Ukraine 100% these whole contributions you can read with pleasure in the Internet! Germany stands behind Ukraine and not behind Russia... do not give out false information. And again, Germany supports Ukraine, unfortunately not with soldiers, but with weapons, ammunition, armor and much more. Putin is currently the most hated man on earth, so who supports his work is in any case sick in the head.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him