GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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ART problem in gunrox...


ART problem in gunrox...
lalalalala.. minding your own business in random..
then POOF, you find yourself vs an arter.. sometimes its "possible" to try to clutch and win, but in most cases.. you either quit and damage your Rank, or sit through 6-10 minutes of watching your units die, losing hard earnt items in a frustrating way 😡
so can we please have the option to either, be notified if the opponent is carrying arts? so we can quit early...
OR the ability to quit for mb like first 5 mins of the game if your opponent has arts above a certain rank?
OR the ability to choose not going versus arters in the first place?
Edited 5 minutes later by .
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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Arts are part of the game, all your suggestions have major flaws in them and can be abused. Obtaining arts is quite easy as well these days so you can save up a few and whenever you come across someone who uses them, you can use yours to take his ☺
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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how can being notified that your opponent has arts be abused?
and arts arent that easily obtained, gambling rarely gives anything good, and even when it does, selling that thing is undoubtedly prior than risking it vs someone who has solid armors
Edited 2 minutes later by .
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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how can being notified that your opponent has arts be abused?
and arts arent that easily obtained, gambling rarely gives anything good, and even when it does, selling that thing is undoubtedly prior than risking it vs someone who has solid armors

How are players suppose to hunt others who use arts?
How are players suppose to enjoy the match if opponent knows they are with arts and proceed to run in corner of maps, take full time, disconnect and use other accounts to keep said art player stuck in games so they can continue to farm E from random?
Your suggestions have obvious flaws in them, sometimes in random you face arts, nothing to do about it.
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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How are players suppose to enjoy the match if opponent knows they are with arts and proceed to run in corner of maps, take full time, disconnect and use other accounts to keep said art player stuck in games so they can continue to farm E from random?

none does that; who would rather earn money in random to afford items OVER casually DYING vs an arter, losing all the items he hardly collected ?
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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"GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game" jajajaja
Gunrox die cuz that meaningless decisions that only seek to generate more money, its not a estrategy game anymore,
""How are players suppose to enjoy the match if opponent knows they are with arts and proceed to run in corner of maps, take full time, disconnect and use other accounts to keep said art player stuck in games so they can continue to farm E from random?"" .
How players will enjoy game if in itself it is an expensive game, and now there are arts in random, megas, outpost, perks that ruin the balance that already had shortcomings.... it is not sustainable even for those who load E sometimes, only a few can buy Enkor weekly to carry this terrible rhythm of play, so how normal players will "have fun" if this is not a fair game?, where is the strategy on carry full solids and play vs normal players?, where is the hardcore old-school game?, on the ptw experience' .
Pistol make a good job defending the game, but I think he perfectly knows that very bad decisions have been made.
But well... money talks 😁
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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none does that; who would rather earn money in random to afford items OVER casually DYING vs an arter, losing all the items he hardly collected ?

The only thing I could see happening at one point is if the system detects that player A is using arts vs player B who is normal armed and it would give player B better XP/rewards for either win or lose, but again, it wouldn't be high up on the todo list.
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him