GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Bots are unbeatable


hi, adding bots to game is very good idea for players to stay in game, but bots are ridiculous

they know where you are in every moment and they have a lot of grenades! this combination is unbeatable. when game start they run fast to you and throwing a lot of grenades without watching you, most of times there are 3 units grenader with this vision of where you are, it`s unfair

i really like the idea of adding bots, it help to play more and have some fun but with this method, it is the cause of boredom

2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote

please fix it and nerf bots , please !!!! I'm going crazy

2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote

If I were the developer of these bots, I would be happy when I hear this feedback from a player 😂

“Unbeatable Bots”

2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote
These bots urgently need to be nerfed, it's okay that they don't wear armor and everything, but they don't miss 1 shot with everyone using a bomb + 40mm, it doesn't work.
2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote

Bots doesn't have any advantages in precision, dispersion, ap/mp, resistance or hp.

Edited 2 minutes later by .
2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote

Bots on low lvl are unbalanced. Change my mind

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote
Reply to

hi, adding bots to game is very good idea for players to stay in game, but bots are ridiculous

they know where you are in every moment and they have a lot of grenades! this combination is unbeatable. when game start they run fast to you and throwing a lot of grenades without watching you, most of times there are 3 units grenader with this vision of where you are, it`s unfair

i really like the idea of adding bots, it help to play more and have some fun but with this method, it is the cause of boredom

I agree. They know where you are and because of that its hard to choose a strategy to beat them. It is impossible to ''flank'' a bot. It will just move to the side where you are. 

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote

BOT need to be more realistic, not always full armed and have sure shot using milkor granades and etc, need to have some half armed bots or naked bots, and random bots difficulty level, like 1-5 u have noob bot and genius bot

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote

Yes, Im agree with that, bots always armed full with full grenades and full 40mm, u can´t make a good strategy because they watch u all the time, it´s not realistic, it´s almost impossible, because you can´t trick them, it's ridiculous, but the idea of bots on gunrox its great, just that.

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote

arreglen los bots porfavor ponganle dificultad dependiendo a tu rango o nivel estan imposibles de vencer y hacen que la experiencia de juego sea estresante y aburrida

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote
Reply to

hi, adding bots to game is very good idea for players to stay in game, but bots are ridiculous

they know where you are in every moment and they have a lot of grenades! this combination is unbeatable. when game start they run fast to you and throwing a lot of grenades without watching you, most of times there are 3 units grenader with this vision of where you are, it`s unfair

i really like the idea of adding bots, it help to play more and have some fun but with this method, it is the cause of boredom


1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote
Reply to

Bots doesn't have any advantages in precision, dispersion, ap/mp, resistance or hp.

then how they throw nades exactly where you are without even see you ? how you can`t flank them ? why they barely go on the mines ? ( even i see some times they throw nades to cancel your mine and rush ) , why some of them have imp power armor or imp military armor in low lvl ? , just read some reply on my first message then you will see they are so unbalanced

4 weeks ago Quote
4 weeks ago Quote

today i see amazing new build by bots , tumper + nader in one unit , and x2 another unit tumper + pistol ( as always they have laser for no miss )

and with super vision that they have , it`s unstoppable , game need to have bots because of players are low but that is not meaning they should be that much powerful , they should nerf , why they need to know all of you movement without see you ? why they always carry explosive items ? why the dispersion isn`t work for them ? even on global chat of game everybody speak about that , please some one fix that , it`s Disgusting !

2 weeks, 5 days ago Quote
2 weeks, 5 days ago Quote
Reply to

today i see amazing new build by bots , tumper + nader in one unit , and x2 another unit tumper + pistol ( as always they have laser for no miss )

and with super vision that they have , it`s unstoppable , game need to have bots because of players are low but that is not meaning they should be that much powerful , they should nerf , why they need to know all of you movement without see you ? why they always carry explosive items ? why the dispersion isn`t work for them ? even on global chat of game everybody speak about that , please some one fix that , it`s Disgusting !

get gud

2 weeks, 5 days ago Quote
2 weeks, 5 days ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him