is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
LLawpz lvl 49 team hitting in mega to sabotage game
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Please ban this player LL-a-wPz for faking in mega buy hitting his own team with pulse grenades from the start. Why should everyone have to lose because of this idiot. He is constantly hitting teams with greandes
He then continues to go AFK after stunning me with more greandes. Permanently ban this kid!
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He continues to hit his own team with greandes. Permanent ban please.
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WTF! this kind of player should permanent ban no place for toxic people in gunrox
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Berserker, can you force compensation by taking 1500e from his account and transferring it to my account, I should get compensation in enkord for such a player wasting all my equipment for deliberate sabotage.
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Berserker, can you force compensation by taking 1500e from his account and transferring it to my account, I should get compensation in enkord for such a player wasting all my equipment for deliberate sabotage. You've got to be kidding, you're the guy who trolls this game the most, I've never seen llawpz troll any game, and you, with this horrible build, troll all the games.
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Berserker, can you force compensation by taking 1500e from his account and transferring it to my account, I should get compensation in enkord for such a player wasting all my equipment for deliberate sabotage.
you are the most horrible and ridiculous guy in this game with your shitty build.
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Please ban this player LL-a-wPz for faking in mega buy hitting his own team with pulse grenades from the start. Why should everyone have to lose because of this idiot. He is constantly hitting teams with greandes
He then continues to go AFK after stunning me with more greandes. Permanently ban this kid!
shut up man you troll all games CRUENTUS everyone in the game hates you, you never spent a dollar on this game if it were you gunrox wouldn't even exist, shut up and go reset your shitty build.
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Ah não kkkkkk aí e Fogo os caras querem denunciar
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cuentrus first you reset your Bild then you come to report Law
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It does not matter who is reporting.... the thing is if you agree with team killing, it will happen to you, sooner or later. so instead of arguing the poster, argue the content of the post.
Edited 26 seconds later by NewMA.
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Berserker, can you force compensation by taking 1500e from his account and transferring it to my account, I should get compensation in enkord for such a player wasting all my equipment for deliberate sabotage. You've got to be kidding, you're the guy who trolls this game the most, I've never seen llawpz troll any game, and you, with this horrible build, troll all the games.
first come wih your main account and second if you hate him so much, do not play with him. as simple as that.
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I never saw Law do this, although he said you killed him in another mega on purpose and not to mention that this mega we played you went offline and lost 1 turn ending
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Please ban this player LL-a-wPz for faking in mega buy hitting his own team with pulse grenades from the start. Why should everyone have to lose because of this idiot. He is constantly hitting teams with greandes
He then continues to go AFK after stunning me with more greandes. Permanently ban this kid!
'' Cruentus '' This proves nothing, in fact the guy who trolls the most in all games is you, that's why you're banned from all megas, berserker should ban you, besides your builds are all bad, and you keep making fake every day to stay arming in the game and don't spend money on the gunrox project.
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Please ban this player LL-a-wPz for faking in mega buy hitting his own team with pulse grenades from the start. Why should everyone have to lose because of this idiot. He is constantly hitting teams with greandes
He then continues to go AFK after stunning me with more greandes. Permanently ban this kid!
'' Cruentus '' This proves nothing, in fact the guy who trolls the most in all games is you, that's why you're banned from all megas, berserker should ban you, besides your builds are all bad, and you keep making fake every day to stay arming in the game and don't spend money on the gunrox project.
How do you have the nerve to post from a stolen account? thief!!
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So its been 5 days and still no punishment. What is taking so long, Its quite clear this idiot shoots his own team.
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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