is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
3 ideas to boost spirit and game play
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I know how.
I will soon make a Clan Tournament here on the forum ☺
That will boost some spirit 🙄
Bernardeti will assist me 😎 theres 4-5 clans active at the i doubt it but should be fun overall
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Gunrox has maybe 50-100 players who login every day, this game is not supported by Enkord as they are busy with TT2. Gunrox is a unique game and has so much potential I don't understand why there needs to be a Gunrox 2. Furthermore, all gunrox needs is a few tweaks here and there and possibly a prestige mode 😉.
Just some thoughts to leave you with 😁
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Ranger's Ideas
Ranger's Ideas are well thought of and good in theory but couldn't someone just purchase your " All you can eat " for 10k and transfer the stuff to other accounts I think it would be a great idea if they could implement some sort of untradeable item.
Secondly, your idea about paying to level up is a good idea, they have a similar idea implemented into TT2. It should be that the item that you buy to gain exp can increase your exp by 30% or 50% I think it will not be a good idea if you were able to buy whole levels.
Lastly, your idea about increased discounts are obviously great... there aren't that many players left in gunrox for the first place and at very least it would be a nice gesture for Enkord to give us decent discounts on resets as we have been with them all this time and are still active.
If all these ideas are implemented correctly Gunrox could be active again with new players and it will also bring the money into you at Enkord.
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Gunrox has maybe 50-100 players who login every day, this game is not supported by Enkord as they are busy with TT2. Gunrox is a unique game and has so much potential I don't understand why there needs to be a Gunrox 2. Furthermore, all gunrox needs is a few tweaks here and there and possibly a prestige mode 😉.
Just some thoughts to leave you with 😁 well thats what everyone wants but enkord doesnt have the money or the time to spend on gunrox since it reached the state they wanted it to but i still would love if they added few stuff to keep the game intresting
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well thats what everyone wants but enkord doesnt have the money or the time to spend on gunrox since it reached the state they wanted it to but i still would love if they added few stuff to keep the game intresting I doubt they will add new things :/ they are too busy with TT2 and there intentions aren't to update gunrox but to make gunrox 2 if TT2 where to be successful so I just guess its a waiting game now.
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I doubt they will add new things :/ they are too busy with TT2 and there intentions aren't to update gunrox but to make gunrox 2 if TT2 where to be successful so I just guess its a waiting game now. pretty much..all we can do is hope tt2 becomes a good game to attract people etc..
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$5k for 5hrs All You Can Eat
IDEA: 1 payment for unlimited re-arm.
CONCERN: Killerz' concern about farming for other players is a legitimate one.
Example: Ranger01 buys 'All You Can Eat' and then trades it to The-King.
SOLUTION: Maybe 1 solution could be... whatever your inventory button (Equipment Memorizer) is for that feature WHEN YOU CLICK/SET IT,... your arms and guns will be RED and may not trade it for that period.
IDEA is to have people play and invite others to play for long periods of time. One way to achieve this is to have people pay 1x for FULL ARM and for period of time.
The REASON is because not many people don't have much cash. In business, cash will come when there are lots of people. No players, then players with cash no want to come and spend.
How it will work: BUY $5k Full Arm for 5hrs
RED Equipment Memorizer comes on. You arm and then set it.
Re-arm is red (maybe 20 attrition for arms and armor).
May not trade. After game, have to re-arm, win or lose.
Weapons do not transfer.
Weapons do not fall after death. All disappears when game is over.
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IDEA: 1 payment for unlimited re-arm.
Weapons do not fall after death. All disappears when game is over. this is suck idea ! why we will waste our time if we wont win armed of enemy ?
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Actually GUNROX 2 will be like a giant update to GUNROX, it will not change the core mechanic, but will adds a lot of new stuff (if we will start working on it).
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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