is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
DontNeedClan and Crazybee tean killing. Avoid the curroption.
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Ok. I say these because I cared about game and other legitimate players. Just now there was a mega which Nasir made it...3x50s in there and i told him thats not a good balance but he said it's ok! then all 3x50s in same team with me...He started asking for abort...I didnt abort and then DontNeedClan and Crazybee killed me. Bernardeti was there and did nothing. I didnt abort cuse Nasir said it is ok we have 3x50s and in other mega, when my teammate quitted I asked him to abort and he refused. After all, nobody can force anybody to abort. there was NoFear level 30 in my team and at first he said " coins" but that was OK cause he is in the "Gang". Anyway...This game is curropted and cant be helped. Admin should do something or very soon they need to play with themselves...nobody stays....Even crazebee did spying and transferred my team chat to Nasir and that is another violation.
Edited 7 minutes later by NewMA.
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very bad from those with lvl 50, especially since 2 of them are moderators, how can you kill a lower level from the same team for abortion, if he wants to abort, if not, then no, they must be punished with blocking the account.
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since there is no serious moderator, everyone does what they want
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Ok. I say these because I cared about game and other legitimate players. Just now there was a mega which Nasir made it...3x50s in there and i told him thats not a good balance but he said it's ok! then all 3x50s in same team with me...He started asking for abort...I didnt abort and then DontNeedClan and Crazybee killed me. Bernardeti was there and did nothing. I didnt abort cuse Nasir said it is ok we have 3x50s and in other mega, when my teammate quitted I asked him to abort and he refused. After all, nobody can force anybody to abort. there was NoFear level 30 in my team and at first he said " coins" but that was OK cause he is in the "Gang". Anyway...This game is curropted and cant be helped. Admin should do something or very soon they need to play with themselves...nobody stays....Even crazebee did spying and transferred my team chat to Nasir and that is another violation.
I am moderator junior, everyone knows I can't ban
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The least you can do is to let others with higher authority to know about things happened in that mega and let them to take actions. Something like kicking from enkord clan and banning...anything that shows gunrox isn't totally dead and rotten.
Ok. I say these because I cared about game and other legitimate players. Just now there was a mega which Nasir made it...3x50s in there and i told him thats not a good balance but he said it's ok! then all 3x50s in same team with me...He started asking for abort...I didnt abort and then DontNeedClan and Crazybee killed me. Bernardeti was there and did nothing. I didnt abort cuse Nasir said it is ok we have 3x50s and in other mega, when my teammate quitted I asked him to abort and he refused. After all, nobody can force anybody to abort. there was NoFear level 30 in my team and at first he said " coins" but that was OK cause he is in the "Gang". Anyway...This game is curropted and cant be helped. Admin should do something or very soon they need to play with themselves...nobody stays....Even crazebee did spying and transferred my team chat to Nasir and that is another violation.
I am moderator junior, everyone knows I can't ban
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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