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its funny ☺
 is it you skiper or what ?
you looks like my old dog ☹ poor snoopy
joke joke 😁
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Hi there
I am 15years old, was living with my mother in beach till some weeks ago, right now living with my father, all i do SERIOUS is football, and its only this what i want for my life.
Gunrox can has much bad things, but with friend its great, love when everybody from OS PRETUS is in skype.
Well, i think is this.
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Hi, I´m Maximiliano.I have 24 years old
I´m from Argentina, i live in Bell ville.CBA
I´m policeman. I have 2 children,a girl of 3 years and a boy of 1 year.
I love games likes this,listen music like bands like ALMAFUERTE,HERMETICA,CARAJO,etc etc etc (HEAVY METAL)
I´m fan of soccer too, my team is RIVER PLATE.
-All the info for the moment,if wanna talk with me,contact me in TOXICITY-
-See ya.
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is it you skiper or what ?
you looks like my old dog ☹ poor snoopy
joke joke 😁 LOL xD yes its me...
im 15 years old, good football player, live in town what has biggest nuclear power plant in Europe. im has good brains, but not like to use it ☺
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I'm late !
Quite late for me to join this nice thread.😳
I'm Lieu Nguyen,short name is Lieu or Rose 😁 I'm 20,girl,from Viet Nam-
small but very beautiful,peaceful country in South-East Asia.I joined Gunrox
since Oct 2009 and love strategy games like this.I'm single,still staying with
my parents.I'm Manager in my cousin's Wedding Studio.My best
drink everyday is lemon juice.I love Eminem and Linkin' Park,also enjoy with
trance-electro music sometimes.I speak English,some words in French,and
sure perfect with Vietnamese.My best traffic ever : Liberty (Piaggio)
I hate ''noob'',fakers,selfish guys especially liars.
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Quite late for me to join this nice thread.😳
I'm Lieu Nguyen,short name is Lieu or Rose 😁 I'm 20,girl,from Viet Nam-
small but very beautiful,peaceful country in South-East Asia.I joined Gunrox
since Oct 2009 and love strategy games like this.I'm single,still staying with
my parents.I'm Manager in my cousin's Wedding Studio.My best
drink everyday is lemon juice.I love Eminem and Linkin' Park,also enjoy with
trance-electro music sometimes.I speak English,some words in French,and
sure perfect with Vietnamese.My best traffic ever : Liberty (Piaggio)
I hate ''noob'',fakers,selfish guys especially liars. you hate 90% players in this game ;(
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im damian from Poland, i live near the polish-ukrainian boarder, thus few times a year im in ukraine, this year i've been in kiev - really nice city (hope next time meet you berk:P☺)
but to the point, im married - have wonderful loving wife, im 23 and work in the public administration in the departament of international cooperation.
btw, thats my second account previous was prizo, but it had bad set up.
ok, see you people in game...
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hi everyone
i am Elio Rizk ,14 years old ,i live in Lebanon a small country in the Middle east(it is quit clear that no one know this country)
i like football very much my favorite football teams are:bierne munchen,FC barcelona,AC milan
i like music and computer games i still at school going to high school soon i like science(all kinds)
i can speak english , frenche and arabic what gives me the ability to talk with a lot of gunrox players..............
To be continued lol 😁 😁 😁
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Might as well join in. ☺
I'm Shane, 17 years old
Live in New Zealand and loving it!
Just getting the hang of this game kinda, need some strategies though.. ☺
So Hi!
Edited 2 minutes later by *DELETED*.
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hi i'm siemon
live in europe and likemusic from dustep
the best game on pc : GUNROX
ps3 : call of duty black ops 😁
have 3 brother and realy wont to play gunrox go : bye ☹
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hi i'm siemon
live in europe and likemusic from dustep
the best game on pc : GUNROX
ps3 : call of duty black ops 😁
have 3 brother and realy wont to play gunrox go : bye ☹
My name is Mart, and I come from Barcelona, the most beautiful city of the world.
I have 1 girl and 1 boy (9 and 4 years). I have 34 O.oOo
I know I make a little bit old for this game.
As suspect you it, I like the FC Barcelona.
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I have 34 O.oOo
I know I make a little bit old for this game.
Yes! I'm not the only elder here ☺
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hi, im Hanan, im 22 years old guy from israel..
i recently sayd goodbye to the army and now im unemployed, il do some work at security i guess.
i like electroinc music - trance, techno, psybient etc, and some oldies prog rock. recently started a records collection.
i'v been playing gunrox on and off since it came out (almost). i had many accounts, eveytime i try new build/idea.
here is my in a trip to euorpe:
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Quite late for me to join this nice thread.😳
I'm Lieu Nguyen,short name is Lieu or Rose 😁 I'm 20,girl,from Viet Nam-
small but very beautiful,peaceful country in South-East Asia.I joined Gunrox
since Oct 2009 and love strategy games like this.I'm single,still staying with
my parents.I'm Manager in my cousin's Wedding Studio.My best
drink everyday is lemon juice.I love Eminem and Linkin' Park,also enjoy with
trance-electro music sometimes.I speak English,some words in French,and
sure perfect with Vietnamese.My best traffic ever : Liberty (Piaggio)
I hate ''noob'',fakers,selfish guys especially liars. haha... u shoulda hated all players in gunrox, especcially me... ( Duper Super FaKer)
And 1 thing, I HATE VIETCONG.. >3#1 Enemy of every single Vietnamese person whoever live in USA.
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here is my in a trip to euorpe:
 u look like my older cousin! 😁
are u him? 😁
in which country are u in that pic
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u look like my older cousin! 😁
are u him? 😁
in which country are u in that pic im not him ^.^
in this photo im in italy i think, but could be hungary... its few days after the ozora festival so still on drugs lol can't recall where it was hehe
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its funny ☺
P.S: for Lover ☺ dour Russian guy =)
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My name is Mart, and I come from Barcelona, the most beautiful city of the world.
I have 1 girl and 1 boy (9 and 4 years). I have 34 O.oOo
I know I make a little bit old for this game.
As suspect you it, I like the FC Barcelona. wow, i thought u are little kid!!!!😕
anyway i think i will play this game even in +70,
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hi guys
hi guys my name is aboody (well its kinda weird name anyway)
am from Middle East
am funny and friendly guy😁 (but sometimes when someone be mean to me i get angry 😡 )
i love strategy games and tactic games and FPS games (first person shooter)
well dnt think am a lier but i can be trusted (no doubt about that☺ )
i love soccer but am not that good at soccer or football i play defense.
i love helping people 😉
and thats all i got sorry if my interducition was to long
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hi :)
hey all
this is a new account i was away long time so i think it was time to create a new account ☺
maybe some of you know me or maybe u dont either way here's a pic of one of my favorite weapon ☺(maybe u will see who i am xD) anyway good game to all and hope we met in a fight ☺