is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
Maximidma (33) team killing in mega. Plz PERMA ban
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This player Maximidma tries to at4 both my units (Obsydian lvl 37) to team kill me for zero reason. The screenshot shows he missed my other almost dead unit but he hit Gunjen (who died later on in the game as well because he teamkilled him at the end. Berserker, you need to perma ban these people. You failed to permaban SoSoXo lvl 50 after i showed you the screenshots. Instead you only banned him for 24 hours. Now everyone is starting to teamkill people because they know they wont get a perma-ban. You need to stop this nonsense and perma ban. Dont worry, all these addicts will be making a level 1 and start fake fighting their way back up to level 50 in 2-4 weeks so you wont lose playerbase. I want to see proper preventative measures against teamkilling in megas. Do your job because it won't be long before Russians launch nukes on Ukraine and everyone dies. Image provided below in the links: [img][/img]
Edited 5 minutes later by Cruentus.
Reason: correct screenshots.
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Dear Cruentus, your screen shot doesn't prove anything. I was just shooting at enemies, unfortunately I hit a player on my team accidentally. The entire Gunrox community knows that you just lie and curse other players. You were cursing the team the whole game. Here is a valid proof of banishment, not just any screenshot like yours:
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Maximidma accusing me for faking in mega when he have 0% prove or evidence because they are the real fakers here not me i can charge i dont need items n the containers
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Dear Cruentus, your screen shot doesn't prove anything. I was just shooting at enemies, unfortunately I hit a player on my team accidentally. The entire Gunrox community knows that you just lie and curse other players. You were cursing the team the whole game. Here is a valid proof of banishment, not just any screenshot like yours:
Dear retard,
Yes it does prove everything. My unit died and you hit our friendly player Gunjen as well. My other critically injured unit just missed out on dying, probably saved by your lousy dispersion. There is no way an enemy would be there behind the wood fence with us. As you can see, everyone on our team is behind the walls because the enemy is on the other side of the walls and aren't stupid enough to walk thru us and stand in the corner where you shot the rocket.
Please note where my white flag (obsydian) is located. It is at the maximum distance my Sig gun unit was shooting from when you killed him with a rocket. My other unit is in the redzone because on the previous turn, it walked thru the nearby gap to spot my flag so I could shoot twice with my sig. This explains the "why" of what we see in this picture if its hard to determine what unit just got hit and died in that screenshot.
We should also ask Gunjen who was there on our team because you ended up killing him too in the end. I didn't get the screenshot for that because i was busy making this post. People are already calling out your lies here and your video link is private. I didn't really talk to my team that much this game and i certainly didn't badmouth them as you are accusing me of doing. I started to badmouth you after you suddenly killed me out of the blue for absolutely no reason.
Here is another link to my screenshot which should maybe allow you to expand the size of the image, I noticed my image was small and there didn't appear to be any way to expand it:
Edited 6 minutes later by Cruentus.
Reason: clarity in explaination..
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I also messaged Bernardo who was online but afk. He will see my message saying that someone killed me in a mega and to come and have a look. About an hour later after the mega finished , I also messaged him with the link to this post. All this adds weight to my version of events. We just need Gunjen to come in and verify my story. I told him after the game that I was going to post the screenshots on the forums.
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maximidma always does and shoot teammates in megas , when game ends for loot , or even if the game going to be loss he will shoot teammates.
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Berserker will look post soon :)
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Berserker will look post soon :)
Whats taking him so long. He is having too much fun dropping home made grenades on Russian soldiers with a remote controlled drone?
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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