is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
new mod crazybee?
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Not act tough. I'm more than tough I'm crazy.
George trying to get involved in a conversation and act tough.. what a surprise🙄 Our beef is squashed, my friend. Just how you jumped in when I was arguing for Angel to defend him. Because he is a fellow European and your friend, I will jump in for derrick. I can't act what I am. I'm black how can I act black if I'm already black. Same goes with toughness.
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American = Race
Portuguese = Race
You are so stupid they are nationalities not races. How dare you insult my intelligence when you don't even know the difference between race and nationality. You have the low sheep IQ, my friend. Racism:"The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations." go search racism and tell me where it states colors. The way you talk you clearly represent the ignirant black community that says a black guy calling me white is ok but me calling him black is racism. Same goes for white guys acting different because they are black", color has NOTHING to do with racism, please go away already, stop multi posting and thinking this is your instagram where you can post and act like a thug behind your micro monitor and as a pathetic way of trying to elevate your ego, you sound like a derrick version2
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Racism:"The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations." go search racism and tell me where it states colors. The way you talk you clearly represent the ignirant black community that says a black guy calling me white is ok but me calling him black is racism. Same goes for white guys acting different because they are black", color has NOTHING to do with racism, please go away already, stop multi posting and thinking this is your instagram where you can post and act like a thug behind your micro monitor and as a pathetic way of trying to elevate your ego, you sound like a derrick version2 On Instagram I share memes, I share tips on real estate and the stock market. I speak on climate change and the shortage of clean drinking water that will occur in 2040. I'm in 2020 but my mind is in 2050. Don't think every black person shares photos with guns and drugs and says look I'm cool. No, you are a fucking disgrace. I motivate and uplight the young youth and my friends around me who are that stereotype you mentioned. I help them get jobs and just look out for them. Planning giving back after I graduate. I have no ego, people that are around me know I am a very humble and nice person but if you cross the line with me and push me. May God help you. God blessed with me with a boss mentality, intelligence, and a kind heart, but a terrible temper. It is a build-up towards it I don't lash out immediately. I refused a long time ago I wasn't going to be the stereotype, I wasn't going to be like the average black person. I may listen to rap. But, I love poetry, art, traveling, and expanding my vocabulary.
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Yes, derrick is not perfect.
Racism:"The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations." go search racism and tell me where it states colors. The way you talk you clearly represent the ignirant black community that says a black guy calling me white is ok but me calling him black is racism. Same goes for white guys acting different because they are black", color has NOTHING to do with racism, please go away already, stop multi posting and thinking this is your instagram where you can post and act like a thug behind your micro monitor and as a pathetic way of trying to elevate your ego, you sound like a derrick version2 The only reason I got inside of it because he insulted derrick about not being able to make a child, which I think is highly disrespectful. That is a insult you make when you are prepared to die. Which is why I called him a tough white boy behind a screen. I didn't mean to be racist and call him white. But it is normal in my country. We say white nigga, asian nigga, hispanic nigga, lightskin nigga and dark nigga. Everyone is a nigga. So don't think I'm racist if I say he's white.
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well this thread has lost its point
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am not surprised about nightcrawler's behavior,
he always acts like the guy from movies who get bullied while he been a kid then he rises and become BATMAN, all that living in his small room with his small brain who can only create fantasies..
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False ban. Read the rules that you posted crazybee
When i go to the fame games clearly i can see the matchups ☺ but you cant 😉 all you can see us the points you have no idea who was in the game because you're not in our clan. U banned neco for 72 hours for fake. When did he ever fake with his neco account????? Oh never??????? Then why this false fake ban for faking??? Dir pa dirrrrr. Anyways i can see who played in the matchups ☺ you didnt ban any of them!!!!! Keep punishing the wrong accounts. Great job dir pa dir pa dirrrrrrr
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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