is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
New rank in clan to prevent fake fame
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New rank in clan to prevent fake fame
Hi its Cruentus here,
Due to Berserker's lack of problem solving equating to him being unable to escape out of a paper bag, I have come up with a great idea to put a stop to these Brazillian clans like clan Tarquaril placing fake players into clans and then performing these 3v1 fake fames against the clan.
Create a new rank within the clan called "recruit". This recruit rank will disallow outpost attacks AND participation in fame. Clan leaders can now recruit someone and put them in the "recruit" probationary period to see how they go without the risk of them doing an immediate fake fame against the clan. The recruit rank will continue to contribute towards clan activity and clan aggression but at least stop the impact of fake fames to some extent.
What I would do is watch the recruit and see how many times they play with wins/losses over a week. Players with the intent of only playing fake fame will not play this account and after a week of inactivity I can safely kick the player for not truly wanting to be a part of my clan.
It should not be hard to program. Berserker made it so that grunts cannot attack outposts, make it so that recruits are flagged as neutral players in fame game setups so their games don't count as fame.
If this idea gets implemented then the bards will sing of how Cruentus defeated the evil Brazillian empire of fake Gunrox gaming for millenia to come.
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good idea
Hi its Cruentus here,
Due to Berserker's lack of problem solving equating to him being unable to escape out of a paper bag, I have come up with a great idea to put a stop to these Brazillian clans like clan Tarquaril placing fake players into clans and then performing these 3v1 fake fames against the clan.
Create a new rank within the clan called "recruit". This recruit rank will disallow outpost attacks AND participation in fame. Clan leaders can now recruit someone and put them in the "recruit" probationary period to see how they go without the risk of them doing an immediate fake fame against the clan. The recruit rank will continue to contribute towards clan activity and clan aggression but at least stop the impact of fake fames to some extent.
What I would do is watch the recruit and see how many times they play with wins/losses over a week. Players with the intent of only playing fake fame will not play this account and after a week of inactivity I can safely kick the player for not truly wanting to be a part of my clan.
It should not be hard to program. Berserker made it so that grunts cannot attack outposts, make it so that recruits are flagged as neutral players in fame game setups so their games don't count as fame.
If this idea gets implemented then the bards will sing of how Cruentus defeated the evil Brazillian empire of fake Gunrox gaming for millenia to come. Dont be racist, you must say:''If this idea gets implemented then the bards will sing of how Cruentus defeated the evil fakers empire of fake Gunrox gaming for millenia to come.
And good idea, maybe there are more ranks, and if ur in soldier first class, you can play fame than?
I hope berserker add it becuase most of the ideas speaked in forums never add :/
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Dont be racist, you must say:''If this idea gets implemented then the bards will sing of how Cruentus defeated the evil fakers empire of fake Gunrox gaming for millenia to come.
And good idea, maybe there are more ranks, and if ur in soldier first class, you can play fame than?
I hope berserker add it becuase most of the ideas speaked in forums never add :/ Don't even try to argue with this guy he belongs in a insane asylum.
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You are still mad after I had you silenced and banned for 48 hours for faking in a mega. Nobody wants to hear the opinions of a criminal. Go back to jail where you belong.
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be happy stinger
You are still mad after I had you silenced and banned for 48 hours for faking in a mega. Nobody wants to hear the opinions of a criminal. Go back to jail where you belong. Stinger won't back at jail 😉 , cuz I pay he's ensure 😁 😁 , be happy STINGER 😎
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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