is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
Player Ilusion quitting in random 1v1
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Player Ilusion quitting in random 1v1
Please ban this player, he threatened that he was going to run into the redzone and die because i was camping (which is a legitimate tactic because I use the terrain to my advantage - that is why it is called strategy kids!).
Anyway, he went ahead and did it and I caught him and killed one man and then he just quits. Mods, do your duty and ban this player called Ilusion because it is stated in the rules that you cannot run into the redzone and kill yourself in a 1v1 random game just because you are getting outplayed.
If this person wants to disrespect me with the things he said about me in game then I will show him how to be a cold blooded killer and kill his Gunrox career.
Good riddance Ilusion.Ilusion quits random 1v1.jpg
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Is it OK acoording rules to add players, adn kick them after outpost fight. I am not happy cruentus, you will not hav this chance again take MY outpost😡
BTW quitinq is not punisheble take it or leave it
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Voltron, what the hell are u talking about. I am talking about random games and how people run into the redzone and then quit when you find them because they couldn't have the redzone kill them.
Besides, I offered to negotiate some kind of alliance in relation to outposts but you and Ranger01 refused. Now you get to experience my dirty bag of tricks and how unpleasant it can be. I call that tactic the "minuteman tactic" - because I can get recruit an army enrolled in my clan within minutes.
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Please ban this player, he threatened that he was going to run into the redzone and die because i was camping (which is a legitimate tactic because I use the terrain to my advantage - that is why it is called strategy kids!).
Anyway, he went ahead and did it and I caught him and killed one man and then he just quits. Mods, do your duty and ban this player called Ilusion because it is stated in the rules that you cannot run into the redzone and kill yourself in a 1v1 random game just because you are getting outplayed.
If this person wants to disrespect me with the things he said about me in game then I will show him how to be a cold blooded killer and kill his Gunrox career.
Good riddance Ilusion. OMG ! Cruentus is 1 of the olders player in this game but he never use his brain coz he dont have ☺
about your stupid print : where am i ??? u know how to take a print screen ? any noob make that better then u
Yes, i dont respect u ! nobody in this game respect u and your big mouth
maybe i can take ban for 24 hours but for what ? your print screen is piteous
only for what u post here ? lol
try to use your brain next time !
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Ur kidding me?
Please ban this player, he threatened that he was going to run into the redzone and die because i was camping (which is a legitimate tactic because I use the terrain to my advantage - that is why it is called strategy kids!).
Anyway, he went ahead and did it and I caught him and killed one man and then he just quits. Mods, do your duty and ban this player called Ilusion because it is stated in the rules that you cannot run into the redzone and kill yourself in a 1v1 random game just because you are getting outplayed.
If this person wants to disrespect me with the things he said about me in game then I will show him how to be a cold blooded killer and kill his Gunrox career.
Good riddance Ilusion. 1. I have got more than 20 players, who quit when im going to win, but i never complain that...
CRUENTUS u are a high lv player, u got much experience!
Still got problems with these 'little' problems, makes you like a kid. (I dont want to disrespect u or something). And next time use your brain before to post these ennoying threads... ( i still not disrespect u, but sometimes..)
2. Why u use metal armor in lv35?
Me stupid 😁
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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