is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
Suggestion to breathe new life into Gunrox ''ADD BOTS/PVE'' (Read Berserker)
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Suggestion to breathe new life into Gunrox ''ADD BOTS/PVE'' (Read Berserker)
Good morning, good afternoon or good night.
First I would like to say hello to all the old players, those who have played with me or who knew me through my videos on youtube!
Berserker, visiting the game today, an idea came to me that would be good.
I think it would be a good idea to add bots/robots so that in these times of low population players who are faithfully logging into the game can have fun. Numerous games have ways to play against bots/robots. As well as being a great way to train our skills, we could spend the time until the gaming population is decently playable and it would also be financially profitable to help with game development and bring lots of old players back in addition to new players who fall from parachute. on gunrox they can also join parties, at least against bots/robots/pve.
Guys to my dear gamer friends who discuss this idea to give relevance to the post and Berserker see this idea.
PVE = Player Versus Enviroment.
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Good morning, good afternoon or good night.
First I would like to say hello to all the old players, those who have played with me or who knew me through my videos on youtube!
Berserker, visiting the game today, an idea came to me that would be good.
I think it would be a good idea to add bots/robots so that in these times of low population players who are faithfully logging into the game can have fun. Numerous games have ways to play against bots/robots. As well as being a great way to train our skills, we could spend the time until the gaming population is decently playable and it would also be financially profitable to help with game development and bring lots of old players back in addition to new players who fall from parachute. on gunrox they can also join parties, at least against bots/robots/pve.
Guys to my dear gamer friends who discuss this idea to give relevance to the post and Berserker see this idea.
PVE = Player Versus Enviroment. Up!!!! @Berserker
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We intend to add a simple AI that lower level players will be able to play against if there are no other similar level players online.
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We intend to add a simple AI that lower level players will be able to play against if there are no other similar level players online.
If the project is successful, you intend to add higher difficulty AI for high-level players?
Example: 1-10 easy AI
11-20 normal AI
21-40 hard AI
41-50 extreme AI
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If the project is successful, you intend to add higher difficulty AI for high-level players?
Example: 1-10 easy AI
11-20 normal AI
21-40 hard AI
41-50 extreme AI It’s a great idea, I even suggested it a few times. However, AI can be incredibly complex and simple AI for sophisticated movements will be redundant. Even if the work could be put into it, the difficulty levels would be like orchestrating a unique chess match each game. Expecting player movements with varying degrees of stats, weaponry, and ability’s -all the while compensating for action points, movable terrain (doors), angles through windows, and storing the players last known position.
I always spit-balled for simple AI that just tanks HP and moves in a series of predictable patterns on a map created for it. So less of an AI and more of that chess match being orchestrated and the same each time… with the exception of it wielding non-lootable arts and/or having different stats, or equipment
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AI is on our todo list but only simple AI for low levels (1-5) so new players will have someone to play with until they will learn the game a little bit. Serious AI that would be interesting to play with is too complex and expensive task which is unreasonable for such a small project.
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Berserker if you read my bio and as told im an programmer and specialized in AI programming aswell if you need help with this I am willing to help Andres and me made in the meanwhile peace.
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Berserker if you read my bio and as told im an programmer and specialized in AI programming aswell if you need help with this I am willing to help Andres and me made in the meanwhile peace. melvin is the perfect example of delusional corrupt child?
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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