is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
the end of Dark Alliance
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I thought a funny post needed funny music to go with it.
That was my only intent!
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A big ol' question mark
Dark age? Dark clans? What? Are we talking about gunrox or star wars? I mean seriously, clans is one thing, bad clans is another. Ranger's clan (or clans I guess) aren't bad and I do admit I used to just hate clans like toxicity, but really why does it matter that there was some dark age? And so what if you took it from darkness to brightness? Good for you guys for taking care of the outposts and stuff but no need to present it to the world of gunrox I mean seriously, if they wanna know they can just look at the map and notice that Voltron and Toxicity don't own all the outpost and say gleefully "HOORAY!" But, I must admit I agree with the dark age finishing or whatever, cupcake and saracin no longer own ALL of the outposts 24/7 365. Good job ranger and all that helped, but next time just don't post it on forum like that, it's almost like bragging... almost.
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Ranger01 clan is in top taking all outpost so why not brag?\
we all know 1 clan rise another will fall
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that was all?
You come take some of our outpost for about 4 - 5 days and says the toxy is over?
winning a battle does not mean you won a war.
we holding these outpost for like 7 - 8 months, so your 5 days is like a glass of water in the ocean.
and after everything, toxycity back and owning the same outpost as before, and C2A (without the outlwas help) cant do much.
if u think that C2a will be in history of gunrox becoz took some outpost for a shorty time, well you are wrong.
C2A, had ups and downs over time, looks like this was the apex in the history of C2A and now is down again. That difference,you can not stay on top.
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hello there
u guys forgot me i was the best outpost keeper
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that was all?
You come take some of our outpost for about 4 - 5 days and says the toxy is over?
winning a battle does not mean you won a war.
we holding these outpost for like 7 - 8 months, so your 5 days is like a glass of water in the ocean.
and after everything, toxycity back and owning the same outpost as before, and C2A (without the outlwas help) cant do much.
if u think that C2a will be in history of gunrox becoz took some outpost for a shorty time, well you are wrong.
C2A, had ups and downs over time, looks like this was the apex in the history of C2A and now is down again. That difference,you can not stay on top. If ou think we woke up 4 am in morning to take your outposts you are wrong. We just do it when hold outpost like 27 times😁
And outpost ranking show all - again you are second
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If ou think we woke up 4 am in morning to take your outposts you are wrong. I think you woke up 4 am in the morning to give many arts to ous ☺
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GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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