GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Ammunition Boxes - Better Rewards from Random Battles!

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We have been thinking for a long time how to give better rewards for battles, but prevent farming while solving the equipment problem. Here is what we have come up with: Ammunition Boxes!
Since current update you will get ammunition boxes instead Enkord Cash, but the value of items would be 4x of Enkord Cash you received before the update.
Roughly half of that items are guaranteed to be usable by your units. Another half of items are guaranteed to be usable at your level, so you can trade that with players of your level or recycle it (no level 1 junk if you are level 50).
Boxes cannot be transfered so it not as lucrative to farm them to give to someone else.
Finally 1000E on new level 1 player is converted into boxes equivalent too to prevent farming of market tickets for recycle. Items from starting boxes bring very little recycle points.
3 years ago Quote
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Dont need more mods, most of them are bipolar players so please do not make anyone else a mod. Focus on things that will revive the game and please do not listen to RCA, the guy only buys accounts. Amaze us with more updates and dont let us down by hearing dumb ideas
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

Dont need more mods, most of them are bipolar players so please do not make anyone else a mod. Focus on things that will revive the game and please do not listen to RCA, the guy only buys accounts. Amaze us with more updates and dont let us down by hearing dumb ideas

the sincerest comment the forum has ever seen
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Let's be honest right now we don't need more moderators because the community is very small.
Besides that, we are selfish with new users because no one was playing level 1 anymore.
We only enter gunrox and play among the high level acquaintances and we do not worry about new players when they have to learn to play because so far I have not seen anyone giving a good tutorial on how to play well, increase good skills, save ap, Critical Odds, Fields of View, Mine Damage, Mine Range, Powerful Combinations, and many more things to do in Gunrox
The new players play against the more experienced and oh surprise they end up losing again and again being naked, what happens? they get bored and leave.
They look for a tutorial to win in Gunrox and they do not find one that is attractive and didactic enough, they only find videos of the players with background music and in the end they play again, they lose and leave.
We know that Enkord is working to bring new updates but that will not attract new players and it will not revive the game either. What he can do is that he will recover some players who find out.
Because the game still doesn't have a solid good user experience yet
because they stagnate for a long time and get little experience and there is no reason to keep entering therefore there is an absence of players
Daily prizes that increase for each day of the week. (could be enkord, experience, or both).
On the seventh day there might be a surprise box that provides a random art or clothing.
This will help the starting player to focus on reaching the seventh day to get the surprise box and be able to customize his character little by little and he would play over the course, apart from being able to arm himself with the daily reward.
Once the game is announced with a good publicity that sells experiences there will be new players and they will fight each other
Who would not like to see this type of advertising?
Are you good at strategy games?
Let us check it out!
Enter now, get unique weapons and show us how skilled you can be in clan battle.
image of the characters and respective clans + JOIN NOW
New players might have personal non-tradeable rare weapons that would increase their chance of winning in their first few games, giving them the satisfaction of being good at the game and wanting to keep playing.
Gunrox does not have a visible community and the forum is practically not used by multiple players.
FAN PAGE so that new players can see the existence of a great community and get familiar with it.
If people like something, it is to belong to a group or to be accepted by a fun community.
Of course, Fan pages need Administrators, advertisers, moderators, community manager, analysts and editors. But to start with, a social network like Facebook is enough.
How do we reduce rookies in games and increase interest from new players?
Quick tutorials on YouTube where they show the different maps and the other players that exist in the game.
Not just Gunrox game with background music
We can't reset after level 6
An annual event where you can reset your 3 units at the cost of 3000 Enkord one day per year.
This would help players to be more active in collecting Enkord and several recharge 3000 enkord that day.
I bet several will be reset more than once on multiple accounts.
Games tend to last too long in 1 vs 1
Add a '' QUICK PLAY '' mode
Where the red zone goes twice as fast or increases by the minute.
They can also make the characters walk and act faster as if they were using the Cheat Engine.
This will help make games faster and users can move up from lvl faster.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

Dont need more mods, most of them are bipolar players so please do not make anyone else a mod. Focus on things that will revive the game and please do not listen to RCA, the guy only buys accounts. Amaze us with more updates and dont let us down by hearing dumb ideas

llevo mucho tiempo en ese juego y la verdad de nada me sirve siempre estar en el top de actividad si ahora ya no tengo E, en ocasiones contaba con el E obtenido en las juegos para comprar cosas útiles, ahora lo único que tengo en mi almacén con puras balas y cosas que no puedo ocupar porque no me ayudan de nada...
algo interesante es que gastar unos 1000E (exagerando) y ganaba la misma cantidad (Aproximadamente), y ahora es incluible que en 2 dias con esta nueva actualización gaste mas de 4000E y sin ninguna remuneración alguna... poco EXP, en los cagas de 100E o 350E solo dan cosas basura de las cuales solo ocupo las balas y de vez en cuando un arma
yo siempre e estado constante en el juego... pero ahora con esta actualización me dan ganas de hasta dejar el juego... porque aunque sea jugabas sin armas y si perdías mínimo tenas un remuneración de 10E mínimo para comprar las balas que te hacían falta... ahora no... tuve que ganar 3 juegos sin armas para que en la caga sorpresa me dieran las balas que necesitaba
creo que es una de las peores actualizaciones que han echo
y me baso en el argumento en el que desde lvl18 hasta lvl 30 con los que e jugado saben que soy buen jugador.. y las ultimas 5 semanas e estado en el top... asi que si yo que soy constante en este juego... imagínense que pensaran los que solo estan para pasar el rato
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Today I have tweaked contents of the small box, should be a little bit better.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Today I have tweaked contents of the small box, should be a little bit better.

( tickets coins keys premium ammo 40mm 40skill guns upgrade parts)
no more cash from random
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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#SnoopyForMod and #CherryForMod

Today I have tweaked contents of the small box, should be a little bit better.

Yes it is, thankyou Berserker! But I also agree with Katanga when he say "more rewards does not mean enkord will get less money". Keep helping us to play more armed in this game and we will keep playing and there is aways those who charge, expecially to obtain arts and cosmetic. There are games like Rogue Company and Overwatch that live just by the money of skins and other cosmetic items, on gunrox you have arts, which will keep the money flow.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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lvl 50 waste around 500e items per game, even in winning case, in most of games, the E gained from randoms was around 160e, which doesnt even cover the cash lost? no problem,
now, instead of cash, i get a package worth 100e containing hatchets, sig, and few ammo,
it could make a BIT of sense if the player could select the items, but it just gives a bunch of items that the player dont even use,
how is that gonna help people get items smoothly?
this has became a lose-lose situation whenever ur lvl is higher and items cost more cash...
Edited 7 minutes later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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lvl 50 waste around 500e items per game, even in winning case, in most of games, the E gained from randoms was around 160e, which doesnt even cover the cash lost? no problem,
now, instead of cash, i get a package worth 100e containing hatchets, sig, and few ammo,

For games where you got 160E, now you get two medium boxes with items worth 350E each, getting items worth 700E total
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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For games where you got 160E, now you get two medium boxes with items worth 350E each, getting items worth 700E total

let me correct you, LOW LVL ITEMS WHICH I DONT USE worth 700e,
Edited 4 minutes later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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For games where you got 160E, now you get two medium boxes with items worth 350E each, getting items worth 700E total

if we are talking about level 50.. its bad because you are mostly using weapons level 50 like grinder, laser, big gun, dynamite etc... and you cant get it in the ammunition boxes thats really bad so that means you must charge to buy items lvl 50 or you must trade them with other players which is really hard since there are so low players going on...
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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let me correct you, LOW LVL ITEMS WHICH I DONT USE worth 700e,

Bruh u actually crying about this ???
This update is amazing ! cleary u were not here back in 2010 where u didnt even get ecash from random..
Stop trying to get everything for free and be blessed by having this udpate..
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Bruh u actually crying about this ???

i mean i ain’t gonna lie but he has a point, what’s the point of getting bunch of stuff that i don’t even use, bers said 50% of the items will be usable but that barely happens honestly, like im not here to hate on the game but it’s just what i am seeing, perhaps this packages in 50s needs more tweaking, it’s either that or non-casher lvl 50 players will disappear
i personally don’t care since i just charge 10k whenever i feel like playing
Edited 4 minutes later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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i mean i ain’t gonna lie but he has a point, what’s the point of getting bunch of stuff that i don’t even use, bers said 50% of the items will be usable but that barely happens honestly, like im not here to hate on the game but it’s just what i am seeing, perhaps this packages in 50s needs more tweaking, it’s either that or non-casher lvl 50 players will disappear
i personally don’t care since i just charge 10k whenever i feel like playing

non casher lvl 50 ? ? ?
how did someone get to lvl 50 without cash , impossible..
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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non casher lvl 50 ? ? ?
how did someone get to lvl 50 without cash , impossible..

your posts are too stupid that i really dont know how to answer you...
berserker recently claims that the game will target ALSO the non-cashers players, broke players.... whatever u call them, to help them gain items easily and smoothly,
but this so-called update is pushing everyone to charge to be able to continue playing,
enkord is just teasing the players with updates which contradict what they claim,
now players will prefer staying in random and NOT PLAYING to gain cash instead of playing,
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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i mean i ain’t gonna lie but he has a point, what’s the point of getting bunch of stuff that i don’t even use, bers said 50% of the items will be usable but that barely happens honestly, like im not here to hate on the game but it’s just what i am seeing, perhaps this packages in 50s needs more tweaking, it’s either that or non-casher lvl 50 players will disappear
i personally don’t care since i just charge 10k whenever i feel like playing

Instead of this whining, how about getting constructive and posting screenshot of box contents together with screenshot of your unit skills to see if there is 50% or not.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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now players will prefer staying in random and NOT PLAYING to gain cash instead of playing,

Wtf LOL... If you click random you will get a game so you will be playing..

My man let the big boys talk and those who have been here since start give feedbacks.
Cheers Mate
Edited 11 minutes later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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# help me bers ..

Instead of this whining, how about getting constructive and posting screenshot of box contents together with screenshot of your unit skills to see if there is 50% or not.
overload inventory !!
Edited 10 minutes later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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overload inventory !!

If only all items inside boxes was based on your skill/perks set of weapon types. I dont use sniper and get soo many of them.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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1) Overloaded from crate items prevent you from trading. The only solution now is, recycle down to their inventory size to be able to trade.
2) Item crates provide too many items that are either cannot be used or levels under your level. 50% can be used but... (Ex: 40-80 skills, crates vs 100 skills, normal).
3) No players to trade items with, therefore, most of the items from the crates are recycled. The 100E crates are not useful to high levels and the 350E crates are rarely rewarded.
4) Randoms are less rewarding, in terms of cost and exp.
- Can't compensate ammo and items you used, the crates don't always provide you the ammo you need. > You need to buy with E
- With inconsistent items from crates and no E from random. It's wiser to use weapons that use 9mm or 7.62, which can be found easily, other than grenades or rockets.
- Hence, most players are only here for mega. You're losing items either way, might as well get the most out of it. This is the difference of a few hundred exp to a few thousand exp.
5) If I recall correctly, naked/loser doesn't get crates at all. It already defeats the purpose to help non-cashers. Basically naked stay naked unless you charge.
Lastly, personal opinion. The focus should be more on new/low-level players. Everyone is playing mega levels 20+, they want to join too...but they can't because they will never reach these levels with the lack of exp and players in random. Mega is literally the only place to get REAL exp.
I'm pretty sure most E spent/charged is on/for mega nowadays. Everyone is buying rockets (every other player has rocket launchers if not all), buying resets for mega to try new builds, etc.
Instead of removing E from random completely, maybe set a limit on how much you can earn per 24 hours.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him