GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 18-Jan-2010 - Death Knight + anonymous abort votes

1 2

- New VIP outfit added - Death Knight's Plate Mail
- Votes for game aborts are now anonymous - other players cannot see if you voted or not.
- Legendary artifacts now do not require Dr. Minigun or Dr. Explosive perks.
- Added option to disable notification to abort created games
- Milkor's maximum damage reduced slightly
- Added more features for admins to detect changes of account owner
Edited 5 hours, 34 minutes later by . Reason: Grammar and Spelling fixes.
15 years ago Quote
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Hmm but can you see if somebody wants a abort?
Yesterday i play a mega with a disc player at other team, nobody wants abort so i never got the idea to help the other team with aborting. At end they tell us we dont want abort the match and i was surprised.
Is that possible?
If yes so maybe you can make a new information of players who wants a abort. Maybe:
1 player want abort
5 player want abort
or something like that.

Yes, i think we played same game - shura disconnected early game and i got a feeling that everybody try to tell u they already did and want to abort but oviously didnt. I like Knuts idea, we need some information about votes.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Probably because you have female account.

comming soon femme vip ofit ?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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I want to play again
Bers im still lurking just waiting for you to stop doing this to your player base. Just give us resets please ☺
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

Yes, i think we played same game - shura disconnected early game and i got a feeling that everybody try to tell u they already did and want to abort but oviously didnt. I like Knuts idea, we need some information about votes.

We made it anonymous so noone is forced to abort when they dont want to. Each player must decide on his own if the game is worth to be aborted or now, without being forced.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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That's why we made it that way. Now you can abort only if 100% of people agreee. Back in the days most of them were forced to abort due to being scared that noone will play with them again.

but that's the point... If 1 team is winning and someone dc from game in there team it won't be fair if someone won't abort... And if you know who it is you can at least add him on ignor list! Anotheroption is just to say the names of players who were not ready to abort after game
Edited 2 minutes later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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I'd like to see a change whereby if 75%+ of *each* team requests abort, the game is aborted.
I was recently in a mega where the highest level player of the other team left the computer *without* disconnecting or quitting, the 9 remaining players agreed to abort and eventually all disconnected, but nothing could be done within the game rules to abort the battle. This apparently resulted in some unpleasantness that i wont go into here (i also didnt stick around to see the aftermath) and this change could prevent such things from happening again.
I know that this wont help in matches of 3x3 or smaller, but there's generally less at stake in those battles anyway.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Update 18-Jan-2010 - Death Knight + anônimo os votos de abortar
- Novo equipamento adicionado VIP - Placa Death Knight's Mail
- Votos para o jogo abortar são anónimos - outros jogadores, nao poderam ver se você votou ou não.
- Artefatos agora Legendary não exigem Dr. ou Minigun Regalias Dr. Explosivo.
- Adicionada opção para desactivar uma notificação para abortar jogos criados
- Dano máximo Milkor é ligeiramente reduzida
- Adicionado mais recursos para administradores para detectarem alterações da conta do proprietário
Edited 4 hours, 27 minutes later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Aktualizacja 18-Jan-2010 - Death Knight + anonimowe anulowanie gry
- dodano nowe ubranie VIP - zbroja Death Knight'a
- głosowanie na abort jest teraz anonimowe, inni gracze nie mogą widziec oddanych głosów
- artefakty legendarne nie wymagaja teraz perków Dr. Minigun i Dr. Explosive.
- Zredukowano maksymalne obrażenia dla broni Milkor
- Dodano więcej opcji dla adminów celem ustalenia zmian na kontach uzytkowników
Edited 1 hour, 3 minutes later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Deutsche News
- Neue VIP-Outfit: Rüstung des Todesritter
- Stimmen zum Spielabbruch sind nun anonym - andere Spieler können nicht sehen ob man dafür votet oder nicht.
- Legendäre Artefakte verlangen nicht mehr die Perks Minigun oder Dr. Explosive.
- Neue Option zum Deaktivieren der Meldungen über Spieleabbruch
- Milkor's Maximalschaden wurde geringfügig verringert
- Neue Features für Administratoren, um Änderungen der Benutzerkonten zu erkennen
Edited 1 week, 3 days later by .
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote

1 2

Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him