GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Q: How can I see planted mines?

A: You should have 10 skills more than the player who planted it. There is also a perk that will allow to neglect that 10 skills more requirement.
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: How can I get more experience to level up?
A: There is 1 simple rule about experience - how much damage you done (and less damage take), the greatest will be your reward in experience points. You can boost your experience rate by fighting with equipment (150% experience from fight) also you can buy "Double Experience" feature from Cash Shop. Fighting players of higher level than you are, playing uneven matches (2 vs 3, etc), making more kills affect experience as well. There are also some medal awards that give experience points.
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: Can I trust another player who said he will fight naked (no equipment) against me?
A: No, some players exploit this and will lie about it to get an easy win, you can try this only betwen your friends who you can trust. Anyway naked fight won't bring you much experience.
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: What is Weapon Accuracy? I've never seen a weapon miss in this game, so I'm guessing it's just a translation error?
A: Each weapon has a probability of scoring either a hit for the normal damage rate and a rate for "missing" and doing much less damage. For example, almost all weapons have a 95% accuracy rate at close range (right in your face e.g.). So that means 95 in 100 attacks will do normal damage while the other five will do much, much less damage. Raising your units' skill in each weapon area will increase accuracy for all weapons in that class!
Please note that grenades (and the launchers) have "Dispersion". Grenades don't really have accuracy... but Dispersion is how we do accuracy here. For grenades' "accuracy", Dispersion is the number of cells that the grenade can go off-line in an #-cell radius. Raising the proper skills will eventually lower Dispersion!
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: I got hit by an enemy but I don't see them, he's hacking... right?
A: Not at all! There are a few things that may have happened. One of the most common reasons for this is that you got spotted by a sniper with his scope OR by someone with binoculars and then got hit with a sniper. Binoculars reveal a 6 cell diameter from the target cell at the cost of 6 AP (doesn't work through walls) and the scope reveals a 2 cell diameter at the cost of 4 AP (also doesn't work through walls). A second thing that may have happened is a little tougher to pull. One of your opponent's units is juuuust outside of your vision range, but can attack because another unit has your unit in HIS vision, so he can attack with help from other unit. Another hint - everything what stops vision, also stops grenades.
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: My unit is being attacked from the other side of a WALL... what is going on?
A: Here's another case of being on the wrong end of an exploit. One involves explosives. Walls of all types currently cannot stop explosions from passing through, but stops everything else. The other case involves the wooden fencing in the Junkyard map. The wood only stops vision and movement, but not bullets!!
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: My landmine blew up for no reason! Was it a dud?
A: No! Landmines are never duds. There are a few occasions that causes them to go off unexpectedly. All landmines are motion-sensitive. Landmines can also set off other landmines in a spectacular chain-reaction! Also, anything explosive can set them off (grenades, rocket launchers...)!
Another cases of mine detonation:
1. When you stand right on your mine and someone shot/hit you
2. When mine was placed in a door and you close that door.
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: When using the grenade launcher attachment to the AK47, what skill does it use, if any?
A: It uses Rocket Launcher skill but that skill affects only minimum range and dispersion of rocket launcher attachments and does no impact on damage done.
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: How does Stun work?

A: Stun takes away the unit AP (action points). If you Stun a unit 50%, he will only have 50% of his total AP in the next turn. The stun percentage drops each turn, and MP (movement points), are consumed first.
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: Will there be an option to remove weapon attachments?

A: No, we do not have plans to allow attachments removal.
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15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: Can I get from skill only 1 secondary weapon on start?

A: You can start with 1 primary weapon if have enough skill to have it, if you have same skill of two primary weapons you will get on start one of them randomly), and ANY number of secondary weapons.
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: Is there any match time limit?
A: No, instead of time, comes Red Zone which shortens and intensifies the battles. There is only one game type where time limitation is predefined by moderators, and that is tournament matches.
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: My teammate killed the last enemy unit, but the game didn't end, why?

A: You need to end your turn for the game to finish.
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15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: When I play equipped, I can see "all your units equipped, +150% bonus" so does that mean I will get 250% exp? or should it be 150% xp (+50% xp bonus)?
A: You will get 250%.
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: Can I split ammo packs?
A: No, you can only stack ammo packs.
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15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: Are there Mastery Perks for Machine Guns and Rocket Launchers?

A: Yes, these are available at higher levels.
Machine Guns
Level 25: Machine Gun Mastery: +2 skills in Machine Guns
Level 25: Bullet Hell: Raises Machine Guns accuracy to 100% even when blinded.
Level 35: Terminator: Machine Gun critical chance +5%
Rocket Launchers
Level 35: Rocket Launcher Mastery: +2 skills in Rocket Launchers
Level 40: Weapons of Mass Destruction: Long-range Rocket Launchers gain +1 range
-20 weight
Level 45: Weapons of Mass Destruction: Long-range Rocket Launchers gain +1 range
-20 weight
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: Why are guns' attrition in naked games so low?
A: Because you are not supposed to have full-attrition equipment when starting naked. Starting weapons are meant to provide you with temporary combat which means until you find better weapon on the battlefield.
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: How exactly the game mechanics work on clan rankings, control of location, clan experience? What all affect them and how much ?
A: Clan experience is just like normal experience but aggregated by all clan members.
Clan rank is like experience but gained on specific location and it is different for each location. When you battle on that location clan rank for that location it will grow. If you rank on that location is biggest, you control that location. Clan rank is dropped each day at specific percentage so you have to battle all the time to stay on top. When your clan joins new member, it's rank on all locations will drop at 20%.
Position of the clan in top list is calculated as sum of clan rank on all locations + bonus for controlling locations if any.
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: How do players have 14 AP on a unit?
A: You can acquire more AP (action points) by unlocking new perks as you level up. This only one of the examples: If you have Submachine Gun Mastery x5 and Submachine Gun skill x30, you can pick perk called "More Action!", which gives +1 more AP. At Submachine Gun Mastery x10 and Submachine Gun skill x50 you can pick a similar perk called "Even Moar Action" and he also give you +1 more AP, so overaly from this two special perks you get +2AP to your 12AP and overal you will have 14AP.
Edited 2 years later by .
15 years ago
15 years ago
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Q: How can i play an team match and something diffrent then just an deathmatch on 1vs1 ?
A: You will have to reach minimum level 3 to move on other location where is allowed to play team games.
15 years ago
15 years ago

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him